Tuesday, May 30, 2006
, 9:52 PM
I watched X-Men 3: The Last Stand! It was so freaking awesome! I love Jean Grey! She's a class 5 mutant!!! For mutants' sakes is that pure insanity or what!?! I love those effects and stuff it just creates this mood and atmosphere, it makes Jean/Phoenix oh-so-fearful! She actually pulverized Professor X by sheer psychic powers! I love Wolverine too! I want his powers! That way I'll never be sick or injured! I want a little of Mystique's, Wolverine's and Jean's powers! If only I were a mutant! After watching Poseidon, The Da Vinci Code and X-Men3, this is my conclusion:Poseidon---> Not bad for a disaster movie, lacking details.The Da Vinci Code---> Food for thought makes you think about the very essence and validity of religion( irregardless of which), how much truth lies within religion? You believe in what you agree/choose to believe I guess. I'm not much of a philosopher but tt's my afterthought after watchin it.X-Men3---> WOW!!!! A movie you can just sit back and enjoy, be it the plot, visual effects, it just blows you away. Pity it was only 1 and a half hrs long (short). There's gonna be X-Men4!
, 7:57 PM
Went to Queensway Shopping Centre on Saturday. The bus ride took forever! But well, saw many interesting things along the way so it was pretty okay I guess. It's like a labryinth( a series of passages very much like a maze, it's been said that the underground labryinths in Paris is world-renowned or should I say notorious?). Queensway is well known for selling cheap sports shoes and stuff but there're many specialty boutiques there as well. T-shirts with interesting graphic designs are selling dirt cheap! I wanna get the military blouse with shoulder straps, it's so darned cool! But it's going for $59.90. : ( But I love it soooooo much. Q'way is so ulu-looking. It really looks like it needs a makeover or a paint job BADLY. But once you enter it's like a treasure trove, so many nice Tees! I like~ We got ice-cream, peppermint! Haha. The auntie was so funny ya know, she actually told us" The lady boss isn't here so I can give you extra scoops" LOL. Believe me when I say EXTRA scoops! Yummylicious! Now my tastebuds are happy! After Q'way we crossed the road and got to Ikea to look around it's so fun fun fun! But we didn't know how to get out, heck we were walking in circles at one point of time. Haha some silly-looking ang mohs were standing around hugging their purchases looking like lost sheep. And we were standing around them too, LOST people UNITE! Finally, we made it after following the 'Exit' signs. I didn't get Swedish meatballs : ( Yayness~ Rushed back to have dinner before Da Vinci Code. Had korean spicy chicken with rice. Hmmm tastes pretty good but my tastebuds tells me the korean cuisine at Jurong Entertainment Centre is way better! Uh huh.Is it practical? Hmm. Gimme some pointers. Cuz it looks very cool but guys usually wear them and it's lil too 'spacious' for me. But then again, I like it!In all, I got a white belt, bracelet, 2 Monkey Ass Tees, cargo shorts with cuffs, a headband and some ear studs. I wanna get that military blouse, that can double up as a jacket! I so wanna get it!Went to work on a Sunday! Can you believe it!?! And for this, Aussies thnik we Asians are nuts to work our asses off for pittance! Madhatters~Shucks Spore Idol's on! Gota go now~ Cheers to all for surviving another day! Haha. Life isn't that bad, is it?Woohoo if things work out I'll prolly be catching X-Men 2 The Last Stand tomorrow after work! Haha. Hmm Jamie's Kbox date, I gotta give her a date! Haha. Shucks I gotta get to office earlier still haf some unfinished business lying in my drawer. Yikes!I wanna watch The Omen and ScaryMovie4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ok. I need to cool down.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
, 8:45 PM
