Tuesday, June 26, 2007 , 10:57 PM

I feel like puking after chucking down half of CB's mudpie T_T

But it's nice =]

And so it's coming =]]

Wednesday, June 20, 2007 , 10:15 PM

I'm so freakin tired I can like fall right into a deeeeep slumber even before you can say "goodnight". But for my readers =) I decided to blog! Lol.

Watched Surf's Up on Tuesday, best part was it's FREE! Haha the folks at UOB came around to ask if we wanted to go catch Surf's Up and since it's FREE of course we can't miss it la! And we rushed there in true blue Singaporean kiasu style. Movie's at 8.30pm @AMK hub and we pia-ed there to get good seats cus' free seating =D So fun, spotted many UOB colleagues with their kids awwwww~ haha saw Aunty Chong and Uncle K too! Knew she'd catch the movie!

Bobo passed me my raincoat, whistle an alarm for Vietnam trip (few weeks more!!!), she told me they were afraid that I'd sound the darned thing for fun -_-" Lol. Well, maybe.... ;) I was laughing throughout the entire film la, the penguins so crazily cute you just wanna squish the living daylights outta them! *ahem* Ok I love Arnold and Big Z! The animation team's the same one that gave us Ice Age, Finding Nemo etc and the waves are waaaaaaay better in Surf's Up compared to Nemo, it's 3D, it looks like the ocean, IT IS THE OCEAN! And when they close up on Big Z going into the tube, the wall of ocean, the sound of the ocean booming into the theatre, ahhhh calm and serenity. It was such an awesome shot. And like all other animation films, there's always a moral of the story. Like how you shouldn't give up on your dream even when you don't have anyone to support you, hmm and...lemme recall...

Oh yes! And how Big Z says that sometimes if you just lay back and take it easy, you might sail through things easier than you'd expect. Haha I loveee animation films though some people thinks it's corny and stuff. I want free tix to this rat animation film, rat-ta-too-ee!

Work's been crazy lately, even 'crazy' seems to be an understatement T_T But I'll surf through my endless pile of work like Big Z! Tralala!

Saturday, June 16, 2007 , 4:13 PM

Been listening and watching the music vid of Linkin Park's latest song "What I've Done", taken from their latest album "Minutes to Midnitght".

I don't even care or even know if this is the best song in this album but I love the message behind "What I've Done", their music vid says it all, highlights global issues that's happening so rampantly all over the world, like starvation in Africa, global warming, weight issues, drugs, self-image, pollution, war, terrorism, captured in a compact yet effective 3 mins + of film.

Linkin Park seems to be changing their direction a lil' but yeah their style's pretty much unchanged. Fans will be pleasantly surprised by their lil' alteration in direction but yeah you can still find some of their trademark hardcore rap pieces in this album.

This album's so darned fine, all of the songs in "Minutes to Midnight" are highly addictive. But if I really gotta choose, on my first listen, "What I've done", "Leave out all the rest", "Hands held high", "No more sorrow", "Valentine's Day" and "In between" definitely nailed it for me. Love the way they arranged all the pieces into this album, the soft and hard alternates seamlessly, when you're finally done with it, you'll find yourself breathless. Taking you through war, terrorism, polluted lands and seas, battling with your own self mentally, you'd have this feeling of going into the darkness and then coming back into the light after 60 +/- mins of "Minutes to Midnight". Helluva ride, as always, with LP. Salut to all at LP for keeping it real and not too preachy. LP always work for me, what about you?

Take a look at my playlist and enjoy as all the issues of the world flash right in front of you, literally.

Note: Some pieces may get a lil' emo for me but the angsty rap pieces always balances it all ;D

Notice the lyrics of all the songs in this album, repetition's a style that stands out in this one. Hmmm like lyric poetry? Heck I'd wanna do a thesis focus on LP's music for graduation. Lol. Makes me feel like blowing $20 bucks on their album man!

And Chester looks so goddamn hot in the vid, the black skinny jeans, the shades, the gloves, arrgghhh I wanna see them in concert!

This album's direction a lil' U2-ish, you know how Bono and his band has this universal take on issues concerning the world and stuff? But I'd much prefer LP's alternative rock style, not too cheesy and preachy for me. ;)

Best way to enjoy LP? Blast em' speakers.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 , 10:21 PM

Yoo people I'm finally back!!! Haha MIA-ed from here for quite some time already, I've been OT-ing! Can you imagine?! ME OT-ing! Haha I need to make more moolah ($$$) so I'll tolerate the upcoming OTs that're likely to come up this week T_T

On a positive note, work's been prettaye enjoyable. Thanks to Aunty Chong, I nearly choked on my own saliva today -_-" Lol. We're gonna lunch soon! Woohoo~* And I don't have to worry abou you locking me outta the office already cus' Grace will lend me her card! XD

Haha it's gonna be July, 3 more weeks then I can rest for 3 days then Vietnam! I prepared a Vietnam notebook, jotted down the embassy address and basic Vietnamese phrases (very handy when you wanna strike a good bargain or *gulps* even save your life!) and the itinery too! So I guess I'm pretty much prepared to fly to Vietnam already. My colleague, Grace, told me that her 14 yr old nephew went to Vietnam recently and he said it was fun leh, and quite safe also. safer than Pahang! Lol so yeah if a 14 yr old boy says it's safe, it IS safe!

