Thursday, August 31, 2006
, 2:22 PM
OMFG! The black ink in my printer's like only half-filled now! Can ya imagine!?! I've only got my printer for less than 3 days! Those freaking professors! LOL. Do we look like printing machines to them? Man if this goes on, I'll need to get refill pretty soon. Yikes! *ka-ching!* $$$ GONE!The amount of notes that a Uni stud prints in 365 days is prolly enough to wipe out the whole of the Amazon forest. Egad! I'm supposed to be an environmentalist!Rotten weather this morning. I was feeling so darned sleepy (as always, I think I need D.O.M, ya know that ad that goes in Mandarin "ni DOM le ma?), and I gotta lug all ??kg of myself to school, plus that thicker-than-a-dictionary-thick 'Lit Bible' (yeah that's what my friends and I call that darned mother-of-all Lit studs book). Phew~ And poor Veron's feeling sick and stuff. Haha Maggie and Dawn's really funny during tutorial today, brighten up my day! Especially with that darned HL102 tutorial! HahaWeee~ Off to MORE printing! This time it's astronomy notes, they suck the most cuz there're many, many, MANY colored illustrations of the sloar systems and planets in there. The worst thing is you can't save ink by just printing black and white, cuz otherwise you won't be able to tell which planet is which especially when they're isolated. Oh well, I'm gonna set up a printing fund-raising project SOON!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
, 5:43 PM
Felt so so so tired today! So tired (restless) I didn't really wanna go to school. Fiddling with the printer till 2am isn't really my idea of fun. And that's what I did yesterday, hence, my restlessness this morning! Haha I loaded in the ink cartridges and installed the program but the paper always gets jammed halfway, when I cancel print it actually throws up the paper, SPOTLESS! Can any IT guru please enlighten me, or at least tell me what's going on!?!Lesson learnt: Don't go for cheapo printers! Okay maybe it's just my problem. Haha oh shucks!Weee~ Astronomy tomorrow! Happy happy~Veron's friend, Jim (if I remembered correctly), was really funny, and apparently he's a foodie too! And he was talking about how boring Taiwan was since he did some NS stint there, and about Hong Kong, gah! Makes me feel like going on a freaking HOLIDAY!!! There's gonna be a holiday coming up in Sept, bad news is it's only for a week, so it's sorta more like a term break? Shucks, holidays doesn't really seem to exist in our sunny island anyways. Haiya my printer's still not working la...shit I got myself a retarded computer! : ( Or am I the one who's retarded!?! o.0 Screw the printer, now I'm suffering from self-doubt. Oh boy oh boy what should I do!?! And there's NO warranty somemore!!! Die~Haha everyone except for my Mum's supporting me to join soccer, *sighs* Mummy I promise I'll try my best not to hurt my limbs or any other body part, or you buy me a full-body insurance for sport injuries la! Haha and still *mummy glares really freakily at me*...see I'm such an adult!Watched King Lear just now, certain scenes were really hilarious but I can't say much about the others, they just...well, pretty much knock us out. Shucks! Assignments are coming in fast now!!! For HL101 we're supposed to write something related to the title "This is me", F#%@ it's been centuries since I last did creative writing, JC's essays were all factual and now I gotta switch to creative writing? Woah you gotta be kidding! Okay maybe that's not that bad, since the word limit's 200 words, easey-peasey( or is it?). HL104's assignment coming up too! We gotta write a full-length essay with textual evidence and some bombastic argument on Conrad's "The Heart of Darkness", now, is this neat or what!?! -_-"So many assignments! And you guys should know I suffer from premature Alzheimer's Disease right? I can't remember things well, hmm in future I shall consider getting myself some external RAM. Ahh I gotta ask my friends to help me sum up all the assignments and deadlines for me, then I shall proceed to make a huge poster and stick it on my fridge! Now how's that sound? I like it! HahaOh well, catch ya later fellas! Please pray for's high tide season now with the shitload of assignments! In the meantime, take care folks! I shall work hard to achieve my goal: Sports journalist. : ) All the hard work's worth it if you have a goal.Unfortunately, setting goals is the easy part, putting in the hard work? Now, that's the part that's gonna kill me. Well, I'll work hard...after I play maple/audition! :p
