Saturday, December 31, 2005
, 5:53 AM
You know what? I think there's a HUGE gigabyte-eating virus in my computer, it forces me to download this anti-spyware thing, what's it called again? Malware...spyware? Whatever, it turns my homepage from Yahoo! to it's website and warns me about how "at-risk" I am and there's this last version of the Trojan ( no, not that Greek legend Troy) virus. LOL. For an IT idiot, that is hell LOT of gigabytes o clueless shit to swallow! So, whenever I'm surfing websites there will be this "!" icon that goes flashing at my bottom toolbar which is so darn annoying! See, there it goes again! The window that says: System Alert! Spyware detected!I ran my anti-spyware scan and there was nothing! So I reckon that this malware thinggum is some con website! Scammers! After this "virus attack", there'll be pop-ups, many of em' illegal and ahem if I may put it like this...inappropriate? LOL. See, here we go again...this pop-up window beckonin me to gamble or try my hand at poker or jackpot and win millions online! Hah. The nerve! Every 30mins or so I'll get another pop-up and it's content is ahem...explicit. God. If my mum happens to feel like hovering around me when I'm exploring the wonders of the World Wide Web and sees this kinda illegal pop-ups, we're totally screwed! Mich! We gotta do something! Ummm...I'm still contemplating...Aargh. This malware threatens us for our money! Yes, it does. If we don't buy its software, it'll not remove the so-called spyware that will steal all our personal info( Trojan) and stuff, see how brilliant they are? Brilliant scam if you ask me! Screw them. :pOh well, enough about IT stuff.These days have been really weird, I'm still reeling from the post-As trauma. My blogging patterns have become really irregular. I couldn't find many reasons to blog about, you see, life's rather perfect now and I have NOTHING to complain about. With school, well, you basically have a goldmine of topics you can bitch about. LOL. Like that weird classmate( hey I'm not targeting anybody!), or ramble on about how many tests and endless homework you have. Yeah, stuff like that. Aargh, if only I felt like this while I was in school, then I'd really have loads of time to do some official revision time. Ahh..tests and hw, they sound so distant to me~Well, reading what I'd written so far. I realised I'm contradicting myself. I mean the whole idea of not having anything much to blog about was the main catalyst or reason why I'm sitting here in front of the monitor typing all this trash, in my sister's friend's really really cool jacket that makes me look like a really really cool mountaineer. LOL. I guess I'd be graded F for bad grammar and illogical sentencing for this paragraph. If you don't get it, never mind. *blank faces* OK. Moving short all I'm trying to say is that I've something to blog about beacause I've nothing to blog about? Geddit? LOL. Pardon me but I've post-As trauma remember? Shucks. Wait till I get a job come January and get right down into the snake-pit and drown myself in office politics. LOL. Hopefully when the time finally arrives, I'll be the spectator looking on from the stand and not one of the gladiators fighting tooth and nail in the pit.Shucks. I'm getting incomprehensible. Am I nuts?LOL. OK. So I realised I AM nuts seconds ago. I'll laugh whenever I take the lift with some other people...I'll burst out laughing, and that totally pisses my sister. Well, cause it's kinda infectious and my sister/whoever is in the lift with me will also feel tickled and now we have a bunch of looneys in the lift stuck with me. Sometimes, I really pity my neighbors. Note: Key here is SOMETIMES. LOL. I dunno why? I just feel tickled whenever I'm in the lift, we have like 3/4/5 people stuck in a lil box that moves up and down, and most of them are either pretending to read the in-case-of-emergency notice/ pretending to SMS an imaginary person(it may be factual I guess?)/ staring into blank space/ staring at the lift doors. LOL It's this awkward atmosphere that tickles me. LOL. Please help me kick this weird habit!Now I'm starting to heat up, but I'm not gonna take this jacket off of me. LOL. Never!Hmmm...will prolly be going to Suntec+Millenia Walk+Marina Square again and hopefully we'll pluck up enough courage to ask em pros fer some advice. LOL. I'm gonna get some more yoyos or string for my end-of-year reward! Yayness! *_* I'll prolly be counting down 2005 with my sis and cousins? mum's agreed to sponsor us some wine...will be brainwashing her to get us some vodka shots, while the rest get some harmless bacardi Breezer or Madam Hooch's. LOL. C'mon what's a lil booze on New Yr's Eve?Phew. What a ride. To all who've patiently read my crap and travelled thus far. Congrats! You're in the club! You're prolly as nuts as I am! LOL. No worries mate! No membership fees needed! Hurrah to that!Haha...Chill guys! Be safe and happy from whatever shitty stuff you encounter at work yeah! Cheerios! : )Signing out! Till then,A looney!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
, 2:34 AM
I've been a major ass**** today. Seriously, I'm an ass. LOL. And I'm sorry to the person who's affected. I'll try to commit less time in future ok? Aargh. I'm confused. LOL.Anyways, I've just mastered this yoyo trick called "The Jamaican Flag" a few days back and will be advancing to learn some other tricks. LOL. Currently, I'm just a noob and hopefully, I'll improve with time!
