Friday, September 29, 2006
, 1:58 PM
2 Days to School. Totally =((((((((((((
Shall make this a short post cus' I gotta dive back into my essays. Make that a triple SHIT. =]
Previously I posted something on Ked's shoes. Then recently I was surfing this Bape shoes webby and came across this link to Visvim ahoes.
Not really sure which country is this company from, but the creative director of Visvim is Hiroki Nakamura and there's one at USA, LA. Wah the sneakers are so darned UNIQUE!!! Can I get Visvim in Singapore!?! (Not EBay or Yahoo!Auctions)
Here's a pair Bathing Ape sneakers that I really, really LOVE:
And, here...Visvim sneaks!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
, 11:44 PM
Weee~ Finally persuaded my sis to download maple. We had a pretty intensive maple session yesterday night/morning. Tomorrow gotta go pay school fees with me sis, cus too lazy. Haha then mus faster chiong home to do homework cus' I'm only left with like lemme count 5 FREAKING DAYS!!! Ah doy! What kinda holiday man!?! Weee~ Bobo's suggesting that we have a Sporting Friday starting next week. Yay! If it's confirmed, I'll go get myself a MUCH lighter and STRAIGHTER racquet! I actually lost to Ru!!! How can!?! Hello. I was pro once know. Haha shall wear spectacle hooks next time. Oh yeah, as I was saying I had a very intense maple session yesterday night/morning. There was this mapler who calls himself 'Seewatzzz', he's such an ass man! First, he invited my sis and I into his guild called 'Alphaex'. Okay never mind, then there was this guild member, he asked Seewatzzz if he can change his position to junior master (knight), then Seewatzzz said yes! 5 mins later, Seewatzzz expel him from guild!!! Wah! How can he do this!?! Suka suka expel people!?! Such a shitass right? So my sis quit the guild and I stayed on to see what the fella's trying to do. I was actually Junior master, then he announced that he's gonna change everyone's position to junior master. After 10 mins right, he started changing all of us to MEMBER! Wah! How can huh?
Yeah as you guys can see, Seewatzzz is a jerkass right? So, my sis and I spent the next hour or so quarreling with the jerk at Henesys. We WON the verbal battle lar cus that loser actually went offline! Haha and so many pple were sitting around us to watch this really intense movie man. Haha and people were supporting us lar! Haha so damn fun man! I took a pic:
Monday, September 25, 2006
, 9:43 PM
Word of the day: Ah-BianDefinition: To hog on something, refusing to let go. Refusing to budge.Usage: Ah Lian says to Ah Hock "Eh! Why you Ah-Bian my seat!?! I no need to eat huh?"Woots~ Hady's the latest SG idol. Haha pretty nice SG result show, although the top 10 idols' medley is OBVIOUSLY recording. Everyone sound so good, too good to be true, don't even sound remotely Singaporean, lor. Haha my Tau Gua's SoOOOOooooOo HANDSOME in white! I LOVE tau gua! In fact, I shall listen to his one and only CD AGAIN. Weee~ Going badminton tomorrow. Haha Ru should be umpire cus' she CLAIMS she has SHARP eyes. YAY! So excited! Can finally excercise! After my dusty brain's refreshed then can do my essays better. Right? Right.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
, 12:37 AM
Mum's going on a fishing trip to Cebu, Malaysia, tomorrow with me aunts. And, she'll be back on Sunday around 2pm? Haha this is pretty weird, cus' my Mum isn't very gungho and adventurous when it comes to fishing, or anything that has a 'sea' in it. She's panicky on cruises and motorboat rides. Haha...we'll see what happens. My cousin Jonathon just came back from Cambodia from some Boys' Brigade thingy or something, he's like this camp instructor or something, he's 20+ by the way. He was scheduled to fly to Thailand from Cambodia but when news of the military coup in Thailand, my aunt wanted him back in Singapore. So, yeah he booked a flight back, but guess what? The customs officer there actually found some counterfeit notes on him! LOL. He's suay lar. He told them he didn't know anything about him and prolly pointed to them his BB polo shirt and went 'Amen' cus' they actually believed him and let him off to Singapore but he'll have to surrender the notes to Singapore customs. Haha he's really innocent lar (he changed his notes at the money changer from Northpoint by the way). Think they believed him cus' there're only a few counterfeit notes, I mean you'd only get really suspicious when you're found with a suitcase-full of counterfeit notes, right? Haha, oh well, all's well that ends well I guess. My sore throat has evolved from a painful to an itchy one and it's still killing me. Shucks. And I have 5 essays to finish by this week. Egad! Talk about holidays man...