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
, 8:37 AM
Woah! o.O I've been MIA for almost a week! I'm still alive and kicking! : )......Errr...I think I've forgotten how to blog? Okay, I'll just let it all out. Yesterday's HL10..( I forgot the code...HL102?104? Haiya whatever) lecture was CANCELLED! And the whole lecture hall boomed with cheers and applause la, see how popular the lecture/lecturer is? Haha I know. It seems that Dr/Mr( I forgot which don't mind me) Quigley has ran off(flew) to America due to some emergency, good news or bad news? Hmm I'm betting that he's back there cus his wife has just delivered a baby, my friends are betting that it's something bad, Hah those pessimists! LOL we shall see...There's astronomy today!!! One of my favorite subjects! Because there's no stress at all! Well, mainly cus' everyone else doesn't understand whatever 'Mr Orbit' is saying anyway, what with his ultra thick Canto accent. Haha I wonder what the attendance will be like today though. One ang moh zao after the break last week. Can't blame him, his foolscap/notepad was empty throughout 1 and a half hours (until the break...our entire lecture lasts for about 3hrs), prolly cus he couldn't understand Mr Orbit. But we ADORE Mr Orbit!!!! He's so funny la! He'll always end his long speech or okay about after 4/5 slides with "Can or cannot ah?" Haha I'll attend every lecture for the humor man, not the stars, galaxy, and whatnot.Wooh~ Shall update you fellas after my 3hrs lecture on....THE GALAXY~
Thursday, August 17, 2006
, 1:37 PM
Weee~ Went to watch the Li Sheng Jie concert @NTU with Ru, Yu erm and ahem Cai Yi Ling! LOL we were there pretty early, but the Queue was still pretty darned long, well at least we got free mango drinks from F&N Fruit Tree Fresh( the main sponsor for this event)! Haha good deal right? You go for a free concert and they give you a free drink! One whole bottle somemore not just a lil paper cup ya know! HahaEverything seemed to be in place, until 'Jolin' sms-ed to tell us she'll be late! And the worse thing's Ru's ticket is with her! So when the people came to collect our tickets and distribute Queue numbers, they told us that we gotta go all the way to the back of the line and queue again until 'Jolin' gave Ru her tickets. LOL we were pretty pissed, especially Ru. To think that 'jolin' stayed hall! Tsk tsk! Haha well, I doubt it'll make a difference anyway.Saw Jamie jie at NIE! After lunch at Can A we crossed over to NIE's bookshop to get Ru's book, cus' it's rumored that NIE sells books at a cheaper rate. The validity of this rumor remains unknown to me. LOL.Woohoo~ The emcee of the concert was 933FM's Weibin, and Li Sheng Jie was so darned good-looking in person! He's so tall and yes, his neck's really long! A lil disproportionate if you ask me, but still very SHUAi nonetheless! Haha he sings so well live, and with the lights dimmed, the feeling's just right man! LOL. And to the horror of 'Jolin''s friend, 'Jolin' actually ran all the way down to the booth to get his album just so she could get his autograph and a handshake, oh not forgetting his smile. LOL. It was so hilarious to see her at the edge of her seat whenever they asked for a volunteer to play some games with Ah Jie. Haha she's gonna POP out anytime!It's my first time going to a Campus Concert, so it's pretty exciting and fun to see a star live and at such close proximity! Ahhh~ What a night~ I'm gonna download his latest album! ArhahahaOh went for the Astronomy lecture with Yu earlier, and we left the lecture hall all starry-eyed! Hey no pun intended! Haha and we learnt one very important thing, and that