Monday, July 31, 2006
, 10:35 AM
Weee~ Mum and Dad's going on a short vacation to Genting and KL, well-deserved break for them. LOL second honeymoon? Hmmm... Well, anyways, Mum has promised to get me one of those slip-on sneakers since there's this mega sale going on there! Sugoi! Haha Well, NTU HSS Eng Div orientation's on Wednesday, it's at 5.30pm at the Lee Kong Chian LT. OMF(freaking)G why in the world is it held at 5.30pm? I'm heading for school just as everybody's heading home. Okay, the only consolation is that I guess there'll be FREE food (reception)! When you can't change the situation, try changing your perception right? LOLThe invitation just notified us of the venue and time, there's zilch about the dress code though. I guess it's smart casual? Since we're gonna meet with those Profs and stuff. Hmm no idea o.0Had pepper crabs for dinner the other day, yeah Mum's cooking was superb, as always. Hmmm and I was washing my hands by the sink, my sis was using a chopstick to taunt those poor crabs stuffed in a pot of water, yeah I know she's such an angel, isn't she. That got me thinking, what do you think they were saying to each other at their very final moments? Hmm...Wooh~ It's pretty cold today, and I've got my laptop which keeps me pretty warm and snug. Oh geez there's another orientation this time the HSS Dept, and there's a looooong line of speeches coming our way. Just great. They might as well name it 'Slumber party' or something. LOL. But hey, I'm not complaining, there's a goodie bag AND lunch reception! Haha have my doubts as to whether the goodie bag's free or not. Which CCA will I be joining? Okay here are the options, I'd wanted women's soccer, Mum threatened to kill me if I do join( okay I'm exaggerating but that'll be a firm NO), I wanna join the ice-skating club but I'm wondering if it's still existent since they were nowhere to be seen on the orientation list, so...I'm thinking of joining the Red Cross Chapter, they actually went down to the Boxing Day tsunami site to help out last year. Isn't it great? Hmmm... Why is there no YoYo Club in NTU? Is there any cycling club in NTU? Woah I'd wanna join that for sure.Woots~ Go grab ya cup of HOT milo and snuggle up in bed!
Friday, July 28, 2006
, 10:40 AM
Wooh~ I'm currently in the lay-back now, counting down to the final days of my long, long, long, and finally long break. Haha I'm so gonna miss this life, hanging out once in awhile, taking time to smell the roses, taking time to do stuff that I enjoy so much but didn't have the time when most of it was swallowed up by school, endless homework and assignments. Hmmm after this long vacation, I guess I'm ready to dive back into books once again, in fact, I kinda miss the structured routine.Watched this episode of the Oprah talkshow ( you guys gotta watch this, this show's amazing), they interviewed 30 year old women from all over the world in a collaboration with CNN. And there was this Kuwaiti woman who commented about how some people are so into their work, they forget to slow down and spend some time for themselves. I guess Singaporeans can really relate to this, cuz our lives are pretty much "woooosh", endless deadlines, endless expectations to pursue, man it's crazy out there sometimes, really. Hey, I even feel guilty sometimes when I'm relaxing and doing my own stuff. Hmm but I guess sometime school or work gives us a sense of direction, I mean we feel like we serve a purpose when we completed something right?Lol man I was blabbering, pardon me fellas. =]Hey, this is for you bud:You can wish to spend your life many ways but remember you can only spend it once. So don't spend your life wishing it to be something different. Just live it how you want and always change it up. Life is like a vacuum cleaner, it sucks. Haha...but hey, what do you know, it's your vacuum cleaner, only you can decide to switch that darned thing off and make life beautiful again. Cheer up bud! Man if you can even manage the peak hour Cathay crowd which is just total madness, you definitely have what it takes to through this bad rut! When all else fails, so what!?! Haha you still have ya family and friends rallying behind you, yeah? Seize the day bud! Carpe diem! ; )
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
, 8:54 AM
Woohoo guess what!?! I just received a cheque from Transcomm (my employment agency when I was working for UOB), so I got $108.00 extra in my bank! Hmmm I wonder where it came from? Well, anyways not that I'm complaining, haha woohoo so now I can get my blades without any guilt! Haha moldy suggested that I get blades, hmm I agree with her cuz I can blade practically anywhere, with skates it's a lil restrictive and definitely more expensive.Went on cold turkey from gaming, well for 2 days, haha I passed the cold turkey! Weee~~ So darned proud of myself! HahaWell, it's back to gaming! Lalalalala~~~Oh yeah Forbidden City( the made-in-Singapore hit musical) is coming back to the Esplanade for a second run, I wanna catch it!
