Friday, September 30, 2005
, 4:01 PM
YEAHS~ finally repaired my blog today!! hahaz...cuz i was too lazy ta host pic n da bandwith was exceeded...hahaz...really glad it's up n about again...w0oho0...felt really shagged today..sh00ooo sLeepy esp durin econs lesson...stupid L@#$%$ made us walk ard da classroom ta perk us up..he's been wastin lotsa our time these dozed off today...'s rainin cows n donks today, juz da weather fer my fav past time: SLEEPING!!! haizz...but i'd feel guilty if i sleep..there's like onli 30 days to A's juz wad i need...more stress. shucks. hahaz..other than my huge mountain of notes..fer additional protection i'm headin fer bugis this weekend n i dun hafta 'ling shi bao fo jiao'...haiz. juz lookin at my room littered with notes...noTES and more NOTES makes me SICK. i'm 2/3 thru with 'teahouse', hope ta finish it by today n move on to da next stage: tang poems n song ci...difficulty level fer round 1 'teahouse': ***** difficulty level fer round 2 'tang poems n song ci': **** hahaz... honestly, i still cant believe tt i'm gonna sit fer my As in juz 30 days time...30 days!!! haizz...let's juz hope i'll use it well. YEAHS~ gonna watch ju-on2... scary baby...i like~ well then, fer now i'm gonna plonk my lazy bones on da bed n sleep away...
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
, 10:24 PM
<--------- FRIENDS!!! ^_*
, 9:56 PM
 i always believed tt i truly hate cats...they're schemin n devious, evil, lazy(hey we share da same characteristic!), disloyal..ry ta avoid them as and when it's possible...
but today 28th Sept 2005 it's as if i've an affinity with cats..along my way to dinner( with me sista) which was about 1km...there was this cat sittin on a window sill (those ground floor houses) n i din even noticed it/him/her/wadever...until my sis freaked out...arhahaz...when i turned to my left i was like starin at its whiskers...yepz we were tt close! bout inches tt certainly scared da hell outta me...
at da coffeeshop we settled down( my d*umb sis was playin 'strangers' game) n ate fishie n sis was lookin at da cat n tt certainly drew my attention to Mr/Mrs/Ms Cat no. 2 which/who was injured...there was a wound ard its neck area...and it really looked so darn pitiful...n fer da 1st time in me life i actually din haf da appetite or rather felt guilty bout eating (da greatest pastime in da WORLD) we decided ta give it some food...hahaz..i actually went all the way to scraping off a huge portion of skin(they contain too much oil...heard from someone/somewhere ttanimals ll drop more fur if they consume too much oil)..and wrapped the shredded( nicely shredded), white, flaky fish meat on a serviette n tar pao-ed...when we sis went to keep watch n pretended ta throw rubbish so tt da kopitiam pple wun shoo us away fer feedin stray cats...hahaz...i pretended ta tie me shoelaces (imaginary cuz i was wearing strapless sandals) n dropped it near Mr/Mrs?ms Cat no. 2..and we hurried away from da crime scene...we turned back ta look...and YIPPEEEEEEeeeeEEEEE!!!!! He/she/it was lappin it up so darn fast! feelin's indescribable...satisfaction, relief (tt at least it has sumthin ta eat, makes us feel less guilty) n sheer joy~ aaaahhhh...aft such a long time our man-cat enmity was finally resolved...well, come to tink about it...cats arent tt detestable....r they?
hahaz...thus, i can safely conclude tt i'd a freakin fab day today!!!! feelin so darn HAPPY!! i finally got ta watch AMAZIN RACE: FAMILY EDITION... n later at 11pm there's this movie " Hitler: rise of evil" a show i've been wantin ta watch den i'll go sneak an hrs nap n catch LIVERPOOL VS CHELSEA match...arhahaz...AWESOME!!! so i guess tml's gonna be a sleepin-in lessons Day fer me...hur hur hur~
wooHooOOooooo~ life's too phat!!! hahaz...see ya folks..till then, read this space....