is WE'RE ALL MADE OF STARS! Technically, it should be we're all made of hydrogen. All life in this Universe, all planets, I mean everything in the Universe comes from hydrogen! Or that's what he wants us to think. Can you imagine that? So unbelievable right? But it was pretty cool to watch that DVD, thought-provoking. The only bane is the Prof's thick Hong Kong Cantonese accent. LOL. And he always ends a sentence with: CAN OR CANNOT (HK style). LMAO~ The entire lecture was laughing at him la...haha and he pronounces solstice as 'solistix'! Haha looking forward to seeing this Prof for sure!: ) Phew that's all I gotta go check my mail, edventure and try to finish the million and one things on my to-do list! Oh yeah, I got another freebie! A FREE organiser! Weee~ I LOVE FREEBIES! =OCONGRATS TO LIVERPOOL's 2-1 DEFEAT AGAINST FILTHY RICH CHELSEA IN THE COMMUNITY SHIELD! HERE'S WISHING THE REDS A GREAT SEASON AHEAD!DO CHECK OUT DONDDONG'S BLOG! : )
Monday, August 14, 2006
, 8:02 PM
WEEEE~ I made another 'international' friend today! Okay and I made another male friend from English, he's one of the very rare guys in our fac, imagine only 6 guys in the entire fac!?! LOL. My 'international' friend comes from Vietnam, and she speaks English really really well! Haha I recommended her many many local delicacies to try. And she taught me how to say Hello in vietnamese, and it's sin-jiong! Haha people in our fac are a pretty fun-loving bunch, so tutorials are rarely a boring affair. Phew to that~Haha I collected the tickets to the Li Sheng Jie concert which is on this Wed, yay I wanna go to the Wilbur Pan's one too! Though I think the Q's gonna be really, really long!Talking about Queues, the Q for 179 (the shuttle svc that goes into NTU) is record-breaking! It actually circles around the entire interchange! o.0 Unbelievable! We should salute ALL NTU students for being such an unbelievably patient bunch!The good thing is buses come one after another, so it's all good, really. Phew to that too~Bad thing is since the term has swung into full gear, gaming time has been halved! : (I got a laptop, the Toshiba M5 which is light but bulky! Haha but it has an in-built microphone and many many goodies so I guess it's okay.Well, that's all today folks! Shall update more on my uni life!!!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
, 1:33 PM
Weee~ WTH!?! "Scheduled outage at 4:00PM PDT"? Whatever that's supposed to mean. Haha met up with Shimmy and Basilia at Yishun, then met up with Cheryl, Geraldine and gang and set off for the 3rd day of school! Haha the bus ride always puts me to sleep. And here I go, starting my very first tutorial in NTU. I made new friends today during tutorial, yeah even though I was late. One of them's called Veron, she's from Australia and came to earn a degree before she heads back to Aussie again. The teacher's Mr Murphy!!! Haha he's got this mild Irish accent that's pretty charming. Haha well 1hr passed by in a flash and I called it a day. Yeah just went for a 1hr lesson, but it was though provoking, very much unlike tutorials in JC where you basically sit and listen/doze off/doodle (whichever type of student you may be). In Uni, the focus's on interaction, so we gotta speak up during tutorials. LOL I didn't read "Odours of Chrysanthemums" yet, so I'll just follow along (haha).After lessons, Veron went to meet her boyfriend who came all the way to NTU to fetch her. haha I know she snagged a SNAG (sensitive New Age guy). And the others had some lectures I think so I chiong to Popular and got two of my textbooks and some stationery, and it came up to $105.30! Whatta whopper!!! Hence, I've decided to save up on bus fare by walking to Northpoint to take the train, in a day, that'll save me $1.28, it might not sound a lot, but extend that to 1 month, and the amount's pretty substantial. AND I get to do some excercise too which is great huh? : )Fastforward>>> and here I am at home blogging and checking my NTU email, so many stuff updated! I gotta print out all the course documents fast! Haha when am I gonna get a printer?