Friday, July 21, 2006
, 7:16 PM
You Are 19 Years Old | Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Just did this test, and coincidentally it hit the nail on the head! 19 yrs old! So darned accurate!
, 6:49 PM
Egad! Looks like I'm gonna have sandwiches for dinner! T_T"Currently in meditation mode, haha the time leading up to orientation week. Playing maple and SilkRoad now, quite fun but the process of leveling up is -_-" (read: SIAN) haha.Been checking my youtube messages lately, got to know a friend from the Philippines, how cool is that? I uploaded quite a few yoyo videos like the SYYC and AP05, hmm thinking of uploading SYYC( Singapore Yo Yo Championships) 06. He's pretty cool and he plays in the 3A category! 3A! 3A category involves using two yoyos to do string tricks simultaneously, pretty cool cuz' these kinda players are one of the rarest around in this region. There're many 3A players in Japan though. So usually there aren't any 3A cat in competitions due to lack of participants, so players who wanna play 3A may be slotted into 2A( using two yoyos to do loop tricks).Haha I've learnt many, many Filipino words now. Hmmm who knows maybe one day it'll come in handy.Should I subscribe to cable? Hmmm...the other day this salesman from StarHub came to advertise, pretty good deal, but once school starts I guess I won't get to watch as much, so it'll be a waste of money I guess. Haha but I really wanna watch the EPL, La Liga. Wonder if the antennae can receive? I feel like playing basketball after watching yesterday's Yu Le 100%! But my balls' deflated( no pun intended please..ahem lol) and I haven't got one of those air pumps. : ( Oh yeah should I get my own roller blades/ice skates? Hmmm I guess ice skates are more expensive right? Roller blades are sold at pretty affordable prices in Carrefour, haha I saw one at $49.90, pretty neat huh? Or should I get a bike? Hmmm...
Thursday, July 20, 2006
, 11:08 AM
Wooh~ went ice-skating yesterday with Moldy and Yu! Haha it was fun fun fun! And I saw that Ice Hockey Uncle again! He skates so easily man! And we saw these Japanese kids, and they were playing around with these metal aids that resemble trolleys without the basket, they were grabbing on to them and their lil legs are frantically moving to and fro, so darned cute!
Haha these hockey dudes got it easy man, terrorizing poor skaters like us with their hockey stops.
Haha it was fun AND tiring, I like to get tired though, you did something really energy-consuming and then you slow down a lil for a rest, then you get recharged again, it's really refreshing. I like! Woots~ Someday I'd wanna have a go at wakeboarding!
However, my resolution to have fast food like once/twice a week has gone down the drain! Haha no wonder they say old habits die hard. Ugh c'mon get real, who can resist cheese fries!?! Well, besides the Dalai Lama. Lol
I'm gonna go for orientation week come 31st July, exciting prospect, I'll be diving in to another portal of my life. Technically, we spend about 1/4 of our lives in learning in school. Hmm but I guess we're learning all the time, so it's pretty much a lifelong thing. Went for the medical checkup on Tuesday, hmm the urine test was weird, then the X-Ray was also...pretty much weird. Haha the nurses there were pretty friendly though, intially I have this phobia of nurses. I don't understand why you gotta stand and put your hands on your waist like a duck to get a shot of your skeleton? Hmmm...
