Sunday, September 30, 2007
, 12:22 PM
Wigan 0-1 Liverpool (Yossi 76")
Watched the Wigan v Liverpool's match yesterday night. Lost count of the number of times I went "tsk", "haiyo", "WTH". Lol yeah, I thought we were gonna settle for a 0-0 draw at the end. Predicted it to be 2-1 to Liverpool but damn! Wigan's kinda good, transformed totally from last season. Solid defence, always on their toes, boy they should've really scored during the 90 mins (if I were neutral). Thank God for Yossi's goal (super sleek!), or we could've lost it (I'd have lost it! Considering we ended up in a goaless draw against the Potties and Birmies).
Nando nando nando! Haha he should've scored twice man. It was so close. But yeah I guess a 1-0 scoreline to us is kinda reasonable since Wigan put up such an impressive fight. Their fans are kinda hardcore also, their jeering confirm win us Liver fans, but their singing? Nah not on par yet. Some fans created trouble in the stands, they weren't wearing any jerseys or anything that'd hint at their loyalty to any of the clubs, so I can't tell who started it. But I kinda like to see drama in football matches, especially when it's going 0-0. Though when it comes to football hooligans, Argentinian fans still takes the cake.
Phew. Bagged 3 points, we kinda scrape through I guess. Neh mind, the next match's gonna be a better one! The expression on a footballer's face when he's gonna strike is priceless man.. p.s eat more please Yossi! Super Nando...he looks like he's gonna take flight. Shew~ Go Nando! Recess week's coming to an end. Everyone in unison...BOOHOOHOO! Neh mind fellas, we're nearing the holidays! A month plus and it's touch down baby! =D On Myanmar... The strife in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) seems to be getting out of hand. Read that there's a special UN envoy sent down yesterday. What started out as a peaceful mass demonstration led by Burmese monks has since escalate into a nationwide disaster. Monks vs Military. That's a pretty sensational headline, a Japanese journalist was shot dead days ago and a Singaporean was allegedly hurt by rubber bullets when military forces tried to control a riot. "Myanmar's main Internet connection was cut Friday, severely reducing the flow of video, photos and first-hand reports of the violence, which helped inform the world of the crisis in the isolated nation." -CNA- This is gonna ruin all efforts by Myanmar trying to establish itself as a democratizing nation. Hope everything's gonna be alright soon. Violence really shouldn't be the way to go in this day and age, should it? Coming thus far in the age of civilisation, nothing's really changed, has it? "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" -Mother Theresa
Mother Theresa and Ghandi must be seriously pissed if they were still alive today.
Friday, September 28, 2007
, 8:08 PM
Oh happy shopping day. Lol kinda...did mini shopping I guess. Went to Toa Payoh's Tracy Salon to get a haircut (nope not me XD). Damn, I sat there for a few hours, waiting. U_U" Haha then it's off to AMK Hub, since there was the after-work crowd rushing down to town area. Quite a number of nice shops! And I saw the soccer shop, Liverpool's new kit! But it's so darned expensive T_T. Neh mind can still watch them on tele. =D Got a royal blue hairband. =D Only $2.50. Since everyone seems to be wearing royal blue tops lately, I guess royal blue hairband's gonna work the same, without the fear of someone wearing the same thingy. XP Got a free pair of checkered shorts, would've been better if it's houndstooth print, but neh mind it's still my style, rugged. Haha ate lotsa goodies. Oh happy day~~
Look what I found!
Anpanman rice cracker! Very bo hua though...XP
While nobody's watching...snap snap! 