Monday, September 18, 2006
, 9:36 PM
In my previous post on the Sentosa trip, I left out a very IMPORTANT detail, so I'm here to add on: THANK YOU SHIMIN FOR CONTRIBUTING YOUR YUMMYLICIOUS JELLIES! =)Haha stop wailing already SM. Now, it's my turn to wail.My school fees after deduction by tutition fee loan + MOE grant came up to $416.55!!! For a semester! And my friends' came up to only $111!!! T_TDie~
Sunday, September 17, 2006
, 6:36 PM
YAY! Had our annual outing@ Sentosa yesterday! I was late - as usual. I woke up late and my mum cooked pasta in mixed veg/seafood soup so I had lunch before I left. I reached there by...I forgot the time, 1pm? On my way to Harborfront, there was this lil kid (pri 6 boy by the looks of him), he merlion-ed (puked) in the middle of the train cabin, it happened so silently! He just opened his mouth, and a waterfall of the stuff he ate earlier plus bile juices splashed on the floor *SPLAT*. Hahaha I mean I feel for the boy I think he isn't feeling well, but it was hilarious lar, cus' everyone was so calm about it, like this kinda things happen all the time, well there was this auntie who diao-ed the kid and took out a pack of tissue to clean her leg (and hurriedly kept the remaining tissue pack into her bag). LOL the aunties around him offered him tissue, he received enough tissue to fill a pack mann. Then an auntie probably felt he'd merlion again when he got off the train so she gave him a plastic bag (one of those medical hall plastic bags). Haha the poor kid just alighted at the next stop, and everyone just continued like the pool of vomit was invisible or something. Well, at least it was odorless! Haha then a blur ang moh stepped on the newspaper that's covering the vomit lar! And everyone (they didn't change their facial expression) prolly went EEEEEEEEEWW in their minds. Lol wah Singaporeans are a hardy bunch man, can be so nonchalant, calm about anything and everything. This ah pek just looked kaypoh-ly when the kid merlion-ed then continued reading his paper man!I'm so proud of myself! Haha when I dropped off at the Arrival Centre I helped myself to one of those island guides sitting around on the booth (almost everyone took one, lor. Haha so I'm not auntie), took the yellow line bus as RM said, and alighted at the Dolphin Lagoon. Wah! There were so many families, kids, adults at Palawan Beach! There was a FREE goodie bag booth, but I gave it a miss, cus' I figured you'll need some sorta coupon to prove that you participated in the family day event. Weee~ And they there were near the lifeguard's tower! Haha sitting around on many mats joined into one large 'carpet'. Haha there was significantly much LESSER food this year! I was starting to miss SY's signature 'corpse sausages'! Haha we had 4 bottled drinks (mostly iced teas), fun-pack Cheezels, Calbee's seaweed chips, Calbee hot&spicy chips, Xinyi's MEE-FEN(!!!) and wedges! Haha and guess what, SY brought chilli sauce and a can of baked beans! Haha like going for a camping trip!ZL brought along a volleyball and she kept bugging us to play ball. Haha so XY, SM and I obliged. Haha it was more like 'Chaseball' than 'volleyball' lar! So, the ball flew in all directions, and all of us picked the ball more frequently than playing vball. Haha SM was especially funny, she always aimed at XY and then it'll end up somewhere like a 100miles away? Haha. SY wanted to get a tan (she contributed sunblock, so we'll accept the chilli sauce! Haha), so she laid there with a towel over her face, haha SM attempted to provoke her lar! Haha and she got herself a 'ru lai shen zhang' (buddha's palm). LOL. We sat there and chat about our lives now and stuff, haha everyone knows SY doesn't wanna take math but wanna take biz. Ahhh~ It felt so good to sit there and chat. SM even shared with us some really gross details about the images in forensic science, disgusting but sounds really cool leh! Oh man! Then the rain came, so off we go on our next stop: Ferry Terminal for shelter and a much-needed toilet break! Haha SY was sleepy on the bus, but it's so hard not to cus of the rain. After we took some pics at this really nice garden (looked like some sophisticated European