Tuesday, October 28, 2008
, 12:13 AM
Okok I admit, this is gonna be a BOLIAO post so if you're pressed for time then just skip this! But if you've too much time, then feel free to press on! :D First I wanna kick off this post with a shampoo recommendation! Hahaha! Smelly recommending a shampoo, I know I know, very ironic. (= 3 =) Anyways, it's Herbal Essences latest range! I got the "Hello Hydration" shampoo and the label is damn funny, it says "Smell me" (Smelly Melly) LOL! And along with the "break's over" conditioner. I think you guys watched the TV commercial already, the one where the Afro-American guy struts in demanding for a refund after the shampoo straightened out his dreadlocks, and the music plays at the background "Coconuts and orchids~" Haha yeah yeah that's the one! But the fragrance part a bit unnoticeable for me though, maybe it's cause' my hair's smelly to begin with so when fragrance + smelly = break even. Hahaha other people who used it says the aftershower smell is pretty fragrant though. =\
Monday, October 27, 2008
, 12:30 PM
WE DID IT!!! WE DID IT!!! Cheatski 0-1 Liverpool.
Hahaha what's more, we won all 3 points at Stamford Bridge the (so-called) Fortress! Woolala~ Whilst victory is sweet (yeap the away win last night also catapulted us to the top of the table), I echo Carragher's sentiments that we've still got a loooong way to go. Ahhh~ Unlike the Champions League, the EPL is a loooong and winding road , one that takes a whole lot of skills (duh), soul, grit (what can ya' expect it's English football, mate) and HEART. Liverpool this season has shown a whole lot more determination and confidence. Me like!
Okay okay a brief overview on the match last night. Yeah yeah so Alonso's goal took a "lucky" deflection, but still it was one helluva shot! Alonso really is the long-range specialist of Anfield! I hope he'll be staying with us for a loooong time. And is it only me? I really am VERY distracted by Bosingwa's unibrow lehhh! Hahaha shall NOT put up his picture here cause' it'll be really mean and as ALL of you know, Smelly's no meanie. :DDD Right. Our defense were impenetrable throughout most of the game, but there were times where I felt we defended a lil' too deep. Then in the later part of the 2nd half, I spent most of the time laughing at Cheatski's long-range attempts, they must've been really desperate. Hahaha!
Onto the referee, Webb's one of the few up-to-par refs in the EPL, he's definitely 1762838402 times better than that Joker by the name of Rob Styles, who happened to be the 4th official last night. But there were some decisions and the lack of it, for example let's say, Stevie G's tackle on Mr Unibrow, which I repeat IS a legitmate tackle, the replay further confirmed that fact, he went for the ball and even made a conscious attempt to NOT show studs (nowadays refs flash the yellow or the red depending on where the ball is played, at studded tackles). Flash back to the 1990s (or even earlier haha but my conscious memory of football only started in the 1990s), where you see English football at its best, I don't mean technically, I meant the physical side of it, which is oh-so-very characteristic. The tackles were a whole lot meaner lor and I think refs then had a bigger allowance and tolerance for rough tackles.
Wah nowadays, footballers are a pampered lot man, haha recall Mr Diver aka C.Ronaldo's request for protection on the pitch from referees simply because HE THINKS he's a FANTABULOUS player and a MAJOR asset to football, which I find SUPER HILARIOUS. He should be fined for requesting for favoritism dammit! Yeah I have an intense dislike for the guy whom I have NO respect for whatsoever. A great player doesn't only possess great skills, but a whole lot more heart and integrity as well. and like I've always said, he really ought to learn some humility and take a page or 2 from Zidane! I miss Zizou =( I can rewatch his signature move, the Marseille Roulette/helicopter/spin turn over and over.
Yeap and then there's that A.Hole woops, I meant A.Cole, it's definitely not the first time he got involved in nasty tackles where he's mostly the CULPRIT, can't believe he got away from that reckless foul on Babel (and they were pretty near the penalty box minf you!). Hahaha and kaypo Maschie again who contested for a 2nd yellow on A.Cole, not Maschie's 1st time being kaypo already. Haha but I like Maschie, he gives the Liverpool backline an added security and he plays a tenacity similar to Roberto Carlos. And his cheeky smile at the ref everytime he kena booked for "dissent" after kaypoing. Lol "dissent" is highly subjective don't you think? Maschie isn't even being an aggressive kaypo. Sigh~ What to do, nowadays we can even get booked for contesting the ref's claim despite being not aggressive about it. Talk about totalitarian. But I don't really mind if the ref's decision is to our advantage la. 8D
Read the papers and was totally disgusted by the Cheatski fans, who sang Hillsborough songs like "You killed your own fans", which shows their lack of humanity through and through. The culprit for the Hillsborough incident has got to be The Sun (a rubbish tabloid newspaper which churns out sensational lies at best). It is an obligation for all Liverpool fans to boycott The Sun, yup even here in Singapore, check out Singapore's official Liverpool fan club forum, there's a thread on it. The Hillsborough disaster is basically a stampede or what we'd call the "crush"which occured due to failure of police control which killed 94 that day and injured 766.