Monday, December 26, 2005
, 3:46 AM
*stretches and stifles a yawn* Good hearty morning all! MERRY CHRISTMAS!Woah. I got up pretty early today considered the fact that I turned in at around 3+ AM last night/morning. LOL. Met up with my aunt, "mama", cousins at Northpoint, had a yummylicious dinner b4 leaving for Orchard. "mama" pulled out at the last minute cuz she was feeling nauseous and headed home in a cab. GET WELL SOON "mama"!!! :) My cousin and I got a camera, it was what I'd call an antique model which costs ONLY $39.90 with rolls of film and other freebies thrown in! LOL. Well, we shared costs. Haha...and now I'm waiting for Yvonne to get em' developed! Woohooo. If I hafta post some of those pics here I'll prolly hafta steal a scanner! *evil grin*Well, so all of us headed to Orchard. When we got to Dhobby Ghaut, my aunt pulled out too! LOL. Guess she sorta freaked out when she saw the MASSIVE crowd up ahead, and mind you it was only like 7 plus 8PM! Wait till the 10PM crowd floods in! So she left. Guess such tendencies do run in our blood! *winks* All of immediately whipped out our handy cameraphones and started snapping away, it was like the most natural thing to do these days, to have narcissism in full display even in public! LOL. But hey, EVERY shot spells F-U-N! Ah! I love those lights hanging on the trees! But those bluish bulblights were sorta eerie though. We came to a stall selling surprise surprise! Santa hats ( with or without flashy lights), flashy badges and SNOW SPRAY! LOL. Here's what we got:Mum : 1 Flashy angel badge $2Yvonne : 1 Flashy hat and flashy badge $5 + $2=$7Sharon : 1 Flashy hatMe : 1 Flashy hat Note---> Flashy here means those lights which go flashing on and off rhythmatically!By the time we reach Centrepoint, it already felt like an hour had gone by. Many people were holding Snow Sprays and maniacally attacking poor, unknowing passers-by like us. LOL. Do we have a target board pasted on ourselves!?! LOL. There were lotsa Bengals there, you see I'm very tempted to say Ah Nehs but considering the previous case of racist bloggers, I'd prolly not venture to that. LOL. The Bengals were really a rowdy and crazy bunch of people! We got stuck at a point outside Wisma Atria, and we couldn't even budge, Yvonne and I were snadwiched in between thousands of people. And people behind were pushing and shoving, and so were we, let's just call it the "Ripple Effect". LOL. So there's me with the santa hat (which was beginning to look a lil stupid) all sweaty and smelly( smellymelly never sounded much better!), with my hands crossed in front of me pushing at the back of this guy in front of me, and Yvonne's hand was hooked on my right. Can you believe? Some butthead was still spraying snow at that kinda situation? Well, not that it caused much harm anyway, since his ammo (Snow Spray) was running low and getting a tad "lao hong", so the snow sorta vanished into thin air after it travelled a few cm into the crowd. At that point, I seriously imagined myself to be a National rugby player contending in the World finals or something! And we were chanting "Move! Move! Move!" <---This is a refined/censored version of what I chanted anyway. And the Bengals on the left felt it was funny or something? LOL.Phew. Finally we got outta the ruckus and found my mum and Sharon! LOL. My mum looked murderous by then! There were lotsa other let's just call em "Lost souls" who were standing around blankly, prolly separated from their family/friends too. LOL. My mum met with an unhappy incident during the Wisma mini-stampede part, and she took out her umbrella and started hammering away at the culprit like there wun be another Christmas again! LOL. Yeah, my mum's not one to be trifled with! And serve that asshole right! Hah!My mum actually wanted to open her brolly to shelter us from the "snow", LOL, but before she could do it Yvonne and I took off. LOL. Thank god for my Santa hat, which shielded me from "snow". $5 well-spent! :)We were near Far East so we had to cross the road and make our way back to Somerset MRT station. Every minute at Orchard during Christmas was physically demanding, having to use brute strength, speed while crossing the road and alertness to "siam" from cars. LOL. So there we were, once again bulldozing past the people mountain people sea to get to our train station. There were some Christmas carolling, and it was er...funny? LOL. I couldn't describe it, it sounded like the egg( clue) which sang when Harry potter opened it in the Prefect's bathroom.Wooh. Finally! Somerset MRT station! It was the protected area, where we dun hafta get all cranky and jumpy, scanning for potential snipers(snow sprayers). We sat to Marina Bay and all the way back. LOL. We started snapping manically in there! LOL. Fun fun fun! Haha. Ahhh can't wait for the photos to get developed! So, we lay on our seats, all spent, grimy and smelly. I smelt like...100 sweaty rugby players! Major Yuck! :( LOL. But I reckon I'd lost 5 pounds and gained 5 pound of muscles! We had supper at McDonald's! I had filet-0-fish. Ahh...after a strenuous work-out fast food had never tasted much better! LOL. While waiting for Michelle, we took even more pictures! LOL. We took lotsa pics, most of them weird I guess. LOL. We looked like xiao char bos man!Weeeee! Home sweet home! Haha. It was already 1 plus 2AM...and for the 1st time in my life, I was actually looking forward to a nice, cold bath! LOL. Here's a reformed smellymelly! And I finally turned in at around 3+AM. Ahhhhh...bed sweet bed! LOL.Woohoo....hours I am! Blogging! LOL. Will be celebrating Cgristmas with Ch5 LOL. Will be having steamboat later at night! Yummy yummy yum yum! :)Happy Holidays all!p.s. Remember those flashy badges my mum and Yvonne bought? We later realised they were "lost in action" LOL.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
