Friday, February 20, 2009
, 9:59 PM
Hello fellas! Yep next week's the highly anticipated RECESS WEEK! And to kick off the pre-recess week celebrations, Smelly's here to recommend you guys to a new (very yum yum) snack! Hmm let's see... it's called Buta (Japanese for "pig") Milk Choco Snack by Kabaya. Got it from this little Japanese snacks shop right beside Ishimura in the revamped North Point (extension). It's selling at $2 per cup, I know it's a little on the pricey side, but hey I think it's well worth the price for "happiness in a cup". Hahaha the corniness~ (Q _ Q)
This snack's HIGHLY addictive! It's really teeny weeny, so you'd not even realise you've popped like a dozen of these babies within a minute (or maybe that's just me). You wouldn't really take in the taste until you really chew and work it around your mouth, then the milky chocolatey taste starts to kick in, it melts into your mouth nicely (not too soon s o you can still feel its texture, it's a rounded wafer biscuit half covered with yummy milk chocolate with a really cute pig motif on it). It's really good and an added bonus's its packaging! I can't even bear to throw away the cup! D:
Grab one of these babies and you'll be hankering for more! =D
  Gluttony. Guilty as charged.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
, 1:51 PM

Going to the Z o o next Sunday! Can't wait!
Have decided to pack P o p i a h (uncut) and O n i g i r i.
:D L o v e me Zoo animals! Gonna visit all the animals and watch all the animal shows!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
, 3:24 PM
Popped by to visit my Grandpa yesterday (My mum's taking my aunt's shift now that she went to the Land of Oz to help my cousin settle down and with his Uni and apartment stuff for 2 weeks). I think he's the C U T E S T grandpa one can ever have in this planet Universe. He hasn't always been cute though. Heck, I'd never think I'd be able to associate my Gramps with the word CUTE in the past, ever. Back in my childhood days, I remembered him as a quiet and austere man. He always had this dark face (not fierce, just dark), that made it difficult for us kids to talk to.
I think Parkinson's has really changed him, not just negatively, but in a good way too. He's now really child-like (there were even new hairgrowth in his eyebrows! Like teeny black hairs!). He'll laugh at the simplest and randomest things. I'd never heard him laugh, not once in the past 21 years of my life. It felt strange and alien to me initially, to hear him laugh that way. But it was the cutest and most endearing laughter you can ever imagine. Sometimes my Mum'd ask him mundane questions and he wouldn't answer any of them, instead he'd laugh that little jingling laughter. It kinda sounds like "Heh heh heh heh~". Super cute to the max! Sometimes we'd talk footie and don't pray pray he knows his stuff! (he' a Gooner fan :( would be nice if he was a fellow Liverpool fan!) Oh oh and when we were watching the History Channel yesterday about the Japanese sneak attack on the Pearl Harbor, my mum asked him if he wanted to sit closer to the TV to get a better view, he said no and that he knew very well about that part of our history, with a very zhuai look on himself!!!
I don't know much about Parkinson's except the shaking hands part and the fact that it is a degenerative disease, but my Gramps sometimes... how do I put it. Imagines stuff. He'd tell us there were these two people (one tall, one short) who always visits him and snitches money from his room which totally freaked the living daylight outta my cousins who live with him, recently, a dog even came into the picture. So, whenever my Mum or my aunts bathe him he'd ask them to help keep his money in a safe place and then return it to him after his shower. Yesterday, he thought his house was an airport and asked my cousin (in the morning) and then my mum to get him home. I know it sounds sad, but he seems happy. I really want to step into his bubble and see the world through his eyes.
He's been saying he misses my Grandma (who left us in the summer of 1999 :,( miss you <3).>
That's my Grandpa.
Went to Daiso at Sembawang Shopping Centre before heading to his house yesterday. That's like our favorite mall now! There's Cotton On and Daiso there! Woohoo~ Love Daiso's slogan "Always $2" Heh with the credit crunch and recession kickin' in full swing, they'd better keep it that way!
Got a bunch of stuff there, it's pretty hard NOT to overspend there, there're like a whole bunch of interesting stuff there! (* v *) Well, we got a lot of massage stuff (like the rollers and stuff, freakin' shiok!!!) photo frames to deco my room. And a whole bunch of stuff, I forgot what. Lolol. Oh yeah the mugicha aka barley tea.
Watched the Liverpool v Portsmouth match at night! Was puzzled by the starting line-up, N'gog as lone striker with Torres, Kuytie and Alonso rested for the fatigue from Everton match? N'gog was virtually non-existent. And Babel actually missed a glaring opportunity at goal. But still, in typical Liverpool fashion (late winner), the match was...