Thursday, June 07, 2007 , 7:43 PM

stressed...I really need a break

trying to get out of the rat race

Tuesday, June 05, 2007 , 8:26 PM

I'm tired. T_T

Vietnam is coming, I need to save up more money.

je regrette~ I have to work out some things.

Friday, June 01, 2007 , 10:32 PM

  1. My stomach seems to be rebelling against me recently
  2. My mum keeps a stash of pretty vintage Martel Cordon Bleu under the altar
  3. I am hooked on Anthony Bourdain
  4. I'm beginning to think that planning for the Vietnam trip is important
  5. I only have 41 days to Vietnam and yes I do need a debit card
  6. I feel slightly more intellectual after my daily dosage of Discovery Channel
  7. I just realised I forgot what to type here...
  8. Oh yeah, the hotline to dial for NDP tix: 1900-112-4342
  9. Stupid employment agency hasn't sent me my cheque
  10. My mum enjoys yawning with her mouth wide open.

For point number 1, I think it's simply bad karma. Chucking godknowshowmuch junk food and whatever food alike, it's rebelling against me. Let's just say I visit the loo a whole lot more recently alright. And it's pretty nasty.--->SOLUTION: Made a pact with my stomach to take in more fruits and vegetables from now on, see I'm already doing it. *apples can be so bland, how about a durian?

For point number 2, no my mum's not having problems with her two looney but nonetheless ADORABLE kids which ultimately turned her into an alcoholic (that only happens in Desperate Housewives). She has that gem of an alcohol simply for cooking purposes, so like steamed fish? A teaspoon into the gravy and it's mama mia~ But for it to be placed in the cabinet under the Guan Yin altar? Something's not right, cus' Guan Yin abstains from alcohol right? So it's like taboo.--->SOLUTION: I'm gonna tell my mum that THAT's the reason why she hasn't had much luck at 4D =D Now that's so gonna work. Will update on her reaction, so watch this space (...)

For point number 3, Anthony Bourdain's overthrown Jamie Oliver as my culinary idol. Actually that's kinda inaccurate cus' he doesn't actually cook stuff in his show, he sorta introduces special dishes in a sarcastically humorous and in-your-face way. He's got personality and prolly the best job in the world: getting paid lotsa money just to travel around the world EATING and simply being his sarcastic, chain-smoking, funny self. He's so freaking funny it's addictive, almost as intense as his addiction for his smokes.--->SOLUTION: Watch MORE of Anthony Bourdain until I've grown sick of it (which I really doubt I would for now)

For point number 4, after that orientation cum planning on Wed we seriously need to plan our itinery and hotel stuff. It's still pretty much skeletal but yeah we got some groundwork laid down! Exciting!--->SOLUTION: Surf the webby for more hotels around the area. Key here is affordability and comfort.

For point number 5, I really think I should get a debit card. Must consult Shirley on that on Monday. Just in case my cash runs out, which is very, very likely.--->SOLUTION: Consult Aunty Chong!

Point number 6, 7 and 8? Skipped.

For point number 9, they haven't sent me my cheque I wonder why? I was supposed to just mail the pink and blue parts and white portion's kept by UOB and the yellow's for me. Sotong me just chucked the entire thing into the envelope and sent it into the mail -_-" Yeah so much for Discovery!

For the final point 10, my mum has a new habit, yawning with her mouth wide open. I told her in jest that that's a hippo yawn and she said that was complimenting that she's cute indirectly cus' I loved hippos. I told her I meant that she looked like the not-so-nice kinda hippo, and she hippo-yawned again at me. +_+ Boy, we're a house of looneys, it's a madhouse here, but yeah it's kinda fun most of the time. Besides, we kinda gotten used to it already. 8)

I think I'm gonna miss my family when I'm away for 10 days in a foreign land. Oh god this shouldn't be an emo post. But yeah I'm gonna miss a whole lot of you special people out there besides my family, you know who you are. ;) Listen to the last song on my imeem playlist on this blog if you think you're one of the special people. Yup, it's a wrap! Till then!