, 4:58 PM

Friday, December 23, 2005
, 4:15 PM
WOOHOOOoooOOOOOoooooOOOOOOooooo!Pardon my esctacy! LOL. It's just that it's been such an extremely long time since all 7 of us met up! Yes! The whole gang! Though I was a tad late, I had to pray the first half of the day as it was Dong Zhi, then rushed back to bathe and stuff then went down to Orchard again! LOL. Shimmy was so sweet! She actually came out to drag me into Pepper Lunch! LOL. I had this meal called the Double Chicken meal #9. It was basically Chicken served on a teppanyaki plate with LOTSA beansprouts, carrots and a drink! LOL. It was $13.80 and to me it was hell expensive! Since basically all they need to do was marinate the chicken, dump in the veggies and let the customers fry em' and do the rest of the dirty job. LOL. But with such great company and lotsa laughter going around the table! The food was heavenly! *does the mama mia sign*We got one of the waitresses to take a lil pic of us( 2 pics to be exact!) before we got chased outta the restaurant! It was jam-packed at Orchard! The MRT operator even resorted to this: Will the people in the MRT station who're not taking the train please leave the station now, it's too crowded! LOL. Insane! The walk from Orchard to Pepper Lunch took me like 20mins? Cuz I was stuck in human traffic! Aargh. People mountain people sea! How true! All I can see in front of me are heads, heads and MORE heads, heads in all shapes and sizes, hair in all sorts of perms, cuts and colore, heck there're even botak heads etc! LOL. Botak is sexy! So no offence yeah! LOL.Yippee! Will be waiting fer Shimmy to upload pics! YAYness! Kan Ee still looks awesome and sweet! LOL. Here's some irish luck to you and K****** yeah? Don't give up!LOL. The day ended off when Shing Yeen and Zhiling went to meet their poly friends fer clubbing, think it's at China Black! LOL. Have tons of booze, fun, music, chips and dancing bud! LOL...Have a rocking awesome 18th birthday Shing Yeen! And Renmin! Thanks for your bookmarks! I LOVE EM I LOVE EM I LOVE EM! LOL. Can't wait to borrow more books so I can use em! LOL. To Xinyi: Jiayou bud! Think abt ur pay cheque and it'll chase away ur weariness yeah? ToShimmy: Thanks for ur very handy camera bud! You rock! You always do! LOL. Keep taking shots of yourself! HAHAz~ You're freaking farny with your antics!To Kan Ee: Have fun when you're back at M'sia it was really wonderful seeing you again after 2 yrs!!! Take care yeah? Find Mr. Right soon! Let time decide for you! LOL. To Zhiling: LOL. Stay cute and bubbly girl! Still a lil worried about you clubbing! LOL. Muz take care of yourself! :) Good luck to you-know-what...*winks winks* ;)HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY SHING YEEN! Our Diva! :)Dun booze too much, otherwise suffer from hangovers the next day! LOL.I LOVE YOU GUYS! :)It may only be 2 hrs +++ but every single second was magical to me! LOL. It was awesome being with you buds! Take care and happy hols! Look out fer your cards! They shuld arrive pretty soon!2 days to Christmas~~ Anticipation!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
, 3:32 AM
There are tons to learn in yoyo-ing and I can't decide which category I should belong. Hmmm but at the moment I'm really hooked on loop and string tricks. LOL. But double-hand looping? Nah uh. My left hand's a handicap, maybe I should start training my left? Will yo as long I have free time, even if I start my temp job. 4 DAYS TO CHRISTMAS!Here's wishing everyone Happy Holidays! Will be going down to Orchard this Xmas Eve, it'll be really fun, especially with the crowd working the atmosphere. LOL. Traffic policemen? Why don't you guys take a break, you won't be of much help anyway. LOL, twas just kidding!Meeting the gang this Thurs! Can't wait! LOL. Make time go faster!I have another Christmas wish : A vespa model!Which makes my Christmas list:- A FH Zero/speed beetle/Pyro yoyo
- Liverpool's commemorative champions league jersey
- A vespa model( preferably Classic White 1956/pastel blue/red/charcoal gray)
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
, 12:10 PM
LOL. Wait a sec. With my Bah Kuah pay I wanna get this too!!!
--------> Champions League Commemorative Home Shirt Go Reds Go!!! Champions League Champs 2005/6?
, 11:45 AM
Went out with my sis and cousin today. Main purpose was to look for a job. LOL. Went to popular( Northpoint) and they weren't hiring, then headed to LJS fer lunch while we looked at the classified jobs in Straits Times. Finally took 854 to Motorola and we waited there for ages and the staff were just chattering away and napping, there were other applicants in the room, and some of em looked pissed, too. LOL. We took off even before we went fer an interview cuz the atmosphere, was just...WEIRD. LOL. We walked( more like hike) all the way to YCK MRT station and headed for Bishan, and I signed up for Mei Zhen Xiang. LOL. I hope I'll be posted ti J8 with Shimin! Will be loads of fun! The uncle there was pretty friendly. LOL. So I'll be selling bah kuah, how cool is that. LOL. And we'll get 600g of FREE bah kuah after our job ends. LOL. My mum's prolly the happiest person when she heard bout the FREE 600g of bah kuah. LOL. So I hope I'll gain some experience through this, mellow a lil and help my mum a lil with the bills ( 1 mth's). LOL. Exciting! And...with the pay, I hope I can get a FreeHand Zero and a Pyro yoyo, hmmm...hopefully there're still some left in Tampines Mall toys 'r' us! Otherwise gotta buy em' from Spinworkx at MW, and I really dun dare, cuz all of em are like pros while I've only learnt some looping tricks. LOL.Got a lil proyo fer looping when I'm bored. LOL. And the color's this green!Man. Dog tired from all that walking( hiking).