There IS a flu virus going around in the office and just when I'm on the road to recovery, the flu has slain another victim. This time it's Shirley. She took leave today. Get well soon dude! Haha and Uncle K didn't come too. Lychee took half day leave to go shopping I think.So there's only YiLin and I for lunch. Haha we talked about lotsa funny stuff. Lunch today was the bomb! Oh yeah I can't blog too much today cuz I traded the entire week's Laptop Days with my Sis for something silly, so I gotta summarize stuff so I don't hafta compromise my gaming time. Haha.To SY: Cheer up bud! I'll always stand by you! Take it in your stride don't let shitty stuff get you down! Ya the diva remember? Haha you go girl!To Shimmy: Shimmy you must rmb to pass me snacks tml yeah!?! Haha!To Toopid87 (lol you know who you are): I'm okay! See my immune system works the best! When ya gonna play runescape? Huh huh huh? Haha.To all: I gotta game now! See ya! Take care everyone! "Siam" the flu virus! Drink lotsa water and eat lotsa Vit C!!! Siam siam siam!On yoyo-ing: I haven't made much progress recently cuz I haven't been practising lately but I'm gonna practise Fri when I get back from work. Haha I haven't open my F.A.S.T 201 yoyo! Can't bear to! Mickey I envy you! You have so so so many yoyos! And all of em are speeders!!! Haha!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
, 11:52 AM
I am officially sick. LOL. As in I've got the coughs, flu, fever, sore throat, basically the works. I've taken leave today cuz my fever's just gotten worse. My body is aching, man I understand how Sophie in "Howl's Moving Castle" feels like when the Witch of the Waste turns her into a 90 year old Granny!Thanks all for ya concern yesterday when I was basically, struggling to survive the day at the brain-freezing cold office. I felt like puking yesterday and it wasn't nice. At all.Thanks Shirl for asking if I was well every few minutes. Haha. Read: Long-winded. LOL joking. I really appreciated it esp when you offered to bring me to the toilet to puke. Thanks for your clorets! : )Thanks Aunty Joyce for her preserved fruits! LOL. : )Thanks Yi Ling and Lychee for your concern! I'll get well soon! : )Thanks Uncle K for asking if I'm feeling better! : ) Jia you on your relationship with Ms Ahem* LOL.Thanks Shipei for the Pocky! Yummylicious! : )And of cuz, MANY thanks to Shimmy and Xinyi for dropping me a visit! Haha you guys are illegal immigrants! LOL. It was a pleasant surprise esp when I'm sick. Is this telepathy? Hmm. LOL. Shimmy I wanna swim too!I gave my word to extend my final day to Friday 2nd June. Had wanted to leave on Wednesday 31st May. LOL. Recieved SMS from Yi Ling that she feels like extending her final day too! LOL. She needs tons of cash for shopping! Update me on ya final day after you've confirmed! Haha.Yikes I'd better SMS Turbo gotta reply if Im gonna watch Over the Hedge!Yikes. I'm gonna get another roll of toilet paper. See yall folks! Till next time, a brand new virus-free Mel!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
, 6:24 PM
We went down to Taka the moment I saw the F.A.S.T.( Fully Active Starburst Technology) 201 yoyo commercial on TV (Kids Central). LOL. I recognized Ian Poh and several others on TV.
Reached there and guess who I saw!?! STEVE BROWN!!! The yoyo legend! He's teaching some kids to yo. Haha. It was really cute! Spread the yoyo message! I brought my throw monkey along and got him to autograph it. LOL. Before that I had to hunt everywhere for a marker! God it was worth it! He's so darn cool , friendly to boot!
Me: "Errrr...Steve can I have your autograph?"
Steve: *With a pageant winning smile*"Sure!!!"  LOL. He seemed amused and there were some yoyo-ers like teasing him. LOL. I guessed I embarrassed him severely! Haha. But he's my idol! In my panic and freak attack, I forgot to take a pic of him and me together. And, I forgot to ask him if he'll be coming to grace the SYYC 06 event. LOL. Sotong me!!!