And the students in NTU didn't really look like Uni students, so I guess I'll blend in really well! Haha god I gotta stock up on campus wear! So it'll prolly be Song again, American brands, China prices! What more can you ask for? I'll prolly get Tees and denim skirts, throw in berms too. Footwear? I'll either stick to my Converse sneakers or get new shoes, hmm I'd really wanna get those slip-ons cuz' they're really comfy, haha if my budget allows I wanna get them from Vans, alternative's to get something that looks like the real thing. Haha here's a pic, I saw these kinda shoes sold at Parco Bugis but they still pretty pricey, so if any of you know where I can get shoes like these, please help! Haha
Shall google Chanchula later, can somebody please vindicate me!?! Haha you lnow those deep fried spring onions that you put in your porridge, yeah those brown stuff? It's called chamchula right? Hmmm...
Saturday, July 15, 2006
, 11:13 AM
My yoyo mounts are improving! Yayness! Will do another 573883389 more! ^_^Have been watching those culinary shows on Channel5 lately, there's 'Rocco's Dolce Vita', 'Jamie Oliver's' (my fav) and 'Ching's Kitchen'. These cooking shows really make me wanna whip up something really yummylicious! Haha cuz' I can't really cook for now, I guess I merely make them edible, not tasteful. Hah..Weee~ Will be going for the 'China people concert', don't know what's it called in English...main thing is, there'll be many, many guest singers from China. So, I guess singers like JJ Lin, Tanya Chua will be slotted at the end of the show.Next Tuesday, there'll be medical checkup at NTU. I hate medical checkups! Next Wednesday, Ice-skating Day resumes! Cuz' my all my blisters have dried up...pretty much. I've already peeled off the scab on my kneecap Haha so it means I'm fully recovered!Next Thursday, catching POTCS:Dead Man's Chest with the gang! Haha eh Shing-a-Ling, will it be on Wed or Thurs? Haha I gotta spread out outings really sparsely, gotta stretch the last remainings of my salary. Poor me! To donate please dial this hotline: 1-900-911-Save-Melissa-Today (x 100) I just checked my mail and there's an e-mail from the NTU English Prof his name's Cornelius Anthony Murphy (God that's a mouthful) well in short he's Neil Murphy. Here's the e-mail:Hi all, This is just a brief note of welcome to all of you have chosen to join the BA in English literature at NTU. My colleagues and I are extremely enthusiastic about the response we have had this year and I can tell you that the students with whom you will share classes from August onwards are, we believe, a really exciting group who promise to be very unique and engaging, for many reasons. For now, I would just like to point you in the direction of the literature modules that you will be taking in Semester 1: HL101, HL102 & HL104. These are the three major modules from Semester 1 but, in addition, you will be selecting other non-major modules as general electives, or minor modules, depending on your interests. Feel free to contact any of us in the Division of English for advice about these choices when the time to select comes.You can find reading lists, schedules and other details for the 3 major modules here: This is not a blatant hint to begin reading:) - it's just to give you a sense of what lies ahead. That's it. Enjoy the holidays and we'll see you in August. Best Wishes, Neil Is this freaky or what!?! I haven't even taken Eng Lit, well not since I was in secondary 2 at least. I'm all nerves now! Aargh! Well, I gotta go check out those books fast! Go check out the list! That's a MAJOR OVERLOAD! How am I gonna get al those books!?! Oh ok I just realised it's the list for Year 1 AND 2. Phew! Well, Signing out! Cheerios mates!
