Wednesday, January 11, 2006
, 8:45 AM
It's been raining a lot lately, so I get up in the mornings almost freezed to death. LOL. I'm exaggerating a lil. Uh. The rain's making me feel really lazy. Rain rain go away.The interview went well that day, I sent Angela my resume and will be waiting for her to post me somewhere, admin or customer services. LOL.Will not blog too much here since my comp has yet to recover. LOL.Gonna curl up in me fav seat and watch some DVDs we rented.I've decided the courses that I would like to take in Uni, mainly : - Geography
- Psychology
- Business
- Chinese (last resort)
LOL. I'm considering doing Japanese Studies for my minor. Hmmm...we shall see. LOL.
That's it. I'm gonna change into something warm. See ya all folks! Take care everyone! Dun wanna catch a cold since CNY's comin yeah. :)
Monday, January 09, 2006
, 7:42 AM
Yayness! I just discovered that my computer likes to shut down itself in the morning, so it stops doing that in the afternoon and evening. Hurrah! LOL.Good Luck to Mickey for CJ!Good Luck to Nichy for her TV shoot!LOL. Good luck to myself for job interview! Though it's yoyo-unrelated. Haha...I'll still yoyo and go down to Millenia Walk to watch em play even if I'm working! Yoyo rules!
, 3:39 AM
My comp is beginning to behave like an emotionally erratic patient. It chooses to restart itself as and when it has mood swings. And as 'm blogging this, it has already shut down itself 3 times!!! Well, there are pros and cons I suppose. You see, beacause of its...condition, I've learnt how to type and organize my thoughts faster, and for the cons, well, imagine blogging a huge chunk and it starts to act up, all data lost, lots of inconvenience and stuff. Aargh, I 've resorted to talking to the computer. LOL. It's driving me nuts!
We didn't go to Millenia Walk yesterday, partly because of the heavy rain, and more importantly, we were celebrating our Mum's birthday!!! LOL. We didn't get her anything expensive this year, but we got something that she likes and we LOVE! Hint: Food. LOL. You see, you can never go wrong with food, not in our household anyway.LOL. We're a bunch of foodies, it runs in the blood I guess, hmmm...people who know me should understand. Haha. We'd wanted to give her a surprise, so we sneaked out to get her birthday cake while she was at work, but she opened the fridge to put the sushi she bought!
And there goes the surprise. LOL. But she said" Never mind lah, I still don't know what it looks like." Before she discovered the cake, she said" I think I'll buy the cake tomorrow, celebrate my chinese birthday." LOL. She actually think that we've forgotten her birthday! So when she found the cake sitting in the fridge, she was so, so, so happy. Yayness! Strike One. LOL. During the evening, my aunt called her for a Swensen's treat but we were too lazy to go.LOL. Around 1 hour ++ later, we got a call that she's on bus 804. So, we frantically got the cake out, and my sis lit the candles while I held the door shut, while my mum was trying to open it. LOL. It was downright chaotic, you see my mum was screaming for us to open the door. LOL. And, finally, the candles were lit. We turned off the lights and I opened the door, LOL, and she "popped" in. And we sang her the Happy Birthday song. LOL. Yes, it was corny..LOL...but it felt so cosy and warm. LOL.
From this lil event, I realise how hard it is to carry a cake, especially since I'm not especially good with my fingers. LOL.
Happy Birthday MUM!!! :)
 My mum's a TV/VCD/TVB serials addict..see, she's still glued to the TV this very instant! LOL.