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
, 9:16 AM
Oh yeah! I'm still on the lookout for chinese-speaking Eng Lit students..LOL will update you guys on my find. Hmm oh yeah I'm playing Audition now, maple's on hold now. Shiat! I can't even take maple item yet, I guess once I can take maple item I'll retire from it. : )
, 8:49 AM
Weee~ Went to watch the fireworks display yesterday night, my folks came along too, they were near where the live band was playing though. Haha and poor me had to brave the 'people mountain people sea' to get to the '5th lamp-post' on the bridge (that's where Ru, Yu, Turb, Moldy, Huiyun) were parked at. Haha please DON'T EVER arrive anytime later than 7pm if you want a good spot and not get all sweaty and mucky just to get to that good spot yeah? Take that from a very experienced fireworks-watcher. LOL.Man when you're stuck in a slow-moving crowd (man a snail could have overtaken us in a FLASH), you have all the sights, sounds and SMELL all for yourself. Can you imagine there were families who brought along their babies!?! And aunties who're well over the middle-age mark grabbing onto their handbags and saying "Skew me, skew me..." to this crowd of young people who never seem to hear them? Haha hey you gotta salute these brave ladies for doing that at their age! I'll prolly break a bone or two just to get to that 5th lamp-post. Thank god Moldy called out for me! Otherwise...I'd have walked all the way to the other end of the bridge.Well, the fireworks was pretty awesome, and they featured the very cliche colors: Red, White, gold and sprinkles of green here and there (not that it mattered since the green is projected as white on my 'trusty' handphone). Haha I loved the finale, where this gold sprinkles came boom boom boom and they were all over the place, and for a moment you'd think you actually went to heaven. LOL okay I'm guilty of a lil exaggeration, but hey it was pretty much it. I love fireworks, makes me feel like a kid all over again. Well, cuz they look like fairy dust, not that I've actually seen fairy dust in reality, but that's what they show in movies. They were so pretty, like the fairy dust on Tinkerbell in Peter Pan! I loved the way they burst high into the air and then descend real slowly back to earth again and fades off slowly, ahhh so pretty. It isn't as good or as magnificent or as colorful as the previous year's but the finale is well worth all the pushing and shoving amongst the crowd(yeah much like a rugby match). And this time they even have Kit Chan and other songs playing in the background. Well, if you have time you can check them out: Friday 11th Aug 9PM Team New CalcedoniaSaturday 12th Aug 9PM Team FranceHoo~ I'm thinking of getting a part-time job during the weekends, but it's pretty tough looking for a weekend job. Anyone has any lobangs please tell me!!! The idea of my folks supporting me through Uni education...makes me feel a lil guilty. Hmm and I'll need to get a printer too, or I can get a thumbdrive, save all the shiat and print them all in school, maximise the usage of ALL school resources. Haha I'm a scrooge! And a happy one at that! LOL. So Shimmy if you're reading this can you print out the HW101 stuff for me??? Haha thanks I'll give you a treat! Deal? Haha
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
, 7:25 AM
Welcome to my life: 1st Day of UniAs abruptly as the loooooo00000ooooong holidays ended, the new school term has begun. Haha not that I'm complaining of course. Well, my very first day of school, met up with Shimmy and gang and went for HW101 lecture: Craft of Writing, this got me pretty excited about writing essays again. Hmm and the bonus here is, the lecturer's pretty funny too. So what are the chances of me falling asleep in her class? Well, I'll give it near zero? Now that's a good start.After that gotta rush to find comp lab to register our subjects...haha I'm glad to know that Shimmy's in the same tutorial group in HW101 as me! Haha for my elective subject (or what I'd like to call spare subjects), I chose astronomy! Haha yeah...sorry Shimmy told you wrongly, there was some 'technical problems'..LOLHmm, I can't really remember read what for which subject, I mean HW101, HL102 blah blah blah? I can't remember codes well, not that I remember anything well to begin with, really. And I haven't got a printer, so I gotta save my course documents in a diskette or a thumbdrive then bring it over to school to print it all out, OR I can get my friends' and photocopy them. *sighs* Peiyu if you're going to school to print remember to call me along too! Cus' the comp lab's pretty intimidating, everyone's using the PCs to do research, man to me, PCs are strictly used for GAMING!Wooh~ After the lecture in the morning, I have a 5 hr break until my next lecture on something something Literature. Haha the lecturer's Dr Terence Dawson (his name sounds like some A-List movie star!!!) pretty witty, but YT and I concluded that he's not wildly funny. It was pretty boring in the first half, and everyone was falling asleep, or trying not to fall asleep, well, there were those who just gave up to the ZZZ monster totally. Well, and I just realised that the Milubing's Weiqi (the one who looks malay) is in the