Fits snugly into my blog X)  Massaging my legs now. Next time if you've had a long, hard day walking, or if your legs have served you well, try using the back of your knuckles, then slowly grind/knead along the bottom of your feet and/or the back of your legs. Very very comfortable! And it aids your blood circulation too! ;D I like speed shopping! =p
Thursday, September 27, 2007
, 8:18 PM
Yoo everybody! How's your recess week? Haha hmm for me, I guess I did do some studying. ;) I read a lil', gonna finish my book by tomorrow. I set my alarm clock for 8am this morning, and the darned rain gotta ruin it for me. T_T I switched it off consciously and flipped back into bed and slept for another couple of hours. I have such awesome will power. \(-_-)/
Just finished this Jdorama "My boss, my hero", featuring NAGASE TOMOYA, Koki from KAT-TUN and Tegoshi Yuya from NEWs! It's a school comedy, it's so darned funny I think I almost smashed a hole right through my study table. The last 2 episodes got lotsa tear jerker scenes, so watch out for those. This is a really heartwarming and hilarious series, I think I like this as much as Hana Kimi (Jap), if not more. Nagase Tomoya (yeah the lead from TOKIO, and ex of Ayumi, not that it mattered, he's an amazing actor and singer all the same) plays the heir of a yakuza clan, the Kantou Sharp Fang association, Sukaki Makio (rough, tough and foul-mouthed yakuza who loves alcohol, gambling, women and yeah incredulously, pudding!). His oyaji ('dad') promised him that he'll make him the boss of the association if he graduates from high school or he'll pass it on to his younger brother if he fails to graduate. Since he's a 27 year old, his dad enrolled him into St. Agnes Private Academy (the principal's an old friend of his dad) by back door means pretending to be a transfer student where he gotta blend in with 17 year olds and not blow his cover. Through this, he learns about youth: Love, friendship, family and the satisfaction one derives from learning.
There's this part of the show that always cracks me up, whenever he makes this beastly face to deter teachers from calling his name to answer questions and stuff, and and the part where all the students rush out to the canteen at 12pm sharp for the famous St. Agnes pudding (they only sell 12 of those daily). So freaking funny, and they do that in slow mo, so you can see students pushing, shoving and whatnot gladiator style. Haha kinda remind me of my sec sch days where we rush to the canteen for the famous Zhonghua chicken rice/black pepper chicken burger, and my 1st 3 months where we rushed for burgers at the then makeshift canteen. Haha nostalgic!
I laughed so much from MBMH I think my 6 pecs popped out again. Haha yeah and I sure did learn some stuff from it too. So...I give it 5 popcorns! Nagase's so darned cute, funny and yet man, he's so brilliant, the role of Makio seems so tailored for him, I can't imagine anyone else doing a better job than Nagase. Go watch it people! =D
17 year old gokusen vs 27 year old Yakuza
See his beastly face? Try that during lectures? ;p
His pudding obsession... Yakuza and link -_-"
 Gonna get a haircut tomorrow...well, probably =D Enjoy what's left of your recess week and keep warm fellas! \[n_n]/
edit: Mum just got a box of durian strudel for after dinner dessert! I lost count of the number of times I died and went to heaven after eating absolutely yummylicious food already! Here's a couple of pics of the half eaten durian strudel, ahhh caring and sharing. I'm such a chum, eh? Haha =p
The crust is layered and crispy with a brilliant sugar glaze over the top, and the durian filling is sooo fragrant and creamy but with a nice body to it, it's like eating durian itself. Oh my god! Gimme more gimme more!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
, 7:18 PM
Yooho people! I COOKED TODAY! Lol. Yes yes my friends and family have always questioned my seemingly dubious culinary skills *coughs* Hence, I decided to vindicate myself today! =D
Bought the Japanese Curry pack, Nut sponsored the Siew Mai. I thought there were carrot and potato cubes included in the pack, was kinda disappointed to find none included. So, we have curry. Just curry. =s
Haha oh well, we'll just make do with the stuff we have available.