Monday, July 10, 2006
, 2:21 PM
I can't help it but SCREW ITALY! SCREW Materazzi!!! He actually got our holy one Zizou a RED card!!! I bet he'd said something really, really mean about him, like racist remarks about his algerian descent or about his family. Nice job, Italians. France really came back at the 2nd half and when it dragged till penalty shootout, we were left without Henry, Ribery, Zidane. We weren't exactly keeping our hopes high.And after the match, those freaking italian fans were waving their italian flags, HELLO you guys are Singaporeans for Zizou's sake and you're waving Italian flags!?! Get a life! And I'm so gonna kill that guy beside me, whenever France's at the losing end he'll spite them in my direction. Like WHY must you do that!?! Hmph. And guess what the papers didn't feature much about the Italian victory, the Zizou red card grabbed all the limelight. That was the cruellest thing to do, to give a red card to a well-respected player who's gonna end his international career, that Materazzi should be so ashamed about himself. I'm gonna hunt him down!This World Cup has been a huge disappointment. Huimin's even come up with a conspiracy theory, that this World Cup's rigged, so players are paid a lump sum to lose it on purpose. Please let it not be true, whatever will happen to joga bonito and all that preaching by George Best? *sighs* Oh yeah and at PS screening, there were like these skimpily dressed dancers dancing on podiums while waiting for the match to start. It was so YUCK! And those men were literally leering at them, their eyes could have swallowed them whole. LOL. Hello we're here for the footall!!! I mean football definitely gives you a higher high than ANYTHING ELSE in the world, right? LOL.Anyways, after that drama/scandal tainted Italian victory( YUCK I couldn't even watch them lift the trophy), we headed down to Lau Pa Sat. LOL. I suggested to take a train to City Hall and walk ALL the way there, and when we reached there we realised the Raffles Place station was like a stone's throw away from Lau Pa Sat. Hah sorry fellas, we could do with a lil morning walk don't ya think? LOL. The cool morning breeze was really soothing, I like.Wooh and guess what Ru just told me that C.Ronaldo's prolly gonna head to Serie A next. Hah their logo can go "In Serie A we welcome ALL condemned players. The booing never sleeps." : )With the World Cup curtains now drawn, I'll prolly still be wide awake 3am in the morning not knowing what to do. I'm gonna use that antenna to see if we can watch EPL/La Liga matches!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
, 12:25 PM
Germany 3-1 PortugalYeehaw! Awesome! Haha Dirty team's thrashed by Germany! Gonna catch the finals later! Woohoo~~What am I gonna do after the World Cup ends? No more seeing C.Ronaldo being booed. No more seeing referees whipping out yellows and reds and then shouting" Ref kayu!!!". No more seeing awesome tricks and stepovers by Zidane/Ronaldo/Ronaldinho/Robinho. No more soccer. : (*sighs* If only Ch 5 can broadcast EPL/la liga/I don't even mind boring Italian serie A matches!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
, 10:37 AM
Awesome! I popped my blisters around my ankle yesterday night! And guess what? When I got up the next day those freakin blisters actually GREW BACK! Man, I didn't realize how fast my body cells actually regenerate. Aargh I gotta keep popping them till they NEVER grow back, otherwise it'll really hurt when we go ice-skating again this Wednesday. Yayness! Mum just called to tell us she got 3 tickets to this event called NDP Family Day. Great new huh? LOL. Not until she read the bottom of the ticket, and it says "No fun pack. No high level fireworks display. Viewing of full dress rehearsal." NO fun pack!?! NO fireworks!?! Dang! But I was still interested to watch cuz it beats not being able to watch the actual NDP right? Haiz my lazy ass sister doesn't wanna go. : (I can't find my freaking specs! Just when I wanna get new frames for my specs, they choose to go on a vacation! Man, I'm so gonna get it when Mum gets home. Yikes! Where the hell could it be anyways? We don't live in a freakin mansion! You guys please suggest some places where you think sotong Melissa may have left it. Cuz I need help, big time fellas!