Sunday, December 18, 2005
, 3:13 PM
It's official. I want a King Kong too for a boyfriend, he's all fur and stuff but he's always there for you, protecting Ann Darrow from harm's way. What more can you ask for?LOL. Just got back from Golden Village, watched King Kong with my mum and sis. Before that, my sis and I went to Novena's Toys 'R' Us for yoyos then we headed down to Suntec, I've been there a gazallion times, it's kinda sick. LOL. We went there to survey the environment first, we were trying to get to Millenia Walk. I asked the MRT operator and he told us to walk straight through CityLink Mall. Yeah, "walk straight", that was helpful. So we walked on and went out to Marina Square, and walked past this magic pegasus thingy, it was like a kids' show. LOL. And there were so many parents in the queue! Idolism among kids with parents involved? It IS disturbing! We eventually got to Millenia Walk after asking the Customer Service desk. LOL. It was really really really quiet there. Not many people shop there apparently, the shops are pretty much high-end stuff and boutiques like Raoul. After we knew how to get there, we took this free shuttle service back to City Hall MRT station and we walked through Citylink mall AGAIN, going towards Suntec this time. We were esctatic when we saw Toys 'R' Us, I got a Throw Monkey( again) and a proyo for daily training purposes, my sis got the same too, but her TM's white and green in color. Well, a Throw Monkey and a proyo costs $29.90 altogether. Talk about investments. We walked around a lil and headed down to Millenia Walk for lunch. There's this Japanese eatery that I strongly recommend! You gotta walk all the way down Millenia Walk Mall cuz it's tucked away in a corner, it's near Candy Empire by the way...Candy Empire sells all kinda sweet treats you can think of. They sell pretty good stuff for Christmas too! Well, this Jap eatery by the way is called Bentos! We had the Chicken Katsu Curry set, it costs $8, pretty steep for our budget since we've pretty much burnt a hole in our pockets getting yoyos. So, both of us shared. Actually our main motive was to get a place to rest our feet, since we've prolly walked for miles getting to Millenia Walk all the way from Suntec. But the food at Bentos was totally A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! Oiishi! LOL. The Chicken katsu was coated with bread crumbs and deep-fried, but it wasn't greasy at ALL. The outer layer was golden brown and crispy, the inside was a soft pink in color, the meat was tender and smooth. The curry was to die for, it's like eating an Old Chang Kee curry puff, only this time it's in liquid form. Mama Mia! I highly recommend bentos!Food : *****Ambience : ****Service : NA ( self-service)After we filled our tummies and rested our feet. We went to the atrium near Fuzion cafe to see if there were any yoyo players. Well, Red ( the President of the Brazilian Yoyo Association , Rafael Matsunaga) was scheduled to reach there around 3-5pm. It was around 3pm, and nobody was at the Sculpted Garden. So we reckon we should walk the whole stretch of Millenia Walk Mall and back to the atrium. So, we did. And guess who I spotted!?! I saw Aik Hwee and some other Singapore yoyo player! Aik Hwee btw only 13yrs old, and he's the Singapore champion! God. was flabbergasted and pretty much hysterical! So we zoomed back to the Fuzion Cafe, and there they were, busy practising their offstring, freehand and whatever tricks. We just didn't have the guts to approach any of them cuz they were pros at work, so we sat on a bench outside and watch them do their thing. Aargh! I actually got a notebook and marker to get Red's autograph! He's there, teaching them some stuff! But I just didn't have the guts to get his autograph cuz nobody was doing it, since all of them pretty much knew each other already. The yoyo community was a pretty small and close-knit group. So, we decided to just watch and leave em to their yoyos. But once we get the basics right we're gonna ask them fer help. LOL.We left at around 4.15pm. We waited for the shuttle bus, and guess who we saw alighting from the bus? The Duncan Crew from Malaysia! Most of them were present! God! I was star struck! They were wearing their Duncan tees and everything. LOL. I will be coming down to Millenia Walk next week with me sis and cousin to ask them for some help. LOL. Guess it'll be a weekly thing. So, hopefully if I get a job it'll be around millenia Walk or there's half days on Satuurdays. LOL.I LOVE YOYO-ING! Will save my notebook for next year's AP or SYYC! LOL. There'll be more people there and definitely people who're asking for autographs. LOL.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
, 5:01 AM
I've been reading Straits Times rather religiously recently. I didn't even read it as religiously for my GP ( man this sounds oh-so-distant). God. My mum's bugging me to get a frigging job instead of lazing around at home, well, I agree with her to a certain extent. LOL. I do think I should get a job, it'll help to mature me a bit. But I'm not exactly lazing around, I've been practising hard with my Duncan ThrowMonkey YoYo, see I've like 6 mths before the Asia-Pacific 2006 held June next year and speculation's been rife that it'll be in Singapore, then there'll be the SYYC 2006 in Singapore too. LOL. Can I yoyo as a career? Jesus. I AM still very much a child. And that song Bu Xiang Zhang Da by S.H.E is oh-so-true, and totally applies to my situation and what I'm feeling right now. The transition period from kid to adult is really tough. Ahhh...finding Neverland!LOL. Previously, I've been following the Life! section of Straits Times...Currently, I'm a religious reader of the recruitment page. For pete's sakes, I look like a freakin maniac constantly scanning and poring over pages of jobs after jobs after jobs. LOL. I thought I can get a life after my A Levels. Regrettably, it looks like it ain't gonna happen AT ALL. LOL. I'd rather hit the goddamn books!
