Sunday, June 29, 2008
, 12:57 PM
Once upon a time, when an everyday routine becomes a chore...
I know, I know... Smelly is finally back with a post. Haha. It's not that I haven't thought of blogging but if you have a lappy whose keyboard has damaged keys 'Q', 'S', 'D', 'G', 'J', 'Z', ',', '.', '/', '[', ']' and the four arrow key. Used to take these keys for granted, and boy oh boy how I missed every single one of them now! I just realised how often I use one (or more) of those alphabets in a mere sentence. Crikey! Lol so now I'm using this external keyboard which is made out of synthetic rubber and has no structural integrity whatsoever, i.e it's all wobbly and doesn't have a stable form, which makes ordinary typing seem like a maniac punching away at a calculator. Lol it really is super tiresome blogging with it so I kinda keep putting it off until today. X) Cleaning out the dust on my Toshi.
Went to Daiso @IMM yesterday, the harvest was pretty awesome, got some useful and yummy buys. Got a wastepaper bin (came in a cute piggy design in a beigy-pink hue), B5-sized whiteboard, packet of caramel corn (yums!), 1 pet bottle green tea (slurps), stylo-milo pencil case and cute Japanese bowls. Time zips right by when you're in Daiso I swear! We actually spent 4 hrs in Daiso unknowingly... O_O". There were sooo many things to see and everything's so 'buyable', ranging from really useful stuff like storage boxes to yummy snacks to cutesy and umm not so useful stuff like decoration stuff and badges!!! Lol I spotted some SUPER CUTE badges but at $2 each it isn't what I'd call reasonable eh? They should prolly sell like 3 in a packet or something.
Went off to Giant thereafter and got a notebook and 'boyfriend shirt'. Hahaha we actually went to the men's section to look for 'BF shirts' like the real thing, and there were some bangalas there scouring for shirts too (now is it me or does every Bangala have an obsession with checkered blouses?? O_O"), so they were glancing at us wondering what these goofballs are up to in the men's dept. But it's normal what right? Lol. The shirt is super comfy but uhhh we have a slight problem though, the shoulder seam line's a tad longer than my shoulders, haiya as long as it's wearable. Lol and it's cheap. =x
And I got my hair dyed umm bleached really. I know bleach's like super bad for the hair and it's infamous for turning hair into hay, lotsa horror stories on them. But I can't resist the BeauTeen bleach/dye at Watson's the other day, super cheap lor!!! Cheap + Smelly = Fatal Attraction (fatal for my wallet, X_X). It's only $9.90! So Nut was really sweet (one of those rare occasions haha =x) and she helped me with the bleach job, I was super paranoid about it after hearing so many horror stories lor, so poor Nut had to put up with my constant onslaught of nonsense, like every second I'd go "Remember! 2cm from my scalp ah!", "Don't touch my scalp!", "OMG! I can feel it on my scalp leh!", "So how's the progress?", "You want me to read the guide to you again?". Lol. Haiya what to do, I'm usually not a loud person but when I'm freaking out over something I'd blabber on and on and on like there's no tomorrow. Lol 45 mins later, and voila there's color in my hair. Was super worried the color'd be too light, but my worries proved to be unfounded, phew~ Haha good job Nut. ^_^b So to return the favor I offered her 2 sips of the green tea that I bought back. I know I know, I'm too generous. =)
Hmmm let's see... oh oh yeah! The Euro 08's finally come to a close =( after all those late nights staying up for match after match after match, I've officially turned nocturnal. Q_Q" It's really bad man, since matches start at 2.35am in the morn, boy I need a sleep rehab to get my body clock back on track. Haha but it's all worth it, considering it's held only once every 4 years.
Although England's not in this year, there was NEVER a dull moment throughout the campaign! It was really sad to watch France play though, such an uninspired and lacklustre team, and they used to be sooo good well I love watching Zidane a.k.a Zizou spritzing and mesmerizing opponents with his nifty footwork and wizardry, so enchanting without even the slightest tinge of arrogance unlike a certain someone from a certain club in the EPL. *coughs coughs* Lol I supported France in the previous World Cup Final and they eventually gave away the trophy to Italy after a highly dramatic final which went into penalties where the French ultimately lost. Lol I remembered I was so mad at that Italian player Materazzi for antagonising Zidane into headbutting him (Yeah it's the infamous headbutt now known as the Zidane headbutt, a lasting legacy...). And it had to be his final match before officially retiring from international football! RAWR! I even sworn off all Italian food mainly pasta for a year. Hahaha!
Ironically, I found myself rooting for Italy this time round, I'm mainly supporting Spain in this tournament since it's pretty much a given for most if not all Liverpool supporters. I AM SO IN LOVE WITH ANDREA PIRLO!!!! He's not only SUPER MANLY MAN HAWT but his long passes in are like 99.99999999% accurate, his long balls in add so much flexibility to the Italian team, they can move so much faster up front with Pirlo!!!! He seem like the quiet lone wolf type, been observing him and his interaction (or lack off) before the players come onto the pitch, sooo friggin' attractive laaaa! Lol. I guess for me, if Gattuso and Pirlo hadn't missed that match because of picking up a second yellow in 2 consecutive matches, Italy would've went through. And Luca Toni should be awarded the EURO 08's Suayest Player Award la, zam so many balls in but like 99.999999999999999999% of the time it doesn't find the back of the net. He's super dai(4) sai(4) la! Suay or not, you tell me?
Haha but yeah it'll be Germany vs Spain for the finals. This should be interesting, it's gonna be a tough and close fight so people do catch it on Ch 5 on 30th June, Monday at 2.35am! SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN! Torres hasn't really had the most glorious of a campaign as we'd like but hey definitely rooting for an and rising youthful Spanish side. ;)
Sunday, June 01, 2008
, 9:16 PM
Hey people I'm alive so come back and check this space alright. =D Updates soon! Promise!
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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