, 4:04 PM
Stewpid, freakin, lazy me still refuses to study. Shucks. God!
thank you fer giving me a brain, but can ya plz oh puhlezzzeeee ACTIVATE it?
, 4:04 PM
 Stewpid, freakin, lazy me still refuses to study. Shucks. God! thank you fer giving me a brain, but can ya plz oh puhlezzzeeee ACTIVATE it? 
, 11:54 AM
Mammal Total Daily Sleep Time (in hours): Giraffe 1.9 Roe deer 3.09 Asiatic elephant 3.1 Pilot whale 5.3 Human 8.0 (not really accurate huh) Baboon 9.4 Domestic cat 12.5 Laboratory rat 13.0 Lion 13.5 Bats 19.9 hahaz...interesting huh? and bull frogs never sleeps at all...those poor lil critters...i've been shoooOOoo sleepy these days...haben recovered from post-holidays trauma yet. da sch was pretty desolated today, many pple ponned sch *looks up to see an imaginary Peiru, reGi n shirley wavin to me from home* there were no j1s ard...our 1st lesson was econs lect n it was even more obvious..n Bong Bong noticed tis downward trend in lecture attendance...he in really sound mad or anythin..guess it alwaes happens when we're nearin As.. jiale told me tt yest(when i was 'sick') lawrence was really sad cuz our class was da 2nd.............WORST in our prelim performance fer econs..haiz...he din even shout at them..juz b4 da bell rang he juz left quietly (or rather dejectedly). haiz...i heard onli 5pple passed in our class...imagine juz 5! (yes juz like da wonka's 5 golden tickets....really rare)...and da highest score in yu's class was a D...not a promisin sign with da As lurkin ard da corner...when we went fer econs lect lawrence was sittin alone in da far left-hand corner of our class row...initially we din wanna venture o'er tt 'depressed zone' but he really looked v pathetic/pitiful/ we moved o'er there...n we were like a seat away from we really felt too darn guilty ta even look at him in da face. anyways..din get any papers back today...hmmm still not confirmed with me GP results n dun even know who's had ma' econs paper...a lil apprehensive though...can i not have it back. Shucks. 
Woohoo~ caught amazing race direct off satellite...well...da later bit of it...n twas really sad n touchin when da Blacks family being eliminated...their sons were so freakin devastated n da host sounded like he couldn bear ta tell 'em...but twas really touchin..although they had major problems fixin tt dumb wooden house-with-wheels thingy the family din once give up..they pulled together( w/o even hollerin at each other's faces unlike da other groups) n worked things up...i tot the dad was really cool..his words were reaally touchin...aargh...they shuldn haf been eliminated! VS 
alritey! there's a Liverpool FC VS Chelsea FC tml mornin at 2.35am...woohoooOOOooo~ it's soccer galore again...aarrgghhhh absolutely loathe Chelsea...they're so darn wad if they bagged da 'good' players...hmph..let's see 'em go down tml! hahaz...go go LIVERPOOL!!! woohooooOOOoooo~ red + blue = turn chelsea's faces purple!! 
