Sunday, May 27, 2007
, 11:45 AM
Yesterday when I went down for dinner, there were these two kids with their Mum and Dad. Then the kopi uncle came over and ask them what drinks they'd like, then they ordered the very gimmicky (very smart gimmick! I like it!!!) drink "Anything" and "Whatever". Haha so we were like kaypoh, tell my Mum later when they open the can see what they got inside, there was this clear and fizzy drink then the other one was like iced lemon tea or green tea. So interesting! Surprise in a can! Think this is a very good option for most of us who always say "sui bian" (anything or whateve in Mandarin 8D). I have yet to try my first can of "Anything" or "Whatever". Think once I try it, the magic will be gone already. You know, like how when you try something you wanted to try for so long then when you finally tried it for real, you go "Just like that?" Haha aiya I can't explain myself properly. Lol. Pay! Pay! Pay! I wanna treat my family to something nice but affordable whn I get my first pay, ehh I'm thinking seafood, teppanyaki (the meat, meat, meat!)...somewhere along these lines. Any suggestions? 8) When is Vietnam coming! XDLabels: anything, whatever
Saturday, May 26, 2007
, 11:43 AM
Crikes. Stayed out late last night without giving Mee prior notice. Yeah. Consequences.Night shopping sucks in Singapore. Last train. Last bus. Two choices. Night-rider. Cab. We chose the latter. We boarded the cab with $2 (HY). Called her Sis down for cabfare. Total cabfare: $24.30. Experience? Priceless.Night shopping in Orchard. Difficult to get anything with people abuzz. Hustling. People-watched. 2 gay men hitting on 2 Caucasian men. They seemed a lil' drunk. But yeah still eew. Lol. Many interesting people though.My conclusion: I'm a weekday shopper. Hustling's not my thing. Shopping in town? You'll need A) Deep pockets B) Whole lotta patience C) Both. For town, you'll get quality (most of the time) but sacrifice with a lil' quantity (unless you've got option A XD). I like variety! =DBusy with Operation Hachi ;). Shan't rveal much for now, it's top top top secret. XD Meeting with our fellow agents? Priceless.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
, 10:13 AM
It's been 12 days since I last posted! Egad~ It's gonna be Vesak Day soon!Just saw the Granado Espada game commercial yesterday, from the creator of Ragnorak Online, the graphics are smashin' cool! Yeah so I'm DL-ing the game client right now...=)Work has been crazy but still manageable, colleagues here really nice, so you'll never go hungry with them around XD But there seem to be a flu bug going around the office though, hmmm...Haha and yeah condolences to Man Utd for their loss, but I thought they weren't aggressive enough? Giggs got some serious chances at a point in the game to secure the lead, but hey, that's soccer for you. Ahh the love-hate relationship all soccer fans have with its sheer unpredictability. And now, the Red Army fans are chanting as we're preparing for the coming Champions League fnal. AC is always a dangerous opponent with high calibre players like Maldini (veteran), Gattuso (another veteran) and Kaka (!!!)'ll be an electrifying match!Haha and yeah my financial reserves are running dry now...until I send in my timesheet and cash in for more disposable MOOLAH!!! Man vs Reality...who's gonna win? Only time will tell, and we shall see.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
, 8:35 PM
I'm working longer and longer hours as the week progresses! I clocked 6.30pm, then 7.00pm then 7.15pm today! I'm a workaholic already! Haha good news! Signed up for SCV!!! LOL. And all for Champs League finals! Jialat. Later Mee sure glued to the teewee, following one Korean drama after another. -_-"Ahhh I need office clothes, cus' I don't look my age T_T SHIAT!Haha but aargh I can watch sports LIVE now! AHHHHHHHHHHH!XDWooh my char siew rice is back!Ohh yeah just now when I was eating my ice cream I realised that it took a much shorter time for it to melt leh! See the effects of global warming affecting me in my everyday life! I must save plastic bags and whatnot already! Everybody drink more water or herbal tea cus' it's getting hot in here~~~ =D
Saturday, May 05, 2007
, 10:33 PM
Wooh 2 and a half hours of enlightenment in Spiderman 3. We've all done terrible things to each other, but we have to forgive each other. Or everything we ever were will mean nothing.-MJ-Everyone has a choice-Peter Parker to Flint Marco-Revenge is like a poison. It can turn you into something ugly.-Aunt May to Peter Parker-Haha there're lotsa hilarious scenes in Spidey 3 too, especially the scene in that French restaurant XD And how that lil' girl sold her pictures of Spidey to Daily Bugle's chief editor near the ending. Sandman reminds me so much of Fantastic Four, dunno why? But Harry died. He told his butler (why didn't that butler told Harry earlier!?! Could have spared Harry from being scarred!) that he'd lay down his life for his friends, and he was true to his word, cus' he sacrificed for Pete at the end. T_T I'm such a loser, cus' I teared. I teared at the flashback of Uncle Ben and his murder, I teared at Harry's death. I love Kirsten Dunst in this, think she's awesome man!From the plot's point of view, Harry's death is inevitable. People forget happy endings really fast, his death sorta made it more memorable, makes it less superficial? Haha I don't know, I enjoyed Spiderman, and I think the way hey destroyed Venom was kinda cool. But I had to agree with MJ, that topsy turvy kiss with Gwen was sooooo unecessary!!! XD
Friday, May 04, 2007
, 8:50 PM