Oh man I was so nervous the whole time. To see Steve in the flesh, the grand-daddy of all yoyo-ers is like the bomb man! Haha I got a F.A.S.T. 201 yoyo too! I got the red one! Cool! A_A
 Now for some yoyo artwork! LOL.  Correction to previous post. Ben McPhee's record has been rewritten by YoHans who did an amazing 52 tricks in one minute!!! YoHans a.k.a Hans Van Dan Elzen one of the designers behind F.A.S.T. 201 yoyos.Mel's food recommendation at Takashimaya Food Court Level 1- Name of Dish : Japanese Curry Omu Rice
- Taste: *****
- Ambience: *****
- Variety: *****
- Other comments: Basically, it's omelette( Omu in japanese) rice with a Japanese theme. There are many other flavours to try out, e.g. Hayashi Omu rice wrapped in omelette and dribbled with yummy japanese sauce, Seafood Omu Rice, Unagi Omu Rice, Ebi Omu Rice etc. You can order in sets which has a couple of other side dishes going for $7.50 and above, or you can order the premium set going $8.00 and above, with a bottle of drink included. Drinks available: Yeo's Green tea w/o sugar and w sugar, lemon tea, peach tea etc. Rice isn't too greasy.
- On Curry Omu Rice: Japanese curry that's not too spicy, can be a little salty for first-timers. Curry is smooth, creamy and thick. Comes with a pleasant curry fragrance. Chicken Furai pieces are well fried, not too oily crispy on the outside, soft, pink and tender chicken on the inside. Yummy! Slurps.
- On the serving portion: Can be a lil too much for light eaters.
What do those stars mean? ***** Please Sir, can I have more? ***** Tantalising for the tastebuds! ***** Worth a go. ***** You call this food? Fish food more like! ***** Not for the faint-hearted.
In my frenzy to finish up my food I forgot to take a pic of eat so you know how sedap it is! LOL.
Friday, May 19, 2006
, 8:37 PM
Ben McPhee, 25, from Newcastle (NSW, Australia) performed 40 yo-yo tricks in one minute to become…the new world record holder for number of yo-yo tricks performed in a minute. Mr McPhee is a professional yo-yoer.
Designed by Hans Van Dan Elzen and Ben McPhee, this blue F.A.S.T. 201 Yo-Yo is a dream come true for yo-yo enthusiasts and high performance playing professionals. This yo-yo has three trick style settings and includes a trick chart with 10 tricks.
He's one of the guys in YoyoFactory. Yoyos are currently for sale in Taka and selected locations islandwide. Go check em out!
Here's some pics courtesy of Spinworkx:
, 8:18 PM
Yikes! I think my TV just exploded! I was changing in the morning and I heard this "BOOM!". I'd turned on CNA and when the "BOOM!" struck, the entire house was silenced. I tried pluggin in the cable but nothing seems to be workin right now. Shucks. There goes my telly. Hopefully, it'll restart its engines miraculously! Somehow?There's company buffet today!!! Yup. Our monthly birthday parties. Only this time, the food just gets better and better! We had Canadian pizzas, KFC, pandan cakes!!! It was so darned yummylicious! LOL. What an improvement and I thought we were gonna have cakes and other pastries for the rest of our birthday parties! So I saved my lunch money today! Shirley was so smart she suggested that I leave earlier so that i could enjoy more buffets! Haha. I shalt not be tempted!!!Woohoo~ That's happy event no. 1Haha we piled up our plates( ok fine it was ME who piled up my plate with food, my colleagues are innocent) and Agnes was so kind to offer us one of the conference rooms for us to feast comfortably! We sat around a round table, our gang and even Auntie Joyce! Haha she's fun to be around with! My colleagues were shocked/amazed by my appetite. I'm shocked too, by their small appetites! I mean I only helped myself to 3 pizzas: 1 Haiwaiin and 2 Classic Canadian, one chicken thigh(original), 1 pandan cake, 1 nugget, a lil of mashed potato. And that was it! LOL. They were laughin the whole time so I had no choice but to face the wall, while i finished up my food, glorious food! LOL. These people, they eat like a mouse! Haha. While I was working( post-feast), I received an SMS from Jamie asking about the Sunday Girls' night out. LOL. Replied that I got Sunday OT so maybe will go out in the late aft or evening? Hmm. Then, Mum SMS-ed me too! She was at Hougang Mall (she saw the yoyo guy Ben McPhee yesterday the guy who kicked off the FAST challenge) and she asked if I want to buy any yoyos! LOL. I love my mum, though she always says that Yoyoing is a waste of time, deep down I know she doesnt really mean it! Haha. So I SMSed her back and got her to buy a FAST 201 yoyo and get Ben to autograph for me! LOL. Still wondering if she has already done that cuz' she SMSed that they were out for dinner. So,hmm.Anyways, that's happy event no. 2!!! Haha. I'm so happy right now. Feels like I'm high on something! Happy fuel!?! : )I love working with this bunch of peeps! Workin ain't that scary as some might picture it to be! LOL. It's perspective! So, hang in there fellas!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