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
, 11:03 PM
haiz, today's a sad day fer me. my beloved watch was certified 'dead' at ard 8.07pm. was really happy n satisfied at first cuz i finally went ta buy stationery n some stuff from body shop...haiz but my sis accidentally swiped it off da table. really love this particular's served me well durin exams esp fer geog with it's world map clock face...swear i'll hunt fer 1 which is exactly da same...mum says bugis may be a possible place...hmm guess i maybe headin there this weekend...but i was really surprised tt i actually din throw my temper at me sis...even though she did piss me off by throwin a $10 bill on da table (aarrghhh, really regretted it..i shuld have pocketed it..hahaz...i'm not tt scrooge larz) n din even say sorry...mans it's not a matter of's da sentimental'e impt but other things matter even more...ihonestly, i was really pissed in da initial 5-10 secs then tt anger in me juz subsided...i mean wad's da point of losin my temper at her? wad's gone is gone...and it was purely an accident...there's simply no point in blowin things up...hmmm...guess i've mellowed over time...i'd haf killed her(literally) in the past....besides she's my onli baby sis..arhahaz...hey mich..if ya listenin..of cuz mum n i love ya...c'mon it'd be ridiculous ta say we dun aft livin fer bout16 yrs together, sharin clothes, bags n stuff rite? hahaz..luv ya lots...well den...gtg...sch
, 2:05 PM
got up tis morning with a rash ard my right eye area n decided ta give sch a miss. LOL..swear never ta larf at ru n call her "goldfish" n stuff when she has tt kinda rash EVER again. Wonder if we got back any papers today? ta mug now...readin 'teahouse' at da moment. sucks. *yawns*
Monday, September 26, 2005
, 11:04 PM
, 6:37 PM
'first' day of sch today. 3 more wks of sch n we're on our own. man the time table fer next wk's totally ridiculous...we gotta wait fer 4long hrs juz fer an hr's lesson? man...getta life. darn it. LOLx. was supposed ta log in fer an hr and i ended up here fer like wad 3hrs? supposed ta be mugging. man cant believe i actually killed myself in 'teahouse' n 'bloody chamber' AGAIN. when ll this curse be broken? to hell with prelims. God..i seriously need ta get myself pumpin fer As.
it's really tiring today..tink i'm sufferin from post-holiday trauma..feels like a jet lag. man totally washed out. tink i'll prob take a nap l8r n hit the books. God..i'll hafta clear out exam debris( rev notes) b4 i can even study. maybe a conducive environment ll help? cant imagine da pressure tml ll bring. those exam papers, dun even feel like gettin mine back. why does it matter anyway? i totally lost it tis time round. use cryin over spilt milk..gotta(can only) move on from here'll be a highway leadin up to detours no U-turns pia all da way....juz keep swimmin...hahaz...if someone could juz zapped da laziness outta me n pump in a sense of urgency...arhahaz...anywaes too drained ta go on any further...take care all fellow muggers...gotta pick my lazy bones up, take a deep breath, say f**kin goodbye to tt disaster in prelims n charge ahead...only this time i really mean it when i say way am i gonna waste hundreds of $$$ on a rotten piece of paper full of Elephants and Flamingoes...Ajia Ajia Fighte! -_+
Sunday, September 25, 2005
, 8:28 PM
shit.can't believe it, sch's starting tml. so soon. darn it.nvm, it'll be 3 more weeks of sch n tt's it, pia all the way fer As. wonder wad da atmosphere ll be like fer tml. cant imagine wad's written on my prelim paper, thank god there's no parents' day. phew~ well, this is it, haven got much energy to blog an extensive entry. guess aft tml when my results start flooding in, guess it'll start kicking in and i'll probably start ranting on my blog. arhahaz...
Saturday, September 24, 2005
, 8:45 PM
i still dun rmb how to study... -_-" haiz...maybe i shuld go consult my comic books.
Friday, September 23, 2005
, 1:56 PM
i forgot how to study.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
, 8:16 PM
Today's my final prelim paper. Human Geography to be exact. Really tired of moaning about how i messed up my prelims...hahaz...such things can't really be helped if i haf my laziness to blame. i finally got to read newspapers after about 2 weeks( thanks to the GP's affected).
On N.Korea... N.Korea finally agreed to surrender its nuclear weapons...wonder if we'll live to see the day when N.Koreans watch American shows, listen to MTV, eating at McDonald's or enjoying a cuppa at Starbucks... On this in a book(Thomas Stearns Eliot) T.S.Eliot, 1888–1965, American-British poet once said:" Humankind cannot bear very much reality." hmmm...think he'd gotta change this quote...i mean..juz turn on our telly these days...they're packed full of reality TV shows like Amazing Race, Survivor, The's pretty much reality with real people, real setting..well we PROBABLY don't bitch as much in reality...arhahaz...anyhow i really enjoy reality TV esp Amazing Race ( really looking forward to its new season's family edition) and fear factor...oh well i might as well include The Apprentice( my econs teacher has given rave reviews on it n has vehemently advertised it in claz..)On Last Day of Prelims...well...hahaz...i gotta moan bout's becoming a habit...when to school feeling really sleepy today, so my eyes were still pretty blurry..when i neared da school gate..i tot it was locked up...and surprise WAS locked!!!...well it wun be such a big deal had i reached school earlier..cuz by then it was ard 7.40am n we were supposed ta report in da hall 15 mins b4..god it would take me like 10++ mins ta take a detour n enter da front gate...but Lo and behold! alas the kind drinks stall auntie saved the day!! it so happened tt she was headin to sch fer work in skool too!!! boy, i'm beginning to believe in luck!