The end product is a very tantalising Japanese Kare Rice with Siew Mai and Mashed Potato on the side. *big grin* Ta-da!~~
 Looks pretty darned good isn't it? =p This is only my dry run, I'm gonna get the full ingredients like potatoes, carrots and Katsu to make...Japanese Katsu Kare Rice! Lol. I kinda like cooking I guess, just...not the washing. =) Try it out yourselves fellas, it's pretty easy. If Smelly can cook, so can you! Haha!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
, 10:10 PM
Happy Mooncake Festival y'all!  Anyone spotted Chang'E or the Jade Rabbit? (I know Armstrong didn't XD) This is the only time of the year when you can pig out freely on mooncakes, drink tea, play with candles and lanterns like there's no tomorrow, literally. Haha and not forgetting the pomelos and baby yams! Ooh simply yammilicious! Lol I didn't do much lantern carrying this time, but yeah I sure did lotsa mooncake-eating, and boy was it goood! ;pWe got lotsa mooncakes and they came from all kindsa sources. There's the mocha-flavored snowskin mooncakes from Hotel Rendevous, snowskin mooncakes with orange and walnut paste (I know, how bizarre!) and the traditional ones with yolk and melon seeds from Crystal Jade and someplace else. But! My favorite of them all has gotta be the Mocha flavored snowskin mooncake (lol the name's quite a mouthful too). The paste's a rich Mocha flavor and when you bite into the core of it, man you'd have died and gone to the Moon. The core's a ball of luxurious dark chocolate, oh my god it's choco heaven baby! Here's a pic of it. Damn! I'm kinda suffering from withdrawal systems, need to check into a mooncake rehab centre man. T_T So we've heard of many variations of the mooncake festival story right? Check out Vietnam's version of it, I kinda like it, it's got some humor in it. Lol. Go check it out here. Just scroll all the waaay down. My version of the Mooncake Festival goes like this:Chang'E was sick of pining away for her husband back on planet Earth and the Jade Rabbit was kinda bored punding medicine on the Moon. And you guys prolly seen images of the Moon courtesy of NASA, it's all grey, cratered, pretty bashed-up, in short: inhabitable. Hence, the Jade Rabbit hatched up a plan with Chang'E to get some help from the Earthlings to help get them outta there. They still had some flour, eggs and whatever's needed for baking courtesy of Neil Armstrong and crew the other time they popped by. Lotus paste courtesy of the Jade Rabbit's medicinal supplies. They baked a HUGE batch of them and they stuck slips of paper into them. It says "SOS. Stranded on moon." Alas, they didn't have an oven or any kinda heat source. They sling shot the batch of mooncakes aimed at Earth anyways. And as these fellas penetrate the ozone layer, stratosphere and whatever, they get heated up (they didn't disintegrate totally since they made it with LOTSA layers and they peeled away as they enter Earth's atmosphere kinda like how the ceramic plates peel away on a space shuttle). After travelling several light years, they finally landed on Earth, and into the hands of the Chinese people (coincidentally) who are known to be indiscriminate eaters, hence they popped them into their mouths. They found the slip but the lotus paste kinda stained the words, only the letters "m-o-o-n" were visible. Hence, the term "mooncake" was born. And yes, Chang'E and the Jade Rabbit were sadly, forgotten on the cold and desolate moon. -The End- Lol yeah and there's my version of the Mooncake Festival.
Oh yeah oh yeah! What's your dream flavor for moonies? Mine's prolly peppermint chocolate snowskin mooncake!
Haha okay that wraps up my Moonie post. Enjoy yourselves fellas!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
, 3:18 PM
It's 2 more days to Mooncake Festival! My Nemo lantern I got last year is 'ponchek' TuT.