This is the why I love Liverpool. I don't knowif you can feel what I feel in this picture, but yeah this the same Liverpool that attracted me so much the past 14 years. It's not so much on how many trophies they've won, or how often the get into the soccer headlines, it's purely about the spirit within. Liverpool really feels like family.For the upcoming Champs League finals against AC Milan, the fans will be your 12th player on the pitch wherever you may be. Fight on Reds! YNWA~Haha I just had to write all that, that picture of papa Rafa sitting on Anfield's sideline is...touching. Today's my 3rd day back at the bank, Aunty Chong finally updated me on some office gossip (ahh nothing like a gossip session over meals XD). I don't like to gossip, I just like listening to gossip XD. Did Cashplus again, haha butthe stress is gone now, gotten the hang of it...I hope! Lol. I was telling my mum how I need to get that damn antenna in some fixed position for the Champions League final, then she replied in a matter-of-fact way, "Sign up for SCV want or not?" Haha I want I want! Tuiton tomorrow! Wooh moolah! Haha I just checkd my mail, my package is here! Hehe my first time buying things from an online spree from Korea. =D
Thursday, May 03, 2007
, 7:26 AM
Totally agree with Hum Zim Peng that it's deja vu for Liverpool FC man.We're gonna face AC Milan once again in the Champions League Final 2007.C'mon Livers, let's Istanbul them!Shit! Due to time constraints my post will thus be limited to these meagre sentences, we apologise for any complex details lost. XDZipping to work! Ohh yeah CNA reported that Singapore clocked the fastest time in walking pace in an official survey by dunno-who. Is it accurate? I think they prolly did the timing during the Great Singapore Sales or something. Please lar, New Yorkers and Hong Kongers walk faster at a more consistent level! Haha oh well, work work then exam! Crikes! XD
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
, 8:48 PM
Kickin off with happy news off the pitch! LIVERPOOL FC IS THROUGH TO THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINALS 2007 AT ATHENS! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!Weeee~ Today's my first day back at UOB! Haha everything feels like deja vu right from the start la, cus' I NEARLY screwed up the Power Lender password AGAIN! LOL. I nearly on my very first stint in UOB more than 6 months ago XD Haha but never mind, cus' Catherine is very funny. And I sat at the seat that i sat at last time, but it's not permanent so I gotta switch to somewhere when Shahida comes back. Haha very fun to see Aunty Chong and Hui Yun! Super awesome! Haha made new friends like Celeste and Li Huan. Li Huan helped me alot with my nonsensical questions XD Most of the people in UOB are super nice. Haha with the exception of Aunty Chong's nemesis Aunty J! XD I did this card app called Cash Plus, then when I was getting my free drink Aunty J told me how dangerous it was to do that card and asked me about school and holidays, haha my card apps aren't verified! I hope I don't screw up Cash Plus too badly! *fingers crossed*After work, no OT! Haha then Uncle Kel met up with Aunty Chong for her tuition, lol I'll pray Man Utd get in, so we can Istanbul you in 2007. XD To save money, I walked home today. My legs are kinda sore, but feels good la cus' it's all breezy. Roo and I are gonna do something crazy tomorrow. Once again, please pray for us. LOL. We S/U-ed our ENV elective, then Roo discovered like 2 days before the paper that we still have to sit for the exam and at least pass, otherwise we gotta retake ENV again! T_T Haha and the worst thing is we've only went for 3 lectures? Haha somebody please tell us we're nuts!Anyway, today's helluva day, and I bet tomorrow's gonna be waaay crazier XD Everyone please bring along your own bags to the market or supermarket yeah? Or ask your mums to do so, it isn't too much trouble to lessen the burden global warming has on our planet, right? LOL. They should have a Captain Planet: Globa Warming series man.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
, 3:06 PM
Holla at all you people out there! Done with exams? Here comes the holidays~ Haha I'm back with a post just before I start working tomorrow! Excited and a lil' nervous I guess, I hope I won't screw up passwords again! Wonder if I'll get the hang of it again, seeing Aunty Chong and the familiar faces, meeting new people, tingling~ Let me have it smooth please thanks! =D
It'll be non-stop action for 2 months at the bank, until the 13th July, when I'll get to enjoy the fruits of my labour (yeah, literally). Yep, that's when Vietnam calls~ Dang! I wanna go already XD
Just 2 months at the bank and boy you're adept at the keyboard already, no kidding. Haha cheap food, cheap clothes, cheap whatever here I come!
Well, just some random pics taken with my temporary Motorola phone, gonna switch to a new phone ( LOL. I know, finally~ Lost count of my homies teasing my mobile "antique", "museum", "dinosaur" haha creative bunch of people) But I'll miss my old phone, gotten so used to it. =,(
So yeah, here goes:
The little piece of Nature left just right in front of my doorstep XD Ahh serenity~
 Hmmm doesn't look quite like Singapore?
My student's pooch a.k.a. Shadow~ Yea, he's so handsome ;)
 Awww~ He sure knows how to work his cutesy magic XD
 My sister's Monkey. No kidding, she always looks this stupid XD
 My Dong Dong, been with my Mum and now with me 19 years and counting =)
mood: JUMPY!
music: Drumline OST
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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☆ Food of Feb '09~

<3 S T E A M B O A T
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