, 11:55 PM
It was Vesak Day yesterday. Went to to Bugis temple, mainly to pray for Mum's health.People mountain people sea.Lotsa pushing around, felt like rugby.*pushing around continues* Moments later, we were finally 'pushed' into the temple!After this, went shopping!Bought a pair of sandals for me and sis. Mum didn't fancy anything.Bought a Brazil-themed bag from Kappa! Love it^3! Flaunting begins officially on Monday!LOL.Went home. Rested. Watch Poseidon. Nice disaster movie. Cool wave. Don't catch it if you like happy endings. A lil too fast-paced though. Overall 3/5.Havin OT tomorrow. Sunday for Pete's sake! Double pay. But still, SIAN. LOL-THE END-Brought to you by Melissa : )
Thursday, May 11, 2006
, 9:04 PM
Work was alright today, lol I've been feeling uber sleepy lately esp after lunch hours. We take some pics today with our HPs cuz Ziqin is leaving. I gave my word to Shirl that I'm gonna quit come mid-June. Can I keep my promise? *doubtful* The desire to play is so so so intense! I envy Ziqin now! Haha. Today's the 4th day since we discovered Mum has HSP (Henoch-Schonlein purpura), the doc says ithe root cause is a previous viral ifection, so now her cells are attacking the immune system in response to the virus. The doc says there's a slight chance that patients with HSP may have kidney problems. But I know damn sure that Mum will be just fine. She's been really really worried that it may be the serious case of HSP, so all of us have been keeping her busy, taking her mind off her worries. She actually said" I'm not afraid of death. I just don't want to be a burden."It really hurts me so much to listen to these words. I didn't want to tell anyone, I just want to live life as per normal, like Mum didn't have this illness at all. It's hard to put a brave front at work, with friends. But I didn't want to tell anyone, I didn't want to break down, I didn't want to be weak. Mum's gonna have her blood test tomorrow, all of us are praying that the results are encouraging, tomorrow's Vesak Day so I hope that helps. Please don't let anything happen to her. Heck. Please let her have a Happy Mother's Day. I think(hope) it's nothing, I went to google HSP and 90% of the prognosis is good. Mum will be fine. I don't even want/dare to recall that very day we discovered spots on her legs, it was simply disconcerting. Please God let Mum get well soon! Thankfully, she's still her bubbly self, though I guess inside she's prolly just as scared if not even more afraid than any of us. My sis and I went to shop for Mummy's Day gifts, we decided on a white handbag( cuz Mum loves bags), an ang pow from me( to get rid of all the bad luck) and this charm keychain thingy that wards off bad luck and keep her healthy and disease-free. I think my parents are the most loving couple I'd ever known even with certain obstacles.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
, 9:12 AM
Yesterday I went swimming with Shimmy (a.k.a the sea lion)! LOL. I was a lil late cuz I had to finish the breakfast Mum bought me. When we finally got there after an incredibly long walk, we went to the coin machine and it simply didn't 'swallow' our coins like it was supposed to, our coins kept returning, and we commented" The machine's spoilt." Well, no big deal, so we went over to the next machine and continued dumping coins into the slot. We tried the dunking method, the put-coin-in-slowly method, until we realised we had to press the 'adult fare' button before we could slot in our coins! Oh God. Yes we are dumb pple. Haha. After that coin incident, I suggested going to the teaching/medium pool and Shimmy looked kinda bewildered? Haha. She'd actually forgotten to bring along her goggles so she'd to swim around with her eyes closed most of the time, it was kinda funny and I seriously thought she looked like a sea lion! Haha. We didn't