Monday, May 04, 2009
, 11:38 PM
Fat Fat passed away too 6 days after Jeet Jeet. His was very sudden. He was climbing everywhere and kept eating and eating the entire day. And he kept climbing up to the 2nd storey and kept looking up at the ceiling, no idea what he was looking at. He seemed totally fine, which caught us off guard when we found him lying on his side (like Jeet Jeet), and his breathing was irregular. Even saying it was very sudden sounds like an understatement. We didn't even have time to rush him to the vet, I don't know how to explain it but just observing Fat Fat's breathing... you just know his time was gonna be up. So, we laid a 'blanket' over his body to keep him warm (the previous experience kinda helped us, we weren't so lost), and stroked his body.
This was the first time I witnessed an animal (any living thing, for that matter) dying, you know the process from dying to dead? It was... I can't even explain how it feels, I guess it made me feel empty. I don't know if empty is the right word for it, but it's the closest. Fat fat was struggling to breathe (we fed him Jeet Jeet's breathing medication hoping to make him feel better, one desperate attempt), it's like you can see his body twitch and his feet were crossed. Pained our hearts to see him that way, and all we could do were to hold back sobs and tell him to let go and be with Jeet Jeet. Seconds later, Fat Fat breathed his last. Unlike Jeet Jeet whose eyes were closed, Fat Fat's eyes were open, carried him and closed his eyes. I don't know if this is to make ourselves feel better, but we want to think that Fat fat was probably looking at Jeet Jeet on his deathbed? Cause' his eyes... his eyes were like smiling?
Carried him into his box. It was pretty ironic cause' there was "I survived the journey" written on the lid of the box. Put in kinderjoy toys, our letters, a cutout of a Liverpool jersey, Torres, a soccer ball, one Tiger Beer logo, a Plasma TV and a game console. On hindsight, we should have looked for a Carlsberg logo instead. So now Jeet Jeet and Fat Fat can play soccer in Yishun Park, drink Tiger, watch Liverpool matches and play video games in Happyland. It was comforting to think that way, it didn't take away the pain but it could at least numb it. We buried Fat Fat next to Jeet Jeet, and Fat Fat's position was just so that they were facing each other. Coincidence? This time, we were better equipped to dig Fat Fat's resting place, we brought along cutlery, we had a hard time digging with the flat thingy that you scoop up Pizzas with. Pizza spade? It really felt good to know they were with each other. :,)
Went to visit them in Yishun Park once in awhile. And yes, we do miss the creaky wheel at odd hours in the morning, their little cute beady eyes peering at us. And Fat Fat for standing and walking on two legs, I think he picked that up by observing us. I miss Jeet Jeet's cheeky and mischievous face, I miss Fat Fat's gong gong and innocent face. I miss the old times when Jeet Jeet would make the crazily cute "jeet" sound (now you know why he's called Jeet Jeet) whenever Fat Fat ventured near him or touched him, and Jeet Jeet would sorta 'slap' Fat Fat away. I miss the life the brought to us and our home. They may be small, but they left a huge impact. Cliche? Probably. But nonetheless, true.
I know some of you already know this, Liverpool FC's really coming to Singapore in July! Gonna head down to the Official Liverpool Fanclub here to sign up for membership, only members are eligible for the 'exclusive' tickets, cause' they'll release sales for membersfirst from now till May 19th then the rest will be open for public sales come July. And there's another thing I'm excited about, the fan club's looking for volunteers to help out in the events! OMFG! So, if you're a Liverpool fan and happen to be reading my blog who also happens to be in Singapore, what're you waiting for? Go to for more details! Applicants need to write in less than a thousand words and include your particulars.
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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