garden!). Haha SY and I went off to find The Enchanted Garden of Tembusu!!! The rest of the gang don't wanna go (so lazy! haha). Wah missed this place, it's a place of its own man, the rain atopped so it's sorta misty and dewy in there, feels so fresh! Haha really look like Ellinia in Maplestory lar SY! Ahh~ pity not many people goes to this place, hmm maybe that's it charm? Guess if it's crowded there, it won't be as enchanting.Weee~ Musical fountain! Haha it was drizzling so the gang got their brollies except the 'young people'! Haha SM took so mnay pics, mainly of herself lar! LOL. Then there was this China man he actually talked to us lar, I think he's trying to ask where's the public phone, wah but his mandarin's so cheem! It's like his words are stringed into one loooooooooOooooooong word! So we kept shaking our heads, they didn't seem to get the hint that we really wanna end the conversation. LOL. Then he continued to talk and talk, and even asked SY if she's studying and where. Haha so annoying lar!Weee~ The musical fountain started! It was pretty good, the usual Kiki and the Princess Pearl, the music and lights, fire, rhythmic fountain! Haha the laser display was so mesmerizing! SY was amazed by how the laser seem to cut through thin air. Ahhh~ I miss being a kid, somehow. Haha after that we went back to mainland! Haha the bloody queue was a bus-stop away but luckily it cleared off really quickly! Thank god! Haha and we even found time to crack jokes about the Sentosa people with those light sabre thingy as they directed us to buses and muttered "Front front back back"! We were so high on the bus lar, prolly cus' we were shagged already! We were shouting to one another again so poor SM's losing her voice. Haha and ZL got the reddest tan! She sat under a shade most of the time! And we purposely sat under the glaring sun, and we came back unscathed! Tsk tsk! HahaHad dinner at Pasta Mania! Had vongole (yums yums), then SM spotted a jerk (does the jerk action)! those who wanna know ask me ask me! Really scandalous! Lol. On the way back this auntie chatted with me. Lol. Ahhh~ Shagged but really feels so good to see the gang! Just sitting there, talking, laughing about stupid things, laughing at SM's korean and funny antics! Haha another outing's scheduled for next week! Hurrah! Haha
Sunday, September 10, 2006
, 5:22 PM
Wah the sweet smells wafting through the kitchen is so darned tantalizing! My Mum's the World's Most Mostest AWESOME cook EVER. Period. Haha I wanna be a great cook least someday. Whenever I watch Rocco's Dolce Vita or Jamie Oliver's or Nigella Lawson( she makes yummylicious-looking desserts!!!), I'll go "Hey, that looks pretty easy" and I'll get these crazy ideas and try to whip up something. Though most of my "masterpieces" often fail, well, not that it tastes like YUCK, but it just comes out weird? Haha but I've made this lil thing that I sorta improvised after watching Jamie Oliver's, haha I got one of those wholemeal baguette looking bread sitting in my kitchen, took it sliced it and spread tomato pasta sauce on top (I like it ultra thick...cus' umm I'm greedy), then used my fingers to pinch away at some cheese (I forgot the name of the cheese) but mozarella/edam/parmesan/cheddar cheese is fine(depending on your budget), sprinkle some chopped basil leaves on top, add some canned pineapple cubes and some cubed ham, and voila! You've got yourself a baguette pizza! Haha and it tastes so freaking good! I'm not a good cook, hmmm all I do is play around with food I guess. Asked my mum if she could try cooking crabs with Tom Yam paste someday, cuz' I really love tom yam and it'd prolly taste superb. But we'll have to add something to play down its spiciness I guss, with what? Coconut? Skimmed cream? Chicken stock? Hmmm. Haha who knows?Just finished The Great Gatsby! I love reading, well when it rains. Gets you into the mood real easy, so you don't have to re-read sentences again and again to get the gist of it, the rain sorta clears this fog outta your mind, which is refreshing. Well, I can't believe lamenting to my friends that it was a BORING book at first, when I hadn't even touched the damn book. Man, people can be so