Went to this Mooncake Festival celebration cum charity event the other day. It was a...refreshing experience. XP
Shall update about that on the 25th. What better way to count down to the Mooncake Festival than munching on mooncakes, baby yams and pomelas? Oh yeah and drinking tea? Hahas. Dark chocolate snow-skin mooncakes make me go va-va-voom~
Friday, September 14, 2007
, 10:13 PM
edit: My mum's driving me nuts, I think I'll kee siao if this goes on, I'll die laughing! She turned her lappy off and on for the Nth time cus her work webby's not working and she got no other webbies to look see look see or do. So cute! XDHello people out there. I'm gonna morph into an ota very soon. Correction...I'm an ota. School and rainy weather's turning me into an ota. It's now school>home>books>gaming>anime for me. T_T If this cycle carries on, I'm gonna become moldy! How come there's so many things to read this semester? Double T_T. Oh the misery. Plus the rainy weather's making me all lazy, when it rains I'd cancel all outings and sleep in or turn to gaming or animes...or watch whatever I can find on crunchyroll. If only there's NO homework/readings to do in school. Ahhh~ That's the life. Then again, school wouldn't be as relevant anymore. Double misery. Gimme a cocktail called double misery please. Ooh la la...booze!But! Gonna go for K with Ru, Yu and peeps. Haven't been listening to many chinese songs lately, I don't wanna sing the usual songs, or should I sing my "Di Nu Hua" again? Lol. Classic.Have been watching Lucky Star recently. It's quite a funny anime, very light-hearted and they touch on everyday random stars, the characters are reaaaally cute, audio-visually! Lol. Yeah so go watch it. It's assignments season. Omg. I haven't started drafting on any of them. But the encouragement here is...I kinda started on one already. I borrowed the book needed for one of the assignments. n_n Hey hey, as Neil Armstrong (that famous astronaut who stepped on the moon FIRST, see when it comes to kiasu-ism even the ang mohs are not spared) said "This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind". So yeah, I'm started. =D I've a study area set up already so I foresee myself spending more time studying (I hope). So a lazy smelly's gonna morph into a hardworking one soon! Mum's $1049 laptop's delivered a few days ago, and it's daily comedy to watch her come back from work to do her stuff through the internet. It's so cracking us up, to see her raising up just one finger and moving it gingerly on the touchpad. I bookmarked webbies like crunchyroll and youtube so she can go catch the latest TVB or Korean dramas, at the crunchyroll page our conversation was...Me :"Neh. This is the website where you can watch 'TV'."Mum :"Wah can watch many shows!!!" *Scanning all the thumbnail pics of shows all over the screen...I swear her eyes went like this ---> *_*Me :"Yeah. So, you want to watch what?"Mum :"Mmmm...I want to watch the latest hong kong show. This website have?"Me :"Have, got many shows" *waiting for her to gimme a title* Me :"..." for what felt like eternityMum :"?? No latest show?"Me :"Have. But you need to give me a title or the actor's name so I can search."Mum :"I forgot what's the name leh. Jia po (as in mother-in-law) something one."Me :*typed 'jia po' and there were all the ulu shows*Mum :"No no no not this one. Why cannot one? No latest show?"Me :-_-" "You need to gimme a title..."So I spent the next hour or so explaining to her the concept behind YouTube and Crunchyroll, how it's kinda 'illegal', P2P sharing, people upload videos and you get to watch it. So now, she uses her lappy mainly for work. T_T" Hahaha so whenever her webby takes a lil long to load, we'll go "Yeah cus' it's the 1049 laptop". XD Mikey scored in the Eng vs Russia match too! TWICE somemore! I'm praying hard he's gonna be consistent this entire season, so please please Mikey don't get injured if not it'll be talent wasted. Read his autobiography before, and he talked about how his Dad (also a footballer in the past!) gave him a tip which he ALWAYS uses, which is to "Keep your eye on the ball even when it's not in possession or near the penalty box". I think that's a really good tip for strikers and all footballers alike. I've lost count of the number of times when a player lose the ball because he wasn't alert, or when the team-mate wanna do a 1-2 and end up losing the ball instead due to miscommunication which are usually due to not being alert. Get very irritated whenever that happens, that tip by Mikey's Dad'll always flash through my head. Comm skills lecture can be a whole lot mote interesting if they take it to the field man. Comm skills always emphasize on listening and speaking to an audience, they always touch very briefly on observation or they don't touch on it at all. Observation's a very important tool