dare to take off our clothes cuz both of us are shy 'creatures'( one's a lion and the other's a sea lion). LOL. And we discovered that Shimmy had the same swimming costume as an Auntie at the pool. LOL. So much for taste huh? Haha. Kidding, it looked better than my old-fashioned costume!In the beginning Shimmy suggested we do 60 laps in the pool!!! 60 laps!?! LOL. I usually do like 5 laps and slack around the pool. But it was finally reduced to 40 laps! Thank God! Haha. It was fun cuz we'd to swim around pple to avoid crashing into them. LOL. Shimmy has really good stamina! Yeah 'sea lion' really really suits her to a T! So after like 10 plus laps we got kinda bored and we looked to what the kids were playing for inspiration. And so diving it is! LOL. There were these bunch of kids who were jumping into the pool, and so we came out with our own style of 'diving'. We sat cross-legged by the side of the pool, with our side facing it, and then we slowly tipped ourselves towards the pool, and SPLASH! LOL. Shimmy says it feels like we's slapped by the pool. Fun fun fun! Then Sea Lion came up with the backward diving, so this time we sat cross legged, only this time with our backs facing the pool, and we tipped ourselves into the pool. SPLASH! LOL. Another round of fun fun fun! Haha. Later we started goofing around again and pretended to be decomposed bodies floating on water, it feels so darned relaxing!!! Works and costs better than a spa session too! Haha. After awhile we got kinda bored so we started to paddle while we were floating. LOL. Idiot me kept bumping into the wall of the pool. Then we began another 8 to 10 laps. Then we came outta the pool and ran then dive into the pool at top speed. LOL. Atta splash! It was gallons of fun!!! Haha. The swimming boards caught our eye and there was this green board that nobody seemed to touch. So I pushed it towards the pool and goofed around with the board. We tried kneeling on the board but we kept flipping to our sides instead. LOL. Then there was this lady who called to us and asked for the board back! Aargh! She wasn't angry or anything, she looked amused in fact, and it was so darned embarrassing! LOL. We realised that the more we swam, the more wobbly our 'muscles' felt. So outta the pool we went, and crossed over to the baby pool for some water terrorizing. Haha. You see there were these mini slides at the baby pool that were too good to miss! Haha. It was fun and we preferred the red, winding slide cuz it was much faster! LOL. The landing was kinda bunpy, and our butts really hurt! LOL. We tried the blue slide and we discovered that we could land standing up! So many kids in the baby pool started to try out the slides. And all of us were running up the slide going down and then up again. Haha. We've popularized the slides! LOL. Then I saw this notice in a very obscure corner that read: WATER SLIDES. FOR CHILDREN BELOW 10 ONLY. LOL. How could we let a notice stop us from fun fun fun? So we ignored it and continued our invasion of the slides! Hey the lifeguards didn't 'beep-ed' us anyways. Haha.After some time, we finally decided to go home. And boy, were we tired. It felt like a long, long journey back to Northpoint! LOL. We prolly looked like walking zombies. Haha. After swimming, it really feels like ya in a dream, cuz ya all light headed, ya vision's a lil blurred and my ears are a lil muffled, ya limbs are all jelly, it felt like we were drifting around on land!LOL. So off to the foodcourt we went for some food! And I had Jap food while Shimmy went Korean. I bought a moisturizer cuz the chlorine's really drying up my skin. Wooohoo we went home thereafter! Haha. Tired but fun!When I got home my sis suddenly declared she's not going to ice-skating and it totally ruined my mood, and we called off the ice-skating trip. Instead we're going ice-skating today with my sis. Aargh. She actually says she's stressed up and stuff, man she's only in year 1 I mean i do empathise with her but if she can't cope with school now then I guess it'll only be worse in yr 2. Why can't she spare a few hrs in the rink to destress? I mean it's useless to just stare at the comp screen for hours on end and hope to find a solution right? Go out for some exercise and feel refreshed and ideas would flow more easily. sighs. But I respect whatever she's gong through and I shan't ask her to go today since she violently refuses. Relax a little girl!