same lecture too!! LOL though nobody seems to give a damn about him, haha prolly too stoned by then.Weee~ Going to school at 11AM, lecture starts at 1.30pm and ends at 3.30pm! Haha maybe going to see fireworks with Ru and get my Warcraft3 CD!!! Haha...and if time allows me to I'll go down and see Jamie's room! Weee~ Gonna buy my textbooks, there're two books that I gotta buy at $67 EACH!!! So darned ex! And 2 other books for $20++ Just great! I need to sign up for the Work Study Scheme!!!For Bud:Hey bud, I know how things really suck when you're going uphill, and you feel like you're alone on this, but there're people that really care for you yeah? It's not easy I know, but try to be strong, turn those tears into strength and try to overcome obstacles a step at a time yeah? Even if time may not be on your side right now, try to give it your best shot now, at least that'll levae you no regrets even if the results may not be satisfactory. Smile bud! Don't just give up now after going through all this yeah? JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU!!!Heck with all the expectations and stuff, just do your best, chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi! : )
Thursday, August 03, 2006
, 10:02 AM
I'm fuming right now! Remember those pumps that I bought? Those were the very first pair of pumps I've ever bought in my life, and guess what? Today I woke up and found it MISSING! My %$$^% sister wore them out for school. I mean I haven't even worn it out yet! Gosh! I'm so upset right now! : ( There goes my VIRGIN pumps! I guess I won't be as upset if our sizes fit, cus my sis's size is 1 or 2 sizes larger than mine, so my pumps will prolly be DEFORMED by the time she gets home. : ( My poor pumps getting ravaged! And I spent $20 on it! 20 freaking bucks! And they were meant for my new Uni life! Why can't she even ask me before nipping it off? Well, I guess I gotta get used to this, she never asks me when she wanna take something from me, my Tees, oh whatever. And they always come back over-stretched, so their original shapes are pretty much GONE. I hope it doesn't rain today. Oh yeah. I guess I gotta get a safe in future, those that are really precious to me goes into the safe, those that are 'nippable' by her will go into the closet. Hmmm yeah yeah yeah that'll be it!Okay I feel a lil better, praying that my shoes will still at least look the same. Omigosh am I getting girlier or what!?! I'm actually fuming over pumps!?! What's gotten over me!?! *sighs* I knew this kinda thing was gonna happen, it always happens whenever I buy new stuff, but I was still hoping it won't. Well, I guess shit happens!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
, 10:24 AM
WTH!?! The freshmen guide is pretty much illegible, and thanks to the 'guide' I'm even more confused. LOL dang! With all the abbreviations GER-PEs and whatnots, I'm getting a lil cross-eyed here. Hello! Earth speak please. Haha I'm getting cranky. Okay, I've decided on one thing though, I've decided to take up a minor on psychology. Woah I gotta matriculate soon to choose my subbies. Choosing subbies ain't all that easy ya know, cuz I hafta go check out the requirements and check if it complements my 3 pre-registered subjects. Man, am I in deep shit or what? LOLOkay moving off to simpler-minded things, there'll be a orientation for all Eng Fac surprise surprise! 5.30pm! Evening! Going home/getting-off-work time and I'm heading to school. Haha Peiru was saying I gotta tell her if there're any shuai-ges in there, and maybe I can spot a Shakespeare or two. LOL hell no! They'll be balding. I hope there's free dinner provided! That way I can save up $$$. Haha cuz I've pretty much bombed 3 days worth of meals $$$ on my Uni wear. Yeah...I got pumps and a denim skirt that I'm gonna wear till they fall apart on its own. They are really cheap which works well for me. Haha...With my folks off on a mountain getaway( Genting), my sis spent our very first night alone at home. Well, it's a lil quiet and we're still trying to get used to it. So used to mum shuffling around the house, picking up stuff and cleaning stuff. Hmmm well what we DON'T miss is her nagging. LOL. Well, we went to Cold Storage to get the 'ingredients' for our dinner. I bought dou gay (sounds weird, it's really just bean sprouts), a block of cheese (I felt cheated cuz I thought it was $1.79 and then it came up to $6.30 -_-"). My sis got this Japanese pudding, we shared apple strudel mini for dessert. Yums yums! The lady at the counter was really friendly too. Well, to go or not to go. That is the question. Haha if I can meet a guy who looks like Elvin (the actor in that Ch8 show starring Rui En, Julian Hee and gang, his character name's Wei Xiang), haha cus he's a Eng graduate too. Hmmm...keeping my hopes up and eyes peeled. LOL.2 Days to Folks-coming-back Day. : )
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
, 5:04 PM
Mum just called to tell us they reached Genting safely. LOL. She said there weren't many people there since it wasn't the holiday season. SHIT! I gotta run! See ya folks!
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I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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