judgemental sometimes. Lesson learnt: NEVER judge a book by its cover. The cover really, really sucks though, this may be the downfall of all Penguin classics I guess, though the ultra cheap price prolly redeems itself. But boy when I finished The Great Gatsby, was I blown away! His words simply 'leaps off the page', this man Scott Fitzgerald has a way with words, when you read it almost feels like you're watching a movie in the very cinema of your brain. AMAZing! What a tragedy though. The title is ironic, which makes it so memorable. I like!Haha watched Glitter on Ch 5 just now, Mariah Carey's voice is OUT OF THIS WORLD man. Shall go download her songs later. Hmmm there's a chinese song I wanna download but I forgot whose? Oh shucks. Played maple till guess what time? Haha Ah Shing prolly knows! 6AM!!! YEah! 6AM! OMF(freaking)G! You know the maple window blocks out the entire screen so you have no acces of time whatsoever, and I was leveling up, then I tell myself okay maybe I'll go to bed after this quest, then it'll be followed by another quest, then I'll wanna level up a lil more, and it goes on for like...forever? Haha and when I finally succumb to the Zzz monster, 6AM!!! Ahhh time flies when you're having fun. Indeed! Haha I hope my dark eye rings won't show! Yikes! Well, even if they do, I'll slap two pieces of cucumber on them. That'll teach them a lesson or two. Hah!Well, tata peeps~ Man those familiar sounds of mahjong from my neighbor's flat...ahhh~ mahjong =D
, 2:08 AM
WEEE~ My new Tee Wee is here like finally!!! Watched DN-Angel and Saiyuki Reload! Wah hooked on them now, so gotta watch them every week. Haha I especially love the opening song for DN-Angel, yeah the one playing in the jukebox in here now! Tata people! Geez it's freezing in here la! Brrrrrr~Get well soon Ron! =]
Friday, September 08, 2006
, 6:21 PM
Weee~ Had so much fun chatting/gossiping ( I hate it when I do that but it's undeniably fun! =p) with my Lit friend Michelle on the bus, we were talking about this girl in class who's overtly vocal and outspoken? Haha I shan't reveal her name for safety purposes, let's just call her L, I know it sucks but hey I gotta protect myself here if I wanna survive in NTU Eng Fac for 4 bloody years! Haha L is an interesting character, she's really, really vocal, so she speaks up in class, she basically talks about anything and everything. Yes! Even the nitty gritty stuff and lil minute details that you'll go 'duh!' at. Haha a couple of the professors are a lil dissed sometimes, cuz' she's really pushy, even when whatever arguments she's dishing out has got NOTHING relevant to the main issue we're discussing about. Michelle was telling me that there was once she saw L and L just went on and on and on about her lifestory, like how she used to study in Russia and stuff, and she doesn't even want to know more about you cuz' most (if not all) of the time, she just wanna go on and on and on. Haha yeah so you roughly get the idea of L.Not that she's a bad person ( how do you define bad and good anyways? To the good bad is bad, and to the bad good is bad, it's all about perspective really), she's really interesting in all honesty. Haha I enjoy her 'verbal rallies' with the Profs in particular, so darned amusing la!Weee! Finally got my EZ-Link student card! Nice lil orangey card, and my picture ruined it all! Haha oh well, like it or not I'm stuck to it for the next 4 years! Yikes! Luckily it's thumbprint size so I can use my thumb to cover my picture or simply flip to the back when I tap my card, that is if I do use that card. Yay! Student cards mean student value meals at ALL the major fast food giants! Yummy! Had a 2 hour lecture just now, on feminism. T'was really cool, talked about the body and mind, how the body restricts us as women, and about how women should write with their body ( I can grasp a really vague idea on this, shall clarify this during tutorial). Haha Brennan said something freaking hilarious, an author ( a she by the way, forgotten her name, she wrote something on the feminist movement during the french revolution) said something like how a man should write about men and women should just write about women, both