Saturday, January 26, 2008
, 11:16 PM
CNY Battle Round 1. FIGHT!
Met Botini today to pass her the badminton net. Lol sotong me took some time to realize she was in the other side of the gallantry. Ooh Maria Sharapova's the champion for the Australian Open. Yeap I've been following the Australian Open closely, too bad Nadal lost to that snobbish, arrogant French youngster, he reminds me of Rooney lor. Grrrr! Never mind, my tennis idol is still Nadal. :)  Met up with Nut at YCK station, then headed down to Chinatown where we're meeting Mee for some CNY shopping. U_U" Stupid us! For some stupid reason we kept thinking that People's Park was at Outram Park, so we took the train to Raffles Place then changed and headed for Outram Park. There was this super handsome ang moh! He tied his hair up like David Beckham, you know that half-bun thingy back when Becks was at Real Madrid (and Posh kept bugging him to move). And he's dressed in rugged Hippie clothes, so cool! Haha.
Reached Outram Park and we went crazy laughing our asses off. I asked Nut "Eh? I thought we are supposed to go to People's Park!?!" U_U" So, we spotted this free bus thingy to People's Park from the train station, we planned to take the free bus to PP. And I spotted a very unique mailbox! See, isn't it special? Need to see more artwork, and I mean freestyle grungy artwork, not the oh-so-noble oh-so-cheem kinda stuff around!

Let's just say we're very impatient people, so we decided to walk there instead. Then Nut suddenly exclaimed "Eh? Wrong already!" Made me super blur O_O but I followed anyways. We took the escalator doen into the train station again and walked one round and went up from where we came from like a merry-go-round. -_-" Hahaha don't know what's gotten into us man, seriously!
FINALLY! We walked towards People's Park. Mee called and ask us to PARK outside the very famous Tang Shan Porridge stall. On our way there it's people mountain people sea! Saw an Ah Pek who walked funnily! We concluded that he must be some stylo milo, super happening Ah Beng in his heyday la! Lol. We watched people eat porridge U_U" Haha super fun to peopleeatporridge-watch.
Mee reached some time later and we were off for food. The crowd at the porridge stall is CRAZY! And the crowd at Chinatown is a gazillion times crazier! Imagine if the crowd's like that 2 weeks before CNY, can't imagine the CNY-eve crowd man. Counted down CNY 2 years back and we kinda missed the countdown, stuck amongst the people mountain people sea somewhere in Chinatown, couldn't even hear the fake firecrackers crackling. Haha!
In the end we crossed the overhead bridge to People's Park. Nut dropped one of her pumps ala Cinderella on the steps, hahaha then this very kind aunty helped to pick it up for her WHILE LAUGHING at her. Lol! Aunties are really kind people! Once while I was on the train, there was some insect crawling on my back unnoticed, then this aunty helped me brush away, so kind! Okay okay back to People's Park, had wanton noodles, usually they serve you the leafy green kinda veggies right? But this stall is really 'unique', it served you Gor Lei Cai (cabbage). Haha very special right? Led Mee and Nut to the shops upstairs and they were very wow-ed, cus' they didn't know there were shops selling clothes upstairs. Haha thanks Rootini for the discovery! But the clothes last year were so much nicer. In the end, all we got was purple stockings for me, PJs for me and Nut (Mee wanted the traditional kind that Popo used to wear but they don't have), jeans for Mee (very nice!). Many people spotted this secret place! XD And for some reason, couldn't find this shop which sells all kinds of jeans (even skinnies since like last year but without the funky colors). I love love love my PJs! Cus' it is dark blue and it's checkered! One of my 2 favoritest favorite things in the world! Haha! Super comfy but I think I look like those fisherman Ojiji U_U".

Right? -_-"
Our legs were screaming bloody murder, decided to take a bus back. Yep we love our buses alright. Haha! But 851 never came! Saw this bus no. 54 and the seats are super special! There's even a mini bar-table like thingy, and the seats at the back were like some lounge bar seats! Took a shot of the bus on the sly :D. The seats that we were sitting on even more stylo! It's like those white leather Indochine kind of chairs very cool!

Very special right!?! So we boarded it, haha and decided we will drop off somewhere later to change a bus to Yishun. Sent the Zhumeng (Jumong) song to Mee on the bus and there was this bluetooth user called Appu(-___-") on the bus! LOL! His/her bluetooth name is Appu(-___-") la! Haha!! So we were guessing who's the burger. Suggested to Nut to try sending something to the Appu(-___-"). Lol. After some time, we alighted at Marymount Rd and changed to 852 back to Yishun. And I'm finally back here at my computer table. :D
By the way, this is Jumong. He's super super cool!