, 2:47 PM
I'm so HAPPY today! Went to Suntec with my cousin to get our XXXXs. LOL. So freaking happy when we finally saw XXXX in Toys 'R' Us. LOL. I was so happy I actually circled the entire booth doing the aeroplane stance. LOL.Another reason I'm happy's cuz I received an e-mail from a VERY SPECIAL person whom I sorta met at Genting Highlands. LOL. Aargh! Ok. Happy things aside, gotta return to reality. Hmmm...I'm still looking for a job. Well, I wasn't very focused or serious on getting one for the past few days, but fret not, I'll seriously look for one starting tomorrow! Come on future employers, throw me a job, anything! LOL. Well, not exactly everything, cuz my mum has only allowed admin jobs. Aargh. Does it spell B-O-R-I-N-G or what? Maybe I'll go get some other job and tell a lil white lie? Hmmm. Confused. I don't really care much about the pay, as long as there's something that I can do everyday, and keep my mum from nagging any further. LOL. Whenever she heard someone talk about JOBs or hear JOB related words or issues, she'll start her engine again. LOL. So, please give me a job! If it's at spinworkx, it'll be doubly awesome! LOL. So, do we have a deal or what? Hmmm...only time will tell, I guess.HAHA. I'm still very happy. Think I prolly can't get to sleep tonight! Wish me luck on job-hunting guys!Take care everybody!Bells a ringing not far from now. Hmmm...I can smell Christmas in the air already! LOL. (^____^)
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
, 7:21 AM
Touch-down! I'm finally back in Singapore. LOL. The KL-Genting trip was totally awesome!Getting there--->We took the trans-star 5 star coach bus, it had like this TV monitor, where you can watch movies, play games, watch music videos and documentaries! It was a 16 seater so there was lotsa leg room and it even provided massaging services! How cool is that? LOL. Not that I need it anyway. Well, I watched Constantine, a lil of Troy, Lord of the Rings. I played games mostly on the trip towards KL. Everyone was pretty much hyped up at the beginning of the trip, but when we entered Malaysian territory, the scenery out there was pretty much monotonous, rows after rows, hectares after hectares of oil palm plantation. And my TV monitor chose to hang on me in the middle of the trip! Goddamnit. I got back up from a toilet break and realised it jam on me halfway through a movie I hadn't even selected! Well, since my only supply of entertainment was cut off, poor me resorted to taking short videos of the yes, oil palm plantation wheezing past us on the endless North-South highway( thanks Mr Ng for otherwise I would NEVER have known its name). On the way to Sunway --->Finally alighted at the transit station where we'll take a cab up to Sunway. I shared a cab with Aunt Rosemary and her kids/nieces ( I dun really know). She's like a workaholic and self-proclaimed 'loti-wong' (cantonese) , I was shell-shocked when they start whipping out their stuffed toys( with names!) and played with each other! God, I was really tempted to take my Dong Dong out, but something just made me hesitate. LOL. During the cab ride, I took lotsa pictures of the twin towers, hmm, many old buildings, the 'istana' of Malaysia and lotsa billboards there.Arriving at Sunway! --->Finally! Sunway!LOL. The hotel room was really neat! Though I much preferred the prev hotel, it had this balcony thing and a lil pond just outside, and, it was so much nearer to Sunway Lagoon Theme Park. But still, all was good.Sunway in short, was a shopping paradise. We just didn't know where to begin, with shops after shops after shops after shops after...lined up in four compass point directions: North, South, East, West. Hence, we decided to conquer em' all level by level. First day at Sunway was pretty much shopping and settling down. Aargh! The rain! We didn't go to KL chinatown, so I din get me shoes! Aargh. Well, not that I'm complaining. Cuz' I reckon that we wouldnt haf time to conquer Sunway if we've gone there.Woohoo! We ice-skated at night! It was totally cool, and I don't just refer to the temperature in the skating rink. I mean everything about it, the company, the people. As I was a beginner in ice-skating( worse than a beginner if you ask me), my sis( she had more experience) and I had to cling on to the tiny piece of a ledge bordering the entire skating rink. Man, we were like koala bears clinging on to its mummy. It was so darn embarrassing when you see lil tots and kids wheezing past you and execute figure skating tricks with perfection. God, I could have buried myself in ice! So my sis, cousin and I clung onto the ledge and we half-walked( walk!?! It looked more like fumbling ard!) and half-skated the enitre parameters of the rink. Honestly, we were pathetic. LOL. It was like learning how to walk all over again, only this time, we're doing it on ice. After a while, my cousin and I sorta warmed up to the rink, and could at least skate in the inner rim of the rink, like 1m away from the ledge, LOL, occassionally lungin for support. My sis was having a lil difficulty and pulled out halfway. RM$19 + RM$5( gloves) gone to waste. There was this X'Mas performance in the ice-skating rink halfway, so we had to clear outta the rink. It featured countries like Malaysia( duh?), Brazil (samba!), Spain, Japan, France and lots more. Singapore was excluded, much to our dismay. And there was Santa too. The children were so darn cute! LOL. Again, I whipped out me handphone and videod the performance.The next day was solely dedicated to a theme park extravanganza and...more shopping( surprise surprise! LOL). We didn't do the slide, cuz my sis and I sorta chicken out halfway, and the slide was closed for maintenance anyway. LOL. So we went to the wave pool and basically, we just chilled there, on our tubes( these floats that looked like humongous doughnuts). My sis rested both her arms on either side of it and got up next morning with sore armpits. The ride that we affectionately call the 'long-kang' ( malay for drain) was quite neat too, there was this tunnel thing where statues( they resembled Mayan statues) squirt water at unknowing riders like us. The Niagara Falls flume was like the best of all! Bacially, we sat in a circle and get flushed around the entire circuit, and the unlucky one gets to be plonked by gallons of water. LOL. We took the ride like countless times.Then there was of course the boot ride. We took the ride mainly for one purpose: to dry ourselves. You see, the boot ride was honestly, a kiddy ride, where people sat in a huge boot compartment and basically just circled around at hi-speed. It functioned like a dry cleaning