sexes not interfering with the other. So, we as readers, should just read stuff that the same sex has written, to get our woman perspective. Haha and Dr. Chan asked our thoughts on that, and Brennan said "So she basically thinks that women should just read women, men read men and then we'll all read ourselves to death lar". Lol. That brazen ass! Well, that tickled all of us, even Dr. Chan.Whatta lecture. Haha though some parts in between we kinda got lost, and I got so sleepy, thankfully I have my friendly neighbors beside to chit chat with! Haha they even have candies to share! Lol.Wooh shall finish all my novels and whatnot during the weekends, and attempt to finish the HW101 assignment. =) Wish me luck fellas got lots to accomplish, too lil time! Ai yai yai yai yai!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
, 8:59 PM
YAY! I got my lappy finally! I hereby name my laptop 'Toshi' =)Very Jap right? Yeah my lappy is Toshiba so he's Japanese! HahaHaiya was pretty embarrassing in the computer shop just now. LOL who cares as long I get to take my Toshi back home.Weee~ Received ground-breaking news that there's Astro test next week! Yikes! Hope tikam works! =D^_~ Weee~ Off to dl maple and kongkongsea! Ciao~
Monday, September 04, 2006
, 9:33 PM
On my way home, I received devastating news through Perfect 10: The Croc Files Steve Irwin died! He got killed by some bloody stingray! Everyone who wanna take revenge on the entire stingray species, get out there and eat more BBQ Stingray('hang hee') at the coffeeshop near you, and DO NOT visit the stingray aquarium at Sentosa! Ahhh~ I wanna beng gang the stingray la! No more watching Croc Files on KidsCentral =(
*sighs* At least according to Bro Bear, Steve died happy doing the thing he enjoys the most. They should throw ba zang into the sea, dunno if his body is found? Darned stingray!
Go to this link for more on the death of Steve Irwin:
We love you Stevie! From All Croc Files Fan All Over the World =)

Picture courtesy of Reuters In memory of the Croc Hunter (1962-2006)
Saturday, September 02, 2006
, 9:47 AM
Yesterday met up with the gang (RM, SM, SY, ZL, XY) at about 6.15pm at City Hall. Haha and to follow up with my tradition I was late AGAIN. For about 15 minutes? And Shing Yeen wasn't there yet! LOL that burger was late for 30 MINUTES! Since it's our rare reunion, she's forgiven. =pWah and we talked and talked and talked...AND TALKED AND TALKED during the walk through City Link. And as quoted by one of the gang "Human traffic was very high", so I think we didn't really talk, more like shouting to one another, lol so there can be like a three-way conversation going around at one time. Well, if you can't picture us shouting at one another, hmmm try picturing those sellers and ah mahs in a wet market at 8am. Wah we walked till the Adidas shop in City Link, and I was panting a little already! Woots~ But talking...I mean shouting to one another was so darned SHIOK, especially after not meeting up for many, many months. It feels so good to be with the gang again. : )And somehow we ended up in Marina Square, now, we gotta make the BIG decision, the MOST IMPORTANT decision of the ENTIRE night. Where're we gonna eat!?! Well, we stood in front of a I-forgot-what's-the-name-of-the-restaurant, but it was a western restaurant, and their desserts are like $9.90 to $19.90, and SY pointed out the 'Barbarians' Meal' to me, which I figured she prolly wants me to RECOMMEND it to RM (the vulture, ability to wipe out an entire table of food within a nano-second). Haha but 'Barbarians Meal', the I-forgot-what's-the-name-of-the-restaurant is so freaking creative! I guess it feeds 6 adult males? Or an entire table of ladies? Hah, beats me!So, we finaly decided we didn't want to have Western food, so SY suggested Seoul Garden, and off we went! After walking around the entire level, still NO seoul Garden! After 2 round-trips and earnest study of the directory map, we finally got our butts into Seoul...Garden!!! Haha speaking of Seoul, Sm kept ranting off Korean words the entire night! There's bola (I forgot the meaning), there's pabuya (stupid fool)...and a whole lot of not-so-nice words...haha but we applaud