Really looks like those ancient heroes. If I have the time I'm gonna watch Zhu Meng Shen Hua all over again! It's gonna be my favorite K-drama of all time! I'm not a fan of K-dramas (cus' the plot more or less always revolve around the same plot, especially so for its romantic comedies) until Jumong came alon! Love the war scenes with the majestic music! Last episode made me tear quite a lot, I'm such a wimp :D
update: Got my black skinny in the mail today! :D Only costs me $20 including postage. Whatta steal! Cheap and good! :)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
, 12:26 PM
Just passed the 2nd week into school, and it's so far so good. Settled the 'logistics' just yesterday. Bought one text so far, think I just have to get one more text and I'm safe for this sem. Gonna reserve the remaining texts from the library. :D So much cheaper and environmental-friendly!
I realised that there're quite a few NY people in my course, haha super funny when we go "I think I've seen you somewhere before".
Sim Sim was crazily funny during the first week of school. He told us about the difficulty of getting some of the texts for his course, and he actually suggested :" Class...okay I'll give you guys 10 mins to discuss among yourselves to think of a solution to settle the logistics." And all of us just went like this @_@". Hahaha Sim Sim forever gives wacky reasons to take his kopi break la! Lol. But eventually we kinda settled for circulating the texts (he borrowed/got a few copies elsewhere) among ourselves, and there's this log book for the records. Very old-school method! But I like! Haha!
It's 18 days to Chinese New Year! Super looking forward to it! :D Things that I like about CNY:
- Turning our house into 'Little Chinatown'
- Shopping for new clothes
- Having new PJs
- Having an awesome reason to stay up late/early into the night/morning on CNY Eve
- Collecting Ang Pows
- Gambling with relatives! *big money! big money!* XD
- Reunion dinner! CNY goodies! Chinatown samples! *_*
Things that I don't really like about CNY:
- Spring cleaning (love-hate relationship)
- Thinking of where to shop for new clothes
- Having to wait until the night of CNY Eve to wear my new PJs
- Not having enough sleep the next morning for Bai Nian-ing XD
- When there's deflation in market rate for ang pows (Haha! That's where CNY gambling comes to play! Kidding XP)
- Losing money (choy! choy! choy!)
- Having to exercise intensively post-CNY feasting (+_+)
What do you guys like and dislike about CNY? ;)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
, 7:08 PM
Bad weather ahead.
I went out early today and yet I was late for class. Geez. It doesn't help that storm clouds were looming overhead. I predict it's gonna be rainy these days! For some accursed reason, I can NEVER seem to find the seminar rooms. Haha called my friend for help and I couldn't understand her directions. U_U Do the corridors in NTU change around like those stairs in Hogwarts? Haha it's either that or NTU is really too structurally challenging! Finally found that mysterious seminar room 10. XD
The prof told us we're gonna have 1 reading every week. EVERY WEEK! And I have 2 other eng mods, so that'll be a total of 3 readings per week. T_T It seems Smelly can't afford to be lazy anymore! Haha. Class today was...exciting, especially with lightning flashing outside. -_-" Lol.
Rushed off to the bookshop to get the text needed, but couldn't find the book. Asked the lady if they have "An Enemy of the People" and she hesitated for awhile and went like this O_O Haha lucky my new classmate popped out from nowhere and picked up the Popular catalogue and pointed on the title of the novel to the lady, the lady dug out one copy and passed it to him, he gave me that copy while he waited for her to get a second copy. Wah my class's like full of helpful people :D. Had to wait for a pretty long time cus' loads of people were getting stuff for the sem too. Chatted a bit, we were whining about how ex the novel was since we only needed 106 pages out of the 400 pages haha but we managed to console ourselves that we can read the other stories during our free time (which will never happen). Lol. Omg and I forgot his name already. T_T
Please please hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. Or rain like after I'm safely in the train on my way home or something? :D Keep warm fellas!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
, 9:02 PM
Back to School!
Yeap. Like most of you guys out there, it's back to school for Smelly! Haha was waiting in anticipation for it actually. Nope, not the slightest tinge of sarcasm intended there. Yes, honestly, I'm anticipating the new semester. Managed to scrape out a 3-day week, oh boy you heard right, a THREE DAY WEEK. Haha don't ask me how I did it, I just did. I think I'm turning a pro at creating 3 day weeks already. So now my school days are from Wednesdays to Fridays. Uh huh, a loooong 4-day weekend after a packed 3 day week.
I think Friday's gonna be Freaking Friday, cus' I have class from 10.30am all the way to 6.30pm, it's non-stop 'action', lectures all the way~ Wheee~ Feel the pain? X_X. Betcha did! Haha the things Smelly would do to pull off a 3 day. Uh huh, call me crazaye but I'm so not gonna budge. =p
Prays hard it won't rain tomo! There's a lot of construction going around in school, especially near the NBS and HSS block, I usually take my short cuts there. Boo now it's all scaffolded. :( Shall take it as a form of exercise then. ;)
Ahhh~ If only NTU's got a second campus in YISHUN! That'll be perfect. Alas, this IS reality, 'the land where there's NO happily ever afters'. X)
Just in case you were wondering, Smelly's subbies for this sem are:
- HL206 Modernism [Eng mod]
- HL307 New Literatures in English [Eng mod]
- HL315 Science & Literature [Eng mod]
- EE8084 Cyber Security (or what I call defense against the 'dark arts' XD) [PE-STSS]
- HH101 What is History? Concepts, Practices & Critiques [UE]
Weet! Here's to an awesome start everyone! ;) I was thinking of taking up something like kickboxing etc from Pretty Tuff, so as to fulfil one of my New Year resolutions. Anyone wanna? Hmm... ;)
And if you guys have time, watch this awesome anime series "Rozen Maiden"! The dolls are super cute!!! :D
Had spaghetti, boiled asparagus lightly sprinkled with salt, and Nut made some cookies. :d Yums! Forgot to snap-snap though! D:<
Thursday, January 03, 2008
, 2:22 PM
Modus Operandi.