machine, really. LOL. And we went to see the tigers! There were 2 tigers in this enclosure, that totally stinks from miles away. Yeah and I took pics once again. LOL. We then proceede to the games stall beside it, and my cousin plonked down RM$5( if I remembered correctly), for only one dart! She had to burst a balloon to get a prize. And alas, she got a crummy-looking torch light which we later found out, had a broken filament. What a prize! LOL. But it was still fun though. I tried my hand at this duck stall( think straight will ya?) where I plonked down RM$5, I got a modified fishing stick and hooked a lil rubber ducky out, and alas! Guess what i got? I got a pencil with a rubber spiderman head attached to ti. The price tag read RM$2.95, so I guess I made a loss of RM$2.05. Shucks. LOL.Rides later...we shopped again.Sharon : Heels, earrings( 4 for RM$10), necklace, cosmeticsSis : Cosmetics, clothes, necklace, earrings ( 4 for 10)Me : No cosmetics, tops and a bag from fourskins, necklace, earringsLOL. The necklace was buy two get one free, so we split the cost and each necklace was going for like RM$10.20. It was a long beaded necklace which you could wear in whatever style you like, my cousin and I got black and me sis blue.Dinner was at a streethawker stall opp our hotel. The ambience was so cool, it's like those Hong Kong street stalls, and once again I took pics. Man, above the row of hawker stalls was an Art School, man, can you imagine what its students will look like? All of us had Char kuey tiao, satay and stuff, the food was great but the cockles totally suck! They were greyish and smelled like...decomposed seafood really. Yuck! LOL. But the satay and the peanut sauce was sheer paradise! Yummylicious!!! We ice-skated again after that. I can skate a lil better now, but I had to have my cousin in sight and occassionally pulling over for support. LOL. Will try my hand at it again in Jurong! LOL. My sis didn't feel like it so she sat out, and we make it a poitn to stop over at wherever she's sitting for a mini photoshoot fer me cousin. LOL.Genting--->Woohoo. Off to Genting! We were so looking forward to the weather up there! Halfway through the journey, Sharon realised she left her specs at the hotel, so 'mama' had to call up Jeremy who's there for some kinda bowling tornament again to get it back. The long winding road up Genting was so freaking cool! It was like a scene from Initial D. LOL. I salute the uncle who captained the car man. If it was a Daytona game, I could have crashed my car and died like 50 times? LOL. Touchwood.Yippee! Finally the temp dropped, our ears hurt, and we could see the Genting logo, which looke like a red baseball. 'mama' was staying at First World for the 1st day there, and we accompanied her fer check-in. First World hotel was like HUGER THAN HUGE! It was like a maze or a large cruise ship man, it was split into like 3 large columns. We almost killed our legs walking from the lobby to the lifts. Wee! After all the checking in. We hit the theme park immediately. It was RM$49.90 for an all-day indoor outdoor wrist band. We were all hyped up as we walked to the theme park, but our jaws dropped when we saw the thousand of people there. There were so many people Q-ing up for a ride. It was incredible, really. So, we went for motion master, our wristbands glowed in the dark waiting room and it sorta resembled those clubbing wristbands. The ride was goddamn lame, the theme was Alice in the Wonderland, our seats barely moved and we were squirted by sprays of water( clean or not? I'm clueless). And it ended as abruptly as it'd begun. LOL. What 4D( better than 3D experience) my foot! LOL. We went outdoors and got our tickets for the latest ride: The flying coaster! It cost a whopping RM$10 per ride, not forgetting the locker. We started Q-ing, it was a pretty short Q I guess people were pretty paranoid about this ride cuz it really looked menacing. Halfway through the Q, we realised that there was not much screaming, hence we fially concluded that the people prolly fainted halfway thru the ride. LOL. We were nearly there when our guts got the better of us, plus it was drizzling a lil, so we chickened out. I mean look at the possibilities! We could have been struck by lightning, the tracks were all slippery. LOL. Excuses aside, we just chickened out honestly.So, we headed indoors where we went for the family-oriented ride, we got into the dragon cabin and it took us around the whole upper interior of First World. It was great for photo-taking!LOL. other than that, it was a no-thrill ride. Later, we took the Euro Express which was a roller-coaster moving around the whole of First World. It was moving at top speed, and my cousin slided from right to left due to the impact. LOL. After that, we went to look at the pics taken during the ride, and guess who i spotted in the gallery? I saw a photo of Kok How and his family or friends. LOL. After the rain stopped. We finally plucked up enough courage to Q fer the flying coaster ride. It was like a roller coaster, only diff was that we were lying down on our tummies thruout the ride like superman. When we were locked in our seats, and it slowly moved upwards, i totally freaked out, it was the 1st time I really feel like yelling for them to get me out of there. But when it finally took up speed, bringing us upside down and stuff, it wasn't all that scary anymore. LOL. in fact it was FUN FUN FUN! Aargh! We wanted to take it again but it was a tad too costly. LOL.The next day, we got up real early for shopping. Again. We had Kenny Rogers fer lunch, and then we headed down to the stage fer some yoyo action. You see, the annual Asia-Pacific yoyo championship was held in Malaysia this year! There were players from places like Japan, HK, Taiwan, Korea, M'sia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand...there were judges from Brazil! LOL. Rodrigo Yokota ( a judge from Brazil) was so darn cool, and he was uber friendly too, always smiling. LOL. Aargh. But the players tt really caught my eye were from Japan! Especially Hiroyuki "Mickey" Suzuki and this Jap guy we call 'Shark Man' cuz he wears this Bathing Ape shark jacket( Xiao Zhu has one) and he zipped it all the way and appeared on stage to work the crowd. He was totally hilarious. The Jap players were more showy and wild. When the jap players were not competing in a certain category, they will be amongst the audience with their 'woos' and 'yeahs', cheering on the yoyo players. LOL. They're a gregarious bunch man. There was this Jap player who stood beside me, getting his bearings for his yoyo, and he was so freaking cute! Aargh! After