to communication too! Never underestimate it. Especially when you're in a new/volatile environment I think. So footballers out there, keep your eye on the ball! I think that's why Mikey's always looks so sharp, he knows where to stand at the right place and the right time. Mikey! Nothing is impossible! Keep it comin! Serve club and country well!Haha I think McClaren's kinda at his wits' end really, when I see the line-up against Israel. So many key players out, he even took out the (dusty) Owen-Heskey combi. It was surprising and not so surprising at the same time. Surprising cus' this combi's not seen for a pretty darned loooong time, not surprising cus' this 2 fellas have TONS of experience in their boots. Really nice to see this combi again, kinda nostalgic, for a moment I thought I saw them in red again, ahhh with the Liverbird crest. Those were the days~My mum said he looked old on the papers. Hmmm wonder if Teddy's still playing? He's like the current record-holder for oldest football player playing professional football. Salute him! Running up and down a football field for 90 mins (assuming he plays the entire game) is no joke man.Waaa~ I think I babbled on too much. Lol. How come people stop whatever they're doing when they feel they've spent too much time (in my case) typing out a post huh? I usually surf some other webs after logging out of blogger, so in the end I don't spend much quality time on anything. Does it happen to you guys too? nah this time I'm gonna start on my reading! =D "Master and Margarita" here I come~
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
, 9:08 PM
I'm gonna reassemble my study area! Need a corner where I can do my stuff to get me distracted from distractions. Lol. If I don't, I doubt I'll get the motivation to study. -L-" Yup that's me. XDThis is my 1st post using this new skin. Bringing to you anpanman, or better known as mian bao chao ren. X) The song always puts me in a cheery mood. => If it happens to scare any of you (considering it's on auto-play), I still won't change it. =p Lululu~Aaargh! I have an assignment! I'm kinda hyped up about it though I still wanna grumble and whine about it (I think it's a habitual thing since I've spent close to 14 years grumbling about homework, it's kinda hard to kick the habit). Deadline's on 21st Sept. Gotta make a mental note for that.Yeeaargh~ And so the assignment period's kicked off. Let's do it! Go! Anpanman!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
, 10:44 PM
I'm in the process of making my Anpanman Blog. Stay tuned! =D
Saturday, September 08, 2007
, 7:30 PM
I think I'm still going through puberty. Besides that reason, I don't know what can explain my huge appetite. I eat a lot, but once I leave the dining table, I burp and I'm hungry all over again. So how? Anybody got any solutions for me, please help, it'll be greatly appreciated. =D There's this theory that suggests that whenever you feel hungry or the urge to eat something, try going for a drink (no, and I don't mean anything with alcohol -_-), just drink water or juice (whatever that's healthy), your body might be needing moisture which can be extracted from food. So next time, try drinking water. But so far, it's not working for me T_T I just give whatever my body's craving at the moment. Eat more coriander! Watched a Japanese variety show and they say coriander is very effective for removing body toxins. Eat more kim-chee too! But I forgot why -_- Errr bottomline is it's very healthy. And the average Korean takes in about 500~600 grams of kim-chee DAILY. That's a whole lot of kim-chee man, makes your body feel kimochi~ Haha! Been eating A LOT of takoyaki たこ焼き lately. So I'm gonna do a mini tribute to my favorite food of the moment. Oh my god, I got an idea! I shall add a "Favorite Food of the Month" in my left column! How's that? XD Ok so takoyaki's gonna kick-start my new segment! =D
Favorite Food of the Month September - Takoyaki`たこ焼き
Takoyaki (たこ焼き) means fried/baked/grilled octupus. Tako = Octupus and yaki=to grill, to bake, to fry. It is a popular dish especially in festivals, they are made of batter, diced octopus, tempura scraps (tenkasu), pickled ginger, konnyaku, and green onion, topped with okonomiyaki sauce, green laver (aonori), mayo, and katsuobushi (fish shavings, yum yum!). In Singapore, I think we have a slightly simpler or more watered down version of takoyaki, minus the aonori, pickled ginger and konnyaku. It originated from Osaka. Making takoyaki requires a takoyaki pan, a special frying pan called takoyakiki made of cast iron with hemispherical molds. Takoyaki is especially popular in the Kansai region, but has risen in popularity in other parts of Japan. In the Kansai region, takoyaki is eaten as a side dish with a bowl of cooked rice. Elsewhere in Japan, it is eaten without rice as a snack food.