The controversy started when The Sun ran up a sensational article touted as the "truth", which accused "drunken Liverpool fans viciously attacked rescue workers as they tried to revive victims" and "police officers, firemen and ambulance crew were punched, kicked and urinated upon". A quote, attributed to an unnamed policeman, claimed that "a dead girl had been abused" and that Liverpool fans "were openly urinating on us and the bodies of the dead". (wikipedia). Which is totally BULLSHIT, there were many eyewitness accounts even from non-Liverpool fans and police/firemen present at the match that these claims were untrue and that many Liverpool fans helped pull people out from the stands etc etc. Can you imagine how insulting it must be for the families and victims to bear a FALSE accusation of them into their grave??? The Hillsborough Disaster left behind legacies like memorials both in Liverpool and Sheffield in commemoration, it also led to a reform of stadiums across the UK to all-seaters and where barriers at the front of stands were subsequently removed.
Watch the documentary here if you wanna know more (click below):
Yeah but all that aside, I hope my husband comes back soon~~~ Yeah, I meant Torres. :DDD Will pray hard that he recovers his sharpness almost instantly once he comes back to rejoin the rest of the lads. XD
YNWA I think my friend can just go get the Liverpool jersey and shout "I love Liverpool" while wearing it already. Hahaha cause' we had a bet, if his Cheatski wins at the end of the season I'll wear a Cheatski jersey and shout "I love Cheatski" (yucks) + prata treat and vice versa. Alamak but this is a no-brainer! Of course it'll be... haha better not say it out loud, don't wanna jinx it XD
Saturday, October 25, 2008
, 11:56 PM
Hello one and all! Welcome to the Smelly Show! Yep I just finished a video call with Nut who's on exchange in Beijing. Hahaha talk about webcam fun. Super entertaining stuff. We got the Microsoft LifeCam, it works really well with MSN (it's built mainly for that purpose anyways so yeah), but I can't get it to work with Skype, shall go fiddle with it soon. Have downloaded and installed Haduri in my Toshi way before I got a webcam, yeah yeah talk about Kiasuism. Kiasuism FTW! Shall go try out that nifty program, it's in Korean though, and I can't read Korean. May the force be with me. :D Peace out~
p.s Referees need to take refresher courses more regularly.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
, 1:50 AM
Do you guys smell something? Yep, that's just my blog going stale. Elle-O-Elle. *blows dust off blog* It's been... *checks recent post* more than a month since I last posted an entry! (O A O) So, while I'm waiting for Liverpool's CL match against Atletico Madrid to kick off I'd do an update! Random, I'm kinda hungry right now, think I'm gonna go make tom yam instant noodles later. Tom Yums~ :d
Heh pardon me! XD It's just that everytime I wanna blog about something interesting I'd procrastinate, and then another interesting incident happens and I procrastinate... and the entire cycle repeats itself and that's pretty much how it came to be. Elle-O-Elle. The main culprit for my pathological procrastination: Faulty keyboard. Hahaha I know it sounds lame, prolly IS lame but that's just the way it is. I've been raving to anyone and everyone about how INDESTRUCTIBLE my Toshi is (my very handsome, hot, sexy,"whatever-you-wanna-call-him" Japanese... laptop). And I have no idea if it's bad karma or somethin, my Toshi met with the *gasps* legendary BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH months back, and when I finally came round to reviving it, I found *wait lemme count* a total of 12 faulty keys in me keyboard. p(T A T)q WHYYYY!?! Because being the genius that I am, I actually used a "hibernating" Toshi asd a platform to put my indoor portable fan. Don't even ask why I did that, I've already explained, I am a genius, I really am. (T _ T)" Elle-O-Elle.
So now I have to rely on an additional USB keyboard in a very gay Barney color. I'll take a picture of it soon. So basically when I have to type out stuff, I look more like a pilot operating the cockpit of a plane or something, like type type type missing key turns to the right type type. It's not even funny, especially in the initial period, but I've since gotten used to it the switching back and forth of keyboards but it gets REALLY TIRING when I'm at it for more than 30mins. HENCE, you guys should really burst out in tears thanking every lucky star you've ever had that I'm churning out a neat, little update post right now! Hahaha JKJK. Okay so why don't I just use the external KB? Well, umm the KB's (let's just call it Barney, shall we?) material is this soft, synthetic rubber thingy and when I try draping it over my laptop's KB I keep clicking on the clicking thing at the touchpad (dunno what you call these). And it gets pretty awkward putting it in front of the laptop, my study table's really messy so I finally resort to doing stuff on the floor in my room now, with Barney laying right beside my Toshi on the right.
Okay, just in case you were wondering what those faulty keys are, here's a COMPLETE list of them (can't believe they walked out on me)! Casualties are:
Letters: "Q", "A", "S", "D", "G", "J" and "Z" (it takes me about a minute plus to type out those lettersd T_T)
Other keys: Alt key, the comma, full-stop, the rectangular brackets.
Very T_T I know. Haha was chatting with Ah Shing (coughs*2HappyMeal+toy*coughs) over MSN a couple of days ago and she offered to send Toshi for repairs as a birthday present from the Vultures. Haha but I don't wanna create an Edisdonesque scandal of myself y'know? Hahahaha! Nah, JKJK. I kinda don't want it repaired, Toshi's working really well function-wise but aesthetically, it kinda umm is below par. I think there should be a "Dirtiest Laptop" award or somethin. I've lost count the amount of food crumbs that have settled under the keys of my laptop. But I still love Toshi =(
2:30AM right now. 15 more minutes to kickoff~~~ Gonna make ma' noodles right about now! :D
Will try to pick up me lazy bones and update more often! Love y'all, peace! V
Btw btw! Roo if you're reading this, I've gotten my costume ready for your P-themed party already! Haha very on right just nice someone was selling it :DDD Maybe I'll let you have a lil' sneak peek of it since you're the hostess, eh? 8DDD
Missing you, Nut & Monks! (= 3 =)
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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