the comp, the yoyo players will usually congregate at the Duncan yoyo booth near the stage. Aargh! If only I had the guts, I would have asked them for a lil photo shoot! LOL. We went to watch the 2nd day of competition too. But Mickey wasn't competing in the category. LOL. We went fer karaoke too, the karaoke lounge was called 'Be A Star'. LOL. We paid RM$130 for 3 people, 2 drinks per pax, the one thing that I dun understand was why is it compulsory for us to buy 2 bowls of nuts? We had to buy 2 bowls of nuts to get a room! God, They're prolly nuts. LOL. Nuts aside. It was pretty fun, the waiters were prolly really free and they kept looking in, some other customers kept peeping in, so we had to stop when they do that, it was friggin embarrassing. There was a CCTV surveillance cam inside the room, so we felt like we were constantly watched! Man, now I know what a goldfish feels like. LOL. At the begiining, we din know we were under surveillance. And we had difficulty with the remote control. Sharon even resorted to flinging the controller on the carpeted floor and pressing furiously at the buttons. I took over and started pointing the controller to the screen of the player while the my cousin asked fer help. When the waiter came in with drinks, was still pointing the goddamn controller to the screen, and he told us we were supposed to point it towards the sensor which was just above the monitor. God. It was so friggin embarrassing cuz we told him there was something really wrong with the controller. Aargh! I was walking ard the seats with my shoes on until I read the sign: You are under CCTV surveilance. God. We prolly look like a bunch of zoo animals gone loose or sumthin. LOL. Fun Fun Fun!Something cropped up halfway in Genting. My cousin's cousin Gary, a 22 year old got killed in a traffic accident in Singapore. My aunt was panicking and she was so freaked out she couldnt tell exactly where she was, so we had to go look for her. She was crying when we found her, and the adults were making dozens of calls back to Singapore. It was sheer chaos. My aunt broke down again when we received news that he didn't make it. It was really really saddening.After they sorta recovered, we managed to get back to our routine. The next day we walked around First World and had dinner at this reataurant called 'Hou Mei' which was delicious in cantonese. We ordered fish n chips, we waited for like 10 minutes then this waiter came along to tell us that it was sold out so we ordered the Hawaiin BBQ chicken chop and Sprite, by then our stomachs were alr roaring for food. Another half an hour gone by, and we were so f**king pissed off by then. And the waitress said the chicken chop takes a longer time. Well, fine but then there was no excuse why our Sprite hasn't arrived, right? Argh. And the freaking manager was nowhere in sight, he's prolly gone into hiding. So after 45 mins, food arrived! aargh. And there were 2 malay guys opp us. One of his friends was eating and he's still waiting for food. LOL. So we called him 'The Hungry Man', after we finished our food, we went to a boutique opp the restaurant and Hungry Man was still waiting fr food. LOL. After like an hour, we saw Hungry Man still looking famished. LOL. Hungry people UNITE! Man. We even joked that Hou Mei ( delicious in Cantonese should be called Hou Mei which means 'Is it ready' in cantonese). L-O-L, lol, wee-ird.the last day at Genting. We went down for more yoyo action. Hai...I'm gonna miss Mickey and Sharkman. LOL. We were going back at 2.30pm so we couldn't catch the prize-giving and closing ceremony. Aargh! We should have lived in First World hotel so we can see em'!!! LOL. After the final category comp, we went to 'Lok Lok' fer lunch. There was this malay uncle who was so friggin enthu and hilarious, he kept coming to talk to us and even wanted to treat us to teh tarik. LOL. Dun get me wrong, he's the manager there, he's really friendly and he's not like those lewd ah peks. LOL. And surprise surprise! The Jap yoyo players oso came here fer lunch. The owner of the shark jacket was there, he's really cute! LOL. He stood beside me during the comp and kept yelling 'Yeah' along with his friends, also yoyo players. They kept circling the makan area, and walked past us a gazalliontimes. And we were prolly too star struck or something, we totally forgot to take a video of em'! Aargh! Regret regret regrets! LOL. If only we had the guts and the cash, we'd have bought yoyos tt were on display and ask em' fer autographs and photographs! Aargh!!!! And finally...we had to say sayonara Genting. And we're still missing Mickey, Sharkman and owner of the shark jacket. LOL. We got the 16 seater bus home and this time the downhill journey was really tough on us, I almost puked. So I slept all the way downhill, while my mum was watching Anita Mui's concert and singing along to herself. LOL. She even had a go at the game Lion King and Mario. LOL. I watched Ray Charles concert and there was Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Usher, Norah Jones and other music legends. I watched the entire concert w/o once skipping. I watched Jay' concert, Robots, Mr Bean and played some games. LOL. And our dinner was a satay sandwich. It was yummylicious with peanut sauce! mama mia~ LOL. We finally touched down Singapore Tuas at around 12 am and got home at ard 1 plus in the morning. LOL. The first thing we did when we reached home was look for websites of Mickey! LOL.Ah..and so it wraps up our KL-Genting trip. I will miss these people : Darren and Anthony ( these lil monkey were always running around and stuff, and they called us Dan Xiao Gui cause of our 'performance' in the skating rink, and they taught us the ang moh version of the card game Go fish!) LOL, Joey( she's a pro at ice-skating!), Gigi and another kid whose name I forgot, Aunty Rosemary who's a hell lot of fun to be ard, Aunty Mei Leng( her warm smiles) and Mary EI wanna thank : my godma for this trip, mary E aunty fer her sweet treats esp 'gao luck' and popcorn. LOL.I will miss these people too: All the yoyo players esp those from Japan, like Mickey, Sharkman, owner of shark jacket. LOL. And the 'Lok Lok' uncle!And finally I wanna express my condolences to the family of Gary. May you rest in peace Gary.p.s: I'll post pics some time soon of our trip and the legendary Mickey who's the world yoyo champion in the single A category, and hopefully Sharkman and owner of the shark jacket. LOL.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
, 8:54 AM
There's something wrong with the tagboard. Leave msgs on my comment page for the time being.Thanks!Happy Holidays!
