Saturday, April 18, 2009
, 5:19 PM
In loving memory, Jeet Jeet. 18th April '09.
This is the story of our brave fighter, Jeet Jeet.

17th April 2009.
Mum woke us up pretty early in the morning yesterday, she told us worriedly that Jeet Jeet "wasn't moving". My mind went blank when she said that, Jeet Jeet was still fine last evening. Bolted out of the room, thankfully he twitched a bit and crawled out of his pot gingerly. That was the moment when we knew something was wrong. His face has swelled double its original size, Mum was saying it probably ruffled his fur in his pot. You can't imagine how much we wanted to believe that, to delude ourselves that everything was okay. It wasn't. We discovered a bulge at his chin area, it grew a little more in the day while waiting to meet up with Nut to get to the vet. It felt like the longest day of my life, to say the least. We kept wailing and talking to Jeet Jeet, kept telling him 'don't go'. Tuned in to Ch 8 cause' they were showing some Cantonese opera and the music kinda helped Jeet Jeet to sleep, he can barely open his eyes and were stumbling around, our hearts died.
Took a bus and walked to the AAVC at Yishun block 716 after a recommendation for a vet. Finally reached the vet, it looked like our the clincs us human beings go to when we fall sick. We had to fill in our particulars, and we had to put in Jeet Jeet's name. The doctor called Jeet Jeet's name when it was his turn, he pronounced 'Jeet Jeet' funny. The vet's name is Dr Kenneth Tong, we really have to thank him and his staff at the AAVC. He didn't just make Jeet Jeet feel better, he made us feel a whole lot better too. Before our visit to the vet, we were crying like there's no tomorrow, we were so relieved when Dr Kenneth told us there's no pain, only discomfort. Jeet Jeet had multiple organ failure in the lungs, kidneys and liver, which resulted in accumulation of excess fluids in his lungs, and that excess fluid collected at his chin area due to gravity as an 'abscess'. It was really cute how Dr Kenneth interacted with Jeet Jeet. When he first opened our bag to carry Jeet Jeet out, he went "Not good, your hamster is not in a good condition", then as if to prove him wrong, you know what Jeet Jeet did? He actually tried to run his wheel in front of Dr Kenneth, he went "Wah you actually try to exercise!". That was when I could not hold it back anymore and cried, that little fella is one helluva fighter for a hamster. He checked Jeet Jeet and told us he's a very old hamster, 2+ years old, in human years, that'd be 100+ years old, and he told Jeet Jeet he's a great-grandfather and even called Jeet Jeet "handsome". He told us we'd done a very good job as owners, having Jeet Jeet live to a ripe, old age. When Dr Kenneth carried Jeet Jeet to the weighing machine, Jeet Jeet tried to stand up. Jeet Jeet has always been a character around the house, very mischievous and cheeky too! he'll climb up and kaypoh at us when we're chatting among ourselves, and when I was magic-cleaning. He's not one who likes or accepts failure, I guess he really is a Singaporean hamster, kiasu. I remembered how we praised Fat Fat for being able to walk on two legs, then Jeet Jeet also followed suit, as if to say "I can do what he can do too". Yes, Jeet Jeet has and always will be a fighter. And then it hit us, Dr Kenneth gave Jeet Jeet days to live, and even that was an optimistic estimate.
The doctor didn't suggest us to put him to sleep as it would be a painful process for aged hamsters, and prescribed 2 medication, one for easier breathing and another to take away the excess fluid, and we brought him back home. Accompanied and talked to him, gave him mashed carrots and water (he had signs of dehydration), fed him medicine. Jeet Jeet had to take a rest every 2 steps he take. Our hearts were dying just seeing Jeet Jeet struggle up his favorite wheel, I'm so used to the sound of that creaky wheel in the morning.
18th April '09.
Mum called us up in the morning yet again, and told us the exact same thing as yesterday, Jeet Jeet "wasn't moving". I was thinking to myself, no way, it's probably another false alarm like yesterday's. I guess deep down I'd prepared for the worst, but just didn't have enough courage to face it. We found Jeet Jeet lying in a foetal position just in front of his wheel, in a peaceful manner. He passed on to the other side in his sleep. Sadness, definitely but there was also relief that he's free from illness. Carried Jeet Jeet into a box and we wrote our letters to him, 2 kinderjoy toys placed beside him, his favorite orange pot, cut-outs of Steven Gerrard, a Liverpool jersey and a Liverpool crest on his blanket. While waiting for the lift, we looked at Jeet Jeet sleeping face for 'one last time'. The soil at the bottom of our flat was just too hard and compacted, and we decided to go to Yishun Park. Lost count of the number of 'one last time's on our way there. We tried looking around for a good place to lay him to rest, and finally decided the spot just below a tree, behind a tool shed. Filled some water in a bottle and started work. Took a final look at Jeet Jeet, whispered goodbye to him, and how much we love him and miss him.

Came back home and it was just weird to say the least, seeing the empty spot where Jeet Jeet's cage used to be. No more creaky wheel in the mornings, no more kay-pohing... Fat Fat was emoing at a corner, the same corner as where he had been in the morning. I guess Fat Fat knows... tried to cheer him up, got him his treats and played with him, he finally got better when we let him play with a gardening glove, Fat Fat likes anything that looks like a hand, he was chasing the glove around. Really hope Fat Fat feels better soon, for us and for Jeet Jeet.
Jeet Jeet wasn't just any pet, he'd battled balding, mites, lizard (that time when we left the cage open), a tumor, and finally passed on at a ripe, old age. Jeet Jeet, zeh zeh wants to tell you how brave you've always been, you're our pride and joy, you've left an indelible mark in our hearts and memories, our hearts will always be with you. You'll never walk alone.
*Update: Mum just won the lottery, she bought Jeet Jeet's number, 18 (18th April) and the year ('09). The other time Jeet Jeet helped Mum with the lottery was when Mum had the silly idea to get Jeet Jeet and Fat Fat to pick lots. I guess Jeet Jeet is watching over us. Jeet if you can hear us, we miss you...
You are my Jeet Jeet, my only Jeet Jeet
you make me happy when skies are grey
you'll never know dear how much I love you
please don't take my Jeet Jeet away
The other night dear as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
when I awoke dear I was mistaken
and I held my head and cried
You are my Jeet Jeet, my only Jeet Jeet
you make me happy when skies are grey
you'll never know dear how much I love you
please don't take my Jeet Jeet away
You are my Jeet Jeet, my only Jeet Jeet
you make me happy when skies are grey
you'll never know dear how much I love you
Please don't take my Jeet Jeet away
Please don't take my Jeet Jeet away
Please don't take my Jeet Jeete away
Please don't take my Jeet Jeet away