God... I maxed out on sleep last night/this morning. Crashed at 6am in the morning and woke up at 1pm.
Stayed up to watch Liverpool's match against Wigan. The final score was Liverpool 1-1 Wigan. Torres gave us the lead at half time, and it had to all fall apart when Bramble (of all people) had to equalise and ruin it for us. What to do? I'm mentally prepared that we're just not gonna get the league title (again, I know) this season. Seeing Heskey makes me miss the Owen-Fowler era even more so. =,(
Rafa did well with the starting line-up this morning, he took off Kuyt (obvious reason) and Benayoun who was lack-lustre in our previous match. Finnan did super well to set up Torres for goal. Though I didn't quite like how he subbed Kuyt on with barely 5 minutes left on the clock for Pennant, like that's gonna change anything. Kuyt'll just run around the field, do some backpassing and lose possession. I don't know but these days, Torres seems to be missing out the easy chances at goal. We created many chances in the first half and we kept missing on them, I really think Rafa should send the boys for some shooting drills again. Sigh. Nowadays we look more like the underdog than one of the big 4. We really should've finished off Wigan comfortably tonight and we did not, like so many other times.
My friend said we are strong. Just when I was feeling a lil' more cheered up, he went on to say we're strong at getting draws. And even upgraded from D7 to D8. -_-" Cut some slack for us fans, we're very broken-hearted already y'know. :,(
Can you imagine what the Kopites this morning must have felt? They were singing You'll Never Walk Alone with fervent pride despite our dismal performance in previous matches (think Derby, Man City). It's this homely feel to Liverpool FC and Anfield that made me fall in love with the club. Remembered how I used to watch football as a kid beside my Dad back when we were still living in Pasir Ris, I didn't understand the game then, but I remembered that wave of red all over the stadium, you'll never walk alone~, and the players were like brothers to each other on the field (we still are). Liverpool's got this indescribable difference from other English clubs that so draws me to it. I really hope all Kopites won't lose heart and give up on LFC, cus' if we leave, the lads are really gonna walk alone. Passion for Liverpool's a lifelong thing, I hope I can stay up late when I'm old like how Ah Gong stays up to watch his beloved Gooners play and "tsk" when they suck. Haha. You'll never walk alone kopites!
Mee's birthday's coming, gonna celebrate it early for her this Sunday cus' she's going to Genting for some jackpot competition. Lol. You heard right a jackpot competition, Dee's going to be her supporter and travel companion. Hahaha! My aunt signed her up for it as a birthday gift. Lol I don't understand the whole idea of a jackpot competition. Isn't jackpot purely a game of luck (unlike mahjong, daidee, poker)? Hmm... should we make banners for Dee to bring it up Genting? Haha! Could've gone with them but school's starting next week, so gotta pass.
Gonna shop for her present in town on Sat. We're preparing a surprise for her, the modus operandi's to pretend we didn't prepare anything for her birthday then spring up her present and money plant/flowers for her. But we can't seem to decide on money plant or flowers!!! So how? Should we get money plant or flowers? Money plant's more practical right? It helps with fengshui and they last really long and it's super easy to maintain! Flowers just look pretty and wilt after a week if you're lucky. So, money plant?
Will be getting Jam's book along the way! The Lunar New Year's coming pretty soon in Feb, I'm so gonna head down to Peninsular for cheap and good clothes! XD Oh oh and hurray my spree items have finally arrived, waited like months for them, finally gonna receive them at my doorstep in a few days' time. Hurrah! :D
Tomorrow's the release of results for subject allocation. Really hope I can bag some nice electives this sem. The eng mods are pretty fixed now and I'm satisfied with them. Haha although I didn't get 2 out of 3 that I've planned for, but I've chosen mods that I think are scoreable and low on readings. Mods on asian lit or singapore lit for that matter aren't popular but the thing is, they're super easy to score. So... fingers crossed for tomo!
Weather's been really cold lately, all I can say is...enjoy what it lasts! Haha and I've got this sudden craving for chocolate ice cream. O_O
Ending off with a cheer! 3 cheers and 3 cheers and 3 cheers for 008 (pronounced O-O-8 not zero zero 8)! In the meantime, snuggle up, get warm and scurry on with societal pace people!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
, 3:19 PM
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
☆ Tagboard~
☆ Food of Feb '09~

<3 S T E A M B O A T
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