Happy Chinese Birthday MUM! :) 8th Jan p.s: By the time I got to the end of this entry, it has shut down 6 times! It's getting more frequent and we're getting real worried and paranoid. LOL.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
, 12:38 PM
My comp shut down itself 4 times today! -_-"The agency at International Plaza are prolly some loanshark agency cuz their rates are really unreasonable.So, I called another agency Recruit Express recommended by my cousin, Jamie( Thanks meanie Jamie! LOL). I'm scheduled for a mini interview at Raffles Place, Standard Chartered Building. Guess Angela'll prolly be asking what kinda jos I'm looking for and stuff. LOL. So I guess I won't immediately get hooked up with a job, cuz they'll need some time to help me find that ideal job. LOL. Wish me luck!Yayness! We decided what to buy for Mum today! LOL. Since we're on a shoestring budget, we bought something that is not too ex. Hmmm...but I think Mum's juz gonna LOVE it! Woohoo~Haha..will update soon! Gotta go before it restarts itself again! Peace to all ya peeps! :)
Friday, January 06, 2006
, 4:52 AM
My comp is running like a time bomb now. It may go off any moment, as and when it feels like. LOL. Computer mood swings. Got up early today, bought a copy of Straits Times and circled all the possible temp jobs and called. I will be scheduled for an interview tomorrow at International Plaza. LOL. Freaky Friday. Wish me luck peeps. Aargh...let's just hope I won't get a panic attack. Ai yai yai~ LOL. Hmmm...what should I wear? What should I say? Gotta get up early tomorrow, since it's scheduled at 11am and it's at Tanjong Pagar. Freaky! @_@If the interview tomorrow doesn't work out, I'll have to look for a job with Huishi. Haha..factory? Hmmm.Saturday's my mum's birthday...LOL...but I guess she'll be forever 40. What should we get her? A handbag? Wallet? Clothes? Birthday cake? With a card? Haha. Still thinking...I had a really horrible nightmare yesterday night, I won't go into further details here It felt so real, I thought it actually happened in reality. Gosh! Thank God it was just a nightmare. LOL. It's been ages since I dreamt of anything, not since that Michael Owen dream. LOL. I guess I must be pretty stressed out over finding a temp job. LOL.Hmmm...I've already thought of the things I could do with my first paycheck. I'll be getting a new yoyo, hmmm...looping or string tricks yoyo? Still thinking... I'll give some to my mum for the bills and her "bonus". LOL. Save some for my future expenses, save some for future Jap leassons, haha..once I learn how to read Japanese I can buy the latest comics without having to wait for it to be translated! Woohoo! Haha..and save some for the HK trip with Turbo..hmmm but it's still not confirmed. LOL. Yayness! Shucks. But I don't think it'll be enough..hahap.s: Get well soon Michael Owen!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
, 7:27 AM
-_-" My comp just shut down itself while I was blogging. It was the 3rd time today. Please don't let my comp die on me. LOL. Let's hope it'll recover by itself!Got a copy of Straits Times and scanned the recruit page for a job. Aargh! Shouldn't have rejected the Jurong office and bah kuah job! LOL. Too late. I'll have 7 months of holiday, and if I dun get a holiday job soon I'll have to go for "counselling sessions"! LOL. Shucks. I miss school already! Yep...even with all the homework, tests and exams! LOL. Will be hunting for one pretty soon with Hushi, cuz her bookstore job's killing her. Hmmm...wonder what kinda holiday job I'll end up with?*_* Prayin hard I'll get a job soon! Jia you Jia you Jia you! Haha. Turbo can you get students soon! I desperately need that tuition job! LOL.In the meantime, I'll look out for potential jobs in the a job and stop being a bummer! Aargh! Any lobang anyone?For now, I'll yoyo for some comfort...hahaDon't give up! @_@
Sunday, January 01, 2006
, 1:43 PM
Yayness^3. Haha...went to Suntec City today again, went to Marina Square then to Millenia Walk. Got caught in the rain/storm rather. Woohoo! Millenia Walk is a YoYoLand! My dreamland. Saw Roy Teo( one of the top guys in Spinworkx..dunno what's spinworkx? Google it!) playing with his yoyo, teaching some of the other kids and other adults and teens learning the brilliant art of yoyo. LOL. Yoyo is a very easily misunderstood game/sport, it doesn't just go up and down, it can go sideways, longways and any other ways. And there's like a million yoyo tricks out there, offstring, loop tricks, you name it we have it. LOL. Yoyo is a great sport that is easy to learn but difficult to master, hence, it really takes a lot of practice, practice and even MORE practice!!! Haha. In short, yoyo is 200% awesome!Haha. I got myself a straightener and dye today at Millenia Walk. LOL. I chose the "safe color" which is chocolate dark brown, so in case of any mishaps, it wun be obvious anyway. LOL. So far, like 30 minutes after the dyeing process, the dark brown is more obvious along the roots, hopefully the color will show after more shampooing sessions! : )Woohoo! Counting down to 2006! World Cup season! Yayness! I'm 18yrs old alr! So maybe can ask Peiru and Peiyu out to CHIJMES to watch live soccer. LOL. Yay! Excited! Sydney already celebrated their year 2006. LOL. Different timezones, and it's like 9pm in Singapore. ^_^ Will be off to spend my last day of 2005 with my family! Cheerios! Spread the love and peace around! And sing Auld Lang Syne once the clock strikes 12! Haha! Make love not war! Woohoo!Signing out,Smelly Melly p.s: To all my friends who've asked me out for countdown, I'm really sorry I can't make it cuz I have to spend it with me family! No worries though cuz I still love you guys! Will keep you peeps in mind even though I'm physically absent yeah? Have fun! ^_^
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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