I wanna eat the jumbo takoyaki in Japan! T_T Our takoyaki's a lil' on the mini side. =p

My sis's China friend gonna get some stuff back to Singapore after the holidays, so I tompang her to get me a face massager! XD $3.50 only! People always call me "mian bao chao ren" or anpanman, my sis calls my face "mian bao lian" T_T Lol. Will this thingy work? Hmm stay tuned! =D Got a lot of things to read, and I tend to mix up the plots, merge them and they become totally new stories. T_T Neh mind, it'll be over soon! (not). Lol. Hang in there people, it'll all be over soon! Trust me! ;) Later got Euro Cup Qualifier: England vs Israel! Mikey-Heskey combi, ahhh makes me nostalgic again.
Monday, September 03, 2007
, 11:34 PM
Haha I'm back! Realised I've 'MIA-ed' from the blog-o-scene for quite some time so here I am back with a new post! =) Went shopping with Roo, Yu and Min te other day at Bugis. I was a lil' late so when I finally arrived, I saw Roo and Yu being 'interrogated' by a POSB/DBS salesman/promoter. Turns out he's an NYJC alumni. Wooha, what are the odds? Lol.Finally squeezed into Bugis V, the rain stopped and it was pretty warm and humid in there. Lotsa people were there for their weekend therapy. Haha I prefer weekday shopping trips where you can have all the time in the world = lesser risks of getting an impulse buy. Haha so we went there bent on getting something, or we're not going hom. So I got a $5 pocketwatch, a free necklace from Moldy and a Little Miss Trouble tee for $10. =D Total damage: $15. That ain't too much. =D I'd wanted to get the Little Miss Messy tee. Roo suggested getting a Little Miss Late. Lol thanks ah. =pRealised that there aren't many choices around Singapore, shopping-wise. Take Bugis for instance, Royal blue pinnafore-inspired dresses, vests and other in-fashion what-have-yous are everywhere. No no don't get me wrong, shopping's still all good here, the only problem is the lack of variety, creativity and alternatives. When I say lack of creativity, I'm talking about wholesalers not bringing in stuff that may not be in the mainstream at the moment. Hmm I guess even in the business world, people operate on a herd mentality? But then again, there's a world of barriers out there, like costs, being unsure if the stuff they're getting's gonna be welcomed by the mass consumers and such. So we usually end up with stuff that's pretty much the same, so like shop A and shop B sells the same product, with slight variations in color and such. I guess the problem's being adventurous? Then again, good ole' econs, with demand comes supply. So...question: Who's gonna start the ball rolling by being adventurous? The consumers? Or can it be the other way round when suppliers bring in new stuff, consumers are exposed to them, thereby building up their demand? Haha thankfully, we're in the DigiAge. Where people can source for alternatives online, e-bay, online sprees, whatever. I'm taking to shopping online recently, some people's concerned about the credibility of online shopping, but I guess it's this risk factor that makes it exciting, and all the more appealing? Lol. Your only safeguard's to go to recommended credible sites and go with your gut feeling. Okay okay I admit that the prices are very appealing to me =D. long can an alternative remain an alternative? I guess it kinda spoils all the fun to see something fresh and unique going mainstream. Haha nothing beats the fun and thrill of sourcing out stuff. Ooh la la~ XDOops I drifted way off topic. Hahas so went to check out Comex, many, many, many people were there too! So many people carrying banners, touting the lowest price in Singapore. Frantic shoppers carrying notebooks, lugging LCD TVs, laptops, desktop PCs, printers. Lol it was a definite eye-opener. After torturing my legs the entire day walkin', managed to reach home just in time to witness the Reds' 6-0 massacre of Derby County. I applaud Derby somehow, think coming into the EPL is a great opportunity to gain some experience. My favorite was Alonso's goal. =D And grats to Michael Owen for scoring at Newcastle, keeping my hopes up for him to be in the frontline for England. =D YNWA~ Mikey!Ooh la la a lengthy post. Hahas remember to bring your brollies people, been raining lately. Goody night! Smelly's outta here~
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
☆ Tagboard~
☆ Food of Feb '09~

<3 S T E A M B O A T
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