Totally awesome! Every Liverpool's match like exhilarating, sometimes for all the wrong reasons, but mostly good. Lololol. And we made a lot of noise =x, we groaned when Portsmouth nailed the first goal (Nugent 61" went through Reina's legs somemore, he was actually unmarked @_@), 8 minutes after Aurelio levelled (!!! Fired a low one from free kick past David James, freakin' narrow angle with most of Portsmouth players parking bus in front of their goal lor!!!), and then Portsmouth was 1 up again with a Hreidarsson header, again unmarked (!!!), reminded me of that Torres' header against Cheatski). 7 minutes later, Kuytie equalised after picking up Torres' pass, also freakin' difficult angle! I think Kuytie's goal was my favorite of the night, really awesome skill, he has it in him but he kinda lacks the confidence to fire home goals, sometimes I just wanna shake him by the shoulders and remind him that he's a STRIKER! But yeah Kuytie's a reliable and consisten hardworking player that Liverpool needs. In fact, I think every team needs a Kuyt figure. It was at this point of time I blurted out "If Liverpool win this I'll eat zhai for another week!" It was more like a dare on a whim, and now I have to eat zhai for another week, with Nut to accompany me. Hahahaha!
And then the magical moment happened! At the 90", Torres headed home a late winner with a fantabulous header from Aurelio's cross!!!! HEADER AGAIN!!! By then we were already screaming and jumpin', basically doing stupid stuff! My favorite goal of the night too! My hubby Torres~ Liverpool's number 9! Lololol. Really need to have a strong heart and bladder to be a Liverpool fan, you simply canNOT miss any single second of any match.
Anyways, here are the highlights of the match and also funny commentating from a very high Arab commentator. :D
C'mon kids, let's sing the Torres song!
His armband proved he was a red Torres Torres You'll never walk alone it said Torres Torres We bought the lad from sunny Spain He gets the ball He scores again Fernando Torres Liverpool's # 9
You'll Never Walk Alone. Someday, I'll be there in the Kop end of the Anfield stadium, singing along with the Anfield faithful, honoring the Anfield greats.
Went biking and skating with Nut today and scraped my knee when I fell off me bike thanks to my being dumb lol. Never, ever be geh kiang. = 3 =
But yeah was super fun. Weee~ Love wheels~
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
, 1:03 AM
D u st y blog. D:
Haven't blogged for close to a month! @_@ Too many updates but whenever I wanna start blogging about them I'd lose the momentum and desire to really do it. Argh! >_<" But yeah... wanna wish you guys a belated Happy Chinese Moo Year! Hope you guys had a good one, eh?
I won $9.50 at blackjack and I thought that was a lot until I realised my friends' winnings came up to $100~$200+ range (like EACH person O_O)! Ate a lot of CNY goodies *grabs flab around tummy* (T 3 T)" Drank TOO MUCH fizzy drinks for my own good. But what better time to indulge than CNY, right! Played a lot of Wii (Celebrity Sports Showcase ftw!). Had a lot of steamboat! Yum yum. :D *shall blog more about my CNY when Ron finally uploads the funny peektures. Lol. Eh Ron if you're reading this (chances are, you're prolly not XD), please upload all the peektures into facebook. :D*
Btw, I am now on a v e g e t a r i a n diet :( until this Sunday, cause' I made a vow if Liverpool won against Chelsea (last night's match), I'd go vegan for a week. I was really, really desperate cause' we were 83 minutes into the game, outplaying Chelsea but still no goal(s) to do justice for our performance, deja vu. Really thought we'd end up drawing again (walao my friend who supports Chelsea had been calling Liverpool D24 cause' of our knack of drawing since last year, zzz he can suck on that now!) Yeah so I vowed to go vegan if Liverpool won. And they did win! 2-0! Both very late goals contributed by Torres aka my husband (= 3 =)v. So at least I'll be a happy vegan lol well worth it. Went berserk when Torres knocked in that killer header! Ahhhh! I can watch it over and over and over and over... (* v *) Freaking awesome header at an impossible angle and having to aerially battle the impressive Chelsea defender Alex! And the Torres song resonated across the Kop.
If not for Alex and Bosingwa, I think we'd have bang in more goals (Benayoun, Stevie, Alonso?). Well, there were controversial moments throughout the match, ain't surprising though with the very erratic Mike Riley refereeing the match. I agree that Lampard's red card for a foul on Alonso is WRONG. Lol was super funny when Budgie went crazy with rage over that decision on Football Channel. Liverpool were playing better football throughout the game, but yep we sure weren't having an easy time breaking past Chelsea's defense, specifically Alex! Just look at the number of blocks he made! I think Mike Riley felt sorry for his mistake (Lampard) and turned a blind eye on Bosingwa's attack on Benayoun, that Mr Unibrow actually kicked his butt lor!!!
But yeah, I think we really deserved the win. :) YNWA!
Btw! My bike finally arrived last Friday! Have been biking a lot the past couple of days, all the parks around my neighborhood makes it super ideal. Heh. Have been picking up Drift Skating from Nut too! Totally fun! Am waiting for my skates to arrive soon! XD Hmm in case you're wondering, drift skates look like this: 
Been busy being a Twilight and Edward Cullen fan too. Robert Pattinson ftw! <3  Well, that's all from me, folks. :)
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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☆ Food of Feb '09~

<3 S T E A M B O A T
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