Friday, May 05, 2006
, 11:41 PM
I finally fulfilled my promise to go to Suntec to get Uncle K's stuff with Shirl. Both of them are really fickle-minded, haha to see them thinking over and over again about the jacket was just hilarious. Shirl wasn't feeling so well after dinner. We'd wanted to catch this Korean movie Daisy? But we couldnt get the tickets so all of us headed home. Shirl felt like puking so we sat outside Dhoby Ghaut station and rested for some time before she felt fit enough to walk again. Get well soon Shirl! Don't eat anything after 7.30pm! Yeah I'll remember that! LOL. Tell the girl beside me to not eat anything after 7.30pm!O yeah! I was relocated to a really ulu place today in the office. I was really reluctant to do so cuz' I was so used to 'gossiping' and chatting with Shirl, Ziqin, Joyce and Grace. Oh boy, I'm gonna miss them! It's so pressurising to sit near the Big Boss. Yesterday when I told Ziqin and Shirl about my relocation they were like sad, even Shipei, aargh I didn't feel that sad at first, but when I looked into their eyes I can't take it! I didn't wanna be soft and weak. LOL. So long as we're in the same office it's okay. The only concern is the malay lady next to me looks kinda fierce? Haha. I'll get used to ti and do my job well! : )On my way home, I received a message from Mum and the message read: You got a package! Aargh an I turbo-ed all the way home!!! LOL. So now I'm happy+anxious+nervous+scared at the same time. It's been such a long time since I felt this way. Somehow it makes me feel alive again, a moment ago flash back to the day I got my A Level results I was lost and devastated I really thought I wasn't going anywhere and everyone else was gonna move ahead and I was gonna stay there forever. I'm so thankful!! I wanna thank my teachers, my friends for all their support, my parents. Oh god. Words simply can't describe my emotions right now. But I'm a lil afraid since I didn't take Lit in sec sch and JC. I'm afraid my foundation isn't there, and I'm like the only one going into English. I got into English! And I'm thinking of taking Psycho as a 2nd major with Shimmy as my sinseh! Haha. I love Lit, but I didn't get to pursue it in sec sch cuz I wanna follow my friends and chose Geog instead. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast taking Geog for sec sch and JC but I guess it's high time to pursue English, my first love. I'm not gonna slack in Uni like I did in JC, well, this is a personal promise I made to myself. I'll work doubly hard to make up for lost time. I'm thinking of takin up a 2nd major: Psychology. But I'm not sure if I can cope. Oh well, I've got like a hundred and one things to ask the Dean on Sunday! Can't wait! The associate professor is an Ang Moh!!! I'm so worried I can't understand a word he says. Oh god! Haha. It's gonna be a challenge! And hey I'm all up for it! After my setback in JC things aren't gonna get worse, are they?I need to calm down. Haha tata pple! Cya tml Shimmy!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
, 10:29 PM
We were supposed to have cup noodles today for lunch but we changed our minds and went to takeaway cheap nasi lemak from Old Chang Kee. It didn't taste as good on the 2nd try though. Shirl and Uncle Kel actually went to the pasar malam to get that huge packet of mee goreng after their nasi lemak!We were supposed to watch m:i:3 with Uncle today but we postponed (scrapped) it cuz we were either not in the mood or too tired for a movie. Haha. It seems everyone around me has gotten a letter or a call for an interview from either NTU or NUS. I'm getting more and more worried day by day. What if i didn't get a place in a local Uni? My options are as below:- Join the police force
- Enter NIE (yikes!)
- SIM (?)