, 8:40 AM
19 Days to ChristmasOff on vacation!Tata people! Till then!
Monday, December 05, 2005
, 10:47 PM
Woke up at around 5 plus this morning. Main reason cuz' there was a re-enactment of World War 2 right outside my doorstep, literally. Well, seriously, it was raining cattle outside, and the sky was fury-red and impregnated with thousands and gallons of water. No bladder could have 'tahan' that much water, even one as vast as the sky. The main highlight was the thunder and lightning.
Thunder : sound Lightning: light
Thunder outside was just monstrous. Ever heard or read this phrase 'rolling thunderstorm'? Well, it did sound just like it, it kept roaring in ripples. As I sat there in bed, listening to that majestic roar( after every lightning), I realised it sounded in every 5 minute intervals. And it never fails to sound right after a bolt of lightning. Uber cool. LOL. But as the storm fades out, it got a lil more...let's say, retarded. Cuz' after a bolt of lightning, thunder sounded only after I counted to like 30?
This rain/storm should have come earlier, specifically yesterday. Cuz' I had a wager with me mum, I wagered that there would be rain before 7PM yesterday. $5 was at stake. LOL. Well, mum being mum, she was kind/generous enough to forget the $5. LOL. Shucks. That truimphant smile was easily worth more than $5. Right?
I hate it when it rains in the morning. Especially when we don't have school anymore. The thought of me mum stepping right outside a cold, dark morning, just kills me. I mean, here I am, all comfy, cozy and warm in bed, while she has to head for work on a rainy morning. Aargh, I feel like a total bummer/loafer/slacker/whateveryoumaycallit. Correction: I AM a bummer. Shucks. I gotta get a temp soon after my vacation, gotta shake up my rack of lazy bones a lil, lest they become fossilized while I'm asleep. Hey, hey, you never know, right?
Sympathies to the two little girls who were flung outta roller coaster( if I could distinctly remember, it was called Panasonic) at Escape Theme Park. It totally suck when you are there looking for a fun time during the school holidays and shit happens. Safety is still really of critical importance when you play stuff like that. Hmmm, guess Escape should learn about some safety measures from six Flags or something. Okay, before I start sounding like a preacher, I'd better stop, soon. LOL.
LOL. This entry sounds a lil bizarre and er, should I say irrelevant? LOL. Who cares, I'm awake in the 'wee hours of the morning' and I'm uber bored. Gimme a break, will ya?
LOL. 20 days to Christmas folks! LOL. I can hear Santa's sleigh bells already. Soon, very soon, a countdown to Christmas would be followed by countdown to 2006! Woohoo! 2006! World Cup season!
It's 5th Dec! NYJC's D&D, to people who'll be going, have a uber awesome time, yeah?
, 9:47 AM
Once again, we headed down to Bugis again. Went there for a lil shopping spree. Now that it's the holiday season and I'm finally studies-free, it kinda released the shopaholic in me. I bought a skirt and this short purple cardigan that's all the rage right now. I think it's called the bolero. Stupid me. We're leaving Singapore on Wednesday not Sunday. Guess I just can't wait for a lil vacation. LOL. And there's the Y.E.S. ( Year-end sale) in KL. *pops*Back to Bugis. The finale of the day was when my sis realised she lost her wallet. Hmmm, I guess it's a pickpocket. My guess was it happened when we were crossing the road. There's this lil road junction( platform) where we crossed over to Parco. That's what I'd call 'The Island'. On a busy Saturday, everybody was packed on 'The Island', amongst much shuffling and shoving. And my sis was spilling all her peanuts from her 'crispy min chiam kuey' all over my back. With two lines of people opposite one another waiting to cross the road, it looked like a scene from 'Gladiator' or 'The battle of Mordor' in Lord of the Rings. Heck. With a boiling sun beating down on us, it just wasn't fun. Did anybody faint on 'The Island' while waiting to cross the road? I wonder. Well, that would be the opportune moment to strike, if I'm a pickpocket. LOL. So many people squeezed on 'The Island' it was like a herd of animals getting to the watering hole opposite. Well, we couldn't find a police post nearby. And my mum was pretty pissed by then, and she kept repeating " See lar so careless. Told you to hold the bag like that, LIKE THAT( upon saying this, she attempted to do a lil demo on the CORRECT way to hold a bag to prevent being a victim of a pickpocket)." She repeated it over and over again, it pretty much sounded like a broken recorder of sorts. My sis was crying, and my cousin and I were looking at each other, sandwiched in between. We really looked like a motley crew, standing by the road, waiting for a cab to take us to the Yishun Police Post. Being in the Police Post was a pretty weird experience. So while my mum and sis were reporting their case to the policeman ( whom my cousin proclaimed was pretty hot), we watched TV, a SEA games table tennis match. We had to smile the whole time so that we wouldn't look like a bunch of juvenile criminals from the outside. There was some deco for Hari Raya I reckon, hmmm I guess they can spray some snowspray with 'Merry Christmas' on their glass panel. It would look really uber cool. LOL. For the next few mins or so, we entertained ourselves by watching this policeman playing with a funny-looking stray cat outside. Well, the eveyday life of a policeman. Snazzy.We went on to report loss of ATM card in a POSB branch. My mum reported it thru a phone outside. How cool is that. Now you have machines to do the job. LOL. Talk about mechanisation. Hmmm. But guess we'll have to go to the SIR building on Monday, cuz' one of the missing items was the access card( which works like an E-Z Link card at the causeway), and we were leaving on Wednesday.Hmm. It really was a helluva day for us. Guess it was pretty good training for stamina, especially when we're gonna work our calf muscles in the Y.E.S. sale in KL. Charge!!!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
, 7:53 AM
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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