her for her very good rendition of the classic scene in ANY KDrama, "Oba kajima" (means 'Please don't go' to a lover). Yeah we each paid $27 for the meal! $27!!! Expensive but well worth it, since it's a rare reunion! Haha the gang went to grab plates of chicken meat to BBQ, I went for the spaghetti, baked potato and sushi first, so I can feast while I wait for the chicken to be nicely BBQ-ed. Haha I just realised we ate only chicken and sotong! But they were so yummylicious!!! Egad! I'm salivating on my keyboard. Xinyi is a VERY, VERY GOOD MASTER CHEF! She handles the chicken so perfectly! Wah! And the 'ginseng' soup was so good! Ooh la la we make a whole lot of noise in there, but it was so many plates of fun! And SY even told us a story of the manager vs GF-cum-Employee at Cathay, so jin bao! Haha ZL's condition improved! She's no longer man yi pai (slow)! Haha XY was taking buns, buns AND MORE buns, lol she's our master chef and a bun-specialist. Wah and next time we must wear a face mask and gloves to Seoul! Cuz for some unknown reason, only our table's BBQ plate keeps 'exploding' so without any warning, it'll go 'POP!', so exciting right? Go try yourself! Pity though, there was no peppermint ice-cream or chocolate ice-cream left! : ( >>>> : ) Before we left, we took pictures! Haha the Seoul at Marina Square has good ambience and lighting, go try it!Finally, we left Seoul with our bellies filled (half-filled for some of us) and very much watered, so off we go to hunt for ideal spots for an intense photo-taking session. Wee, out criteria for ideal spots are: *Low human traffic *Good lighting, preferably orange lighting *Must have stairs *Musn't be too warm, preferably with air-con or breeze. And... *drum-rolls* our 1st phototaking spot is the stairs going out to Esplanade! LOL we monkeyed around, yes and we posed too, or rather tried to pose, and we tried all sorts of angle and styles. OMG! I can't wait to see them!!! Then XY gotta make a move first cus she's bringing back food for her folks. Haha and she's so pissed the whole night cus' Mr. Potato wants her to go to Comex (IT fair@ Expo).So the rest of the gang stayed behind and did more monkeying around before we moved to the next stop. The next stop, Merlion Park. We walked on the overhead bridge and they were many people taking pictures too, the night breeze was so soothing! Woah at the Merlion Park there were even MORE people taking pictures! Wah the night view overlooking the CBD and fullerton, and the Esplanade is so breath-taking! *Click click click* A whole lot of pictures taken! Haha and we saw 'red-mole' a.k.a ZL's boyfriend. LOL SM's gonna get killed! And ZL went to join him and his friends, I think they're heading to the Padang, think there's some event goin on there cuz' there's loud, groovin music thumping the whole night. So the rest of the gang proceed to look for Raffles Place MRT station. ALong the way we took lotsa pictures, at Clarke/Boat Quay (dunno which one) we took pics with the bridge, we took pics with the 'Sea Merchants' (brass statues) and the 'Bullock Cart' (brass statue), with the vintage lamp-post, with one of the fountains at Fullerton Hotel. Fullerton Hotel really is the icon of posh style and moolah man! Weet we were really touristy! Haha fun fun FUN!YAY! We reached Raffles Place MRT station safe and sound! Haha and we took a total of 100+++ pics in like 3 hours? Minus the eating session! Haha we're certified cam whores! : )Haha SM upload those pics ASAP! Haha applause to SM, our in-house photographer for the night! Wah it was a tiring but FUN night! SY and I kept yawning on our way home, we could have passed off as drug addicts! Haha finally reached home past midnight! Weee~ What a night!And now, we'll be counting down to our annual outing at Sentosa on 16th Sept! Weee~ I'll not be bringing fruits this year, I'll share the load with SM and buy bottled drinks! Order list: Peach Tea, Green Tea, Mountain Dew, Apple Tea. To be updated!: ) I'll start saving up for annual outing! Weee~
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
☆ Tagboard~
☆ Food of Feb '09~

<3 S T E A M B O A T
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☆ Thanks~