LOL. As you can see folks, my options are limited! Shucks. I'll try not to think too much about it since it won't help matters anyways. We did 'fishing' again today. It totally sucked cuz we didn't 'catch' anything. : ( Wooh~ I'll be going ice-skating this Sat!!! But before that I'll be going swimming with Shimmy! Haha the Lion and the gnome? LOL. Kidding. It'll be fun fun fun! Haha. I gotta get myself a pair of goggles! My mum rented the movie Goal! yesterday. It was so inspiring, though the theme was pretty cliche "Follow your dreams", it's this rags-to-riches story, but with the element of Soccer added to it, it was taken to a whole new level. I loved it! Awesome stuff. Haha I haven't got a chance to watch the Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children VCD as yet. Hmmm. Next week's Vesak Day! Yayness~ One whole day free to do my stuff! :) Saw the PAP rally on my way home today, many people were rushing to the venue. Haha I finally got the PAP pamphlets today! After 2 days, the distributer finally gave me a copy! Haha. I think elections are really fun! I mean how often do you get to see high-profile politicians get into cat fights and behaving like school children? Hmmm somehow PAP always has a way to sabo the opposition party for something every General Election. LOL. Think Chee Soon Juan( am I correct?) and Gomez this year. LOL. I shan't say more about this, who knows? I may end up on TV as the next scandalous blogger in Singapore. Yikes! Counting down to June. There's so many stuff goin on come June: SYYC, cousin's wedding, World Cup. Aargh my cousin's wedding falls on 24th June same day as the first half of SYYC!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
, 9:06 AM
 Some days I just wanna be free ...
Monday, May 01, 2006
, 10:17 PM
Woohoo! Just got back from a 'feast' and here I am all sweaty and a lil tipsy blogging. We went to Novena Square's Vienna for buffet dinner, there were teppanyaki, western grill, sushi, lots and lots of seafood and korean cuisine. It was sheer heaven for me! LOL. There was this lil chocolate fountain with fruits and marshmallows available for dipping. Haha it was pretty yummy but I thought it could have been a lil sweeter? Haha. And there were these lil cocktails, red wine. The cocktails served in test tubes were really yummy! *slurps* We started off with this soup called 'buddha jumps over the wall', individual servings in small oriental cups. Then we moved on to scallops, lobster salad( mostly made up of fruits, till now I'm still wondering if I had any lobster at all), abalone salad, crabs, crayfish, steak, salmon, baked oysters, dim sum, even more soups. I had herbal jelly( really bitter! yucks!) and this chinese desert with papaya and thermella fungus. It was pure heaven! And the ambieood, with ambience was pretty good with spinning chandeliers and these victorian themed cushioned chairs. I'm feeling a lil tipsy cuz everytime we went for another helping I'd take a glass of red wine while we choose the dishes. God I'm so groggy I wonder if I'm fit for work. Haha, labor day's meant for us workers to rest, but I guess majority of us feel even more shagged the next day. Haha I watched the May Day concert on Ch8 and it was utter disappointment, it was pretty boring up till Stefanie Sun appeared. LOL. It's obvious why she's labelled a national treasure here. Woohoo I got a FreeHand Zero today but I didn't get the Steve Brown counterweight, I'd wanted to get it to commemorate him cuz' he's leaving the duncan team. But I got this red dice counterweight which looks better. Haha. I'd wanted the FreeHand yoyo cuz there was a free trick CD but since there's a website for tricks I got the FreeHand Zero. Woohoo! Can't wait to try it!!! After the 'labor feast' I got a top and skirt, pretty cheap. Haha..God I'm still smiling to myself I guess I am drunk after all? LOL. Election Day's coming and the PAP's making their rounds even more frequently than before. LOL. My mum rushed to the window and waved to the PAP guys, LOL* if my dad knew he'd prolly go bonkers! Hurrahs! Going to ice-skating next Sunday!!! *jumping all around the laptop doing a happy jig* Hmmm Should be going Kboxing on 6th May if things go according to plan. Ice skating!!! Ichiban!!! Ahhh~ June come quick! So I can see Mr. M in SYYC( Singapore Yoyo Competition)!!! Haha. Will upload some pics of food if possible tomorrow! Can you imagine Labor Day's gone just like that?? Shucks. I feel like I din even get much rest. Aargh. Thank god for Vesak Day next Friday!!! Woohoo~ Shit I lost my ice-skating gloves. Saturday going swimming with Shimmy!!! Sugoi!!! ^___^ can't wait! Will try to upload some pics of the food and Vienna tomorrow, and my new yoyo soon! See ya ard folks! Good night and rest well!
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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