, 12:35 PM
On France vs Portugal:Hurrah Francais!!!!! Freaking Portu-GEESE finally OUT!!! Dirty players, just look at the number of yellow cards they got! C Ronaldo was crying at the end of the match...aww man crawl back to mama you $%^$^%$& bugger! Woohoo I loved Thuram, Zidane and Ribery( doesn't it sound like rubbery?) were the players that caught my eye in the game. I didn't really care about the Port players, even if they do catch my eye it's prolly cuz they committed a foul or something. Hah. Poor C Ronaldo booed every time he got the ball, even if ya dozin off you know C Ron got the ball when ya hear the thundering BOOS. LOL.I' I AM rooting for France in the finals! Should I wear my pasar malam Zidane jersey from years back? Hmmm...Go les bleus!!! Go Zizou! Go Rubbery and gang!On ICE-SKATING:Weee~ Went ice-skating yesterday! It was uber value-for-money to go skating on Wednesdays, cuz students get to enjoy unlimited hours on ice, AND the rental for skates is FREE!!! Isn't that like awesome!?! With that said, each person only has to pay a total of $8.40 and you're good to go. Haha so kiasu us ended up spending 5hrs in the skating rink. Please do take off your boots and rest a lil in between, ya know give ya feet some rest. LOL. I think I seriously abused my feet yesterday, I got nasty blisters around my ankles, and I grazed my kneecap while practising on crossovers. I think I tied my boots way too tight, that's how I got those blisters. Hmmm shall leave out tying one eyelet in future. And I was stupid enough to wear short pants( knee length) for skating, so while practising crossovers, just as I was crossing my right leg over my left, my blade got entangled with the knot of my boot, and WHAM BAM! I FELL! And that's how I 'busted' my kneecap! LOL. Okay 'busted' was over-exaggeration, but theres pus comin outta my knee cap. Aargh I don't even wanna look at it!! lolWe were skating around, and then we saw this really pro uncle, he's prolly one of the ice hockey coaches or something, and he was so nice, he guided people who were having difficulties moving on ice. So I suggested that hey maybe he could teach us crossovers! LOL. And Sharon kept bugging me to ask him, haha but I was too pai seh!!! So we ended up going round and round in circles, and poor Sharon was like" Go ask lar! Ask! ASKKKKKK!!!!!!" LOL. Boy, was it hilarious! Alas, Sharon went up to ask him and I tagged along, he started teaching us and we started practising our footwork, then this Sharon gave up!!!! But I really wanna learn crossovers so much, and being really impatient resulted in a 'busted' kneecap! LOL. I should I have tied a shorter butterfly knot. But I got up and practised it all over again.The uncle came over and guided me along on crossover, he supported my left hand and he goes" okay bring your right leg over and just sit on your left leg...." Boy, was it tough! But I'm not gonna give up! Yeah I'm stubborn. LOL but I really love doin crossovers. And my shi fu was so nice! I think I gotta learn how to shift my weight from one leg to the other, cuz my transition wasn't too stable. And, I gotta improve on balancing on my left leg when I'm crossing my right. Wooh going back on Wednesday to practise! Wonder if shi fu's gonna be there? I hope I can get my crosspvers right by next Wed, hmm but shi fu says crossovers aren't easy to master. Hmmm GANBARU!!!Hah there were ice hockey players around and they were skating real fast, they were practically zooming around the rink and doing their flashy hockey stops. And hockey stops create lotsa ice shavings, practically splashing ice all over us poor skaters. LOL. I recognized one of the hockey players from previous outings and he's really nice too. It was pretty intimidating when this ice hockey player skated with me when my shi fu was taking me by the hand and guiding me on my crossovers. Oh and there was this korean family sitting by the snack bar, and there was this really, really kyuup-ta( korean for cute I think, the maid taught us hope I didn't hear that wrongly hah). He's so cute! He looks like one of those cute child actors in korean dramas!!! His brothers were skating and they got him ice balls to play with. It was so sweet! haha and he'd smile when he got ice balls. So, Sharon and I got him ice balls and he was smiling to us so cute!!! Then he said thank you in korean in that cutesy voice and he gave that lil shy smile. Awww man he's cute!Ahhh yesterday was awesome met lotsa amazing and nice people! Haha and for a Wednesday, there were quite a number of people on ice. And, there were figure skaters practising too, They're really rich man, custom bots, coaches, gear, man! Hah but most of them were international students cuz they speak in an American slang. LOL. Inspired by the cool stuff they were doing, I tried jumping on ice and gliding on one foot while stretching my other leg behind me, LOL Sharon finds my attempts at being a figure skater hilarious. Hah didn't gimme face! LOL.Haha I'm so looking forward to next Wednesday! Hmm if my kneecap still hasn't healed I guess I'll slap on a plaster and stick on layers of cotton wool for padding AND wear LONG pants! Haha. As for my blisters I guess I gotta burst them and wear thicker socks! Ouch! : )
Sunday, July 02, 2006
, 12:24 PM
Screw the darned Portu-GEESE and kill that darned referee. Burn C.Ronaldo on the stake!Brazil is shockingly out, so I guess I'll be rooting for France to beat the freakin Ports.But Zizou (Zidane) really conjured up his brand of magic, that's just mesmerzin to watch. That's the thing about football I guess, it goes both ways.Mood: Bleu
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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