about 1hr35mins into da paper..i tot i'd check out wad pple were doing in the hall( cuz i could hear vividly from da left side of the hall where the prestigious(freaks) Further Maths students punching aggressively at the calculators)...besides a break 'd do me good since i was in a midst of a mental block...when i looked eyes literally rolled over and everything in the hall( incl. hall) was like spinning ard me..i actually panicked when it happened and i clutched at my table fer dear life( well i did it discretely so nobody'd notice) n hung on to it till da giddiness passed...ooh~ finally...i finished da paper...wad a ride it has been...n i've finally come to a conclusion: Exams( of any subject, size,shape, duration) are extremely detrimental to the well-being of one's mind, body and soul.Mr. Shanmugaratnam( i checked da MOE webby fer da correct spelling), guess it's time u scrap exams!!
i'll now come to a rather abrupt stop to today's entry and have a go at comp games then...oh yeah i got a new mouse today( shared $$$ with sis)....well, tt's all folks! till then...take care peepz..spray any sorta hong you ( chi medicated oil) or insect repellent b4 ya head out esp to da dengue hotspots n take cover immediately ya hear buzzing sounds yeah...
Monday, September 19, 2005
, 9:28 PM
hmmm...wonder if everyone's staring up into da night sky, illuminated by an unusually huge, round and bright moon...still rmb the first time when i heard the story of Chang-E, Jade Rabbit and er...fergot da name of tt woodcutter..i was onli pri2 then...from the day our teacher shared wif us tt story, i'd alwaes stare at da moon, not wanting to blink...hahaz..i actually thought i could catch a glimpse of Chang-E or even cuter...the Jade Rabbit. Years passed and as i grew up...i no longer believed in tt story, our sci textbooks would tell us tt there're a whole bunch of craters, Neil Armstrong's footprint and prob America's flag up in the moon, no Chang-E or bunnies were ever sighted...skepticism it seems comes with age...
For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible. - John & Lyn St Clair, ‘Eyes of the Beholder’
back in the past, i used to anticipate this very day, where daddy n mummy would bring us to the nearby shop to buy lanterns( mum would bargain furiously over price of a $2 lantern n dad would would shake his head in disbelief)..could still remember there were the translucent plastic ones, paper ones and da musical ones tt we see so often these days( battery not included)...mum would buy pomelos, little piglet-shaped mooncakes in lil pink/yellow baskets, horn-shaped yams..and dad n mum would bring us to the park ta parade our lanterns...along the way you could see many families having fun together...their faces soaked in a very warm n cosy orangey glow from candles...evrything seemed magical( and orange)...back in those days we would go to the void deck( in Pasir Ris old home) and play with a pack of "pop pops" this white lil teardrop shaped stuff tt you throw on the floor n go POP!, well of course it has now been made illegal...( wonder wad stupid accidents can a harmless lil toy cause??)...some would throw sparklers into the trees...those not so adventurous ones would juz swing these magical ( yet short lived) wands ard...sparklers are really's like mini fireworks ( and so cheap!!!)...
but as we grew older...our lantern holding, mooncake feasting, tradition-upholding celebration gave way to a less conventional my family and relatives organized a pot luck at my aunt's place at Punggol..there was baby asparagus wrapped in bacon, japanese breaded teriyaki chicken, chicken curry, chocolate fondue, konnyaku jelly...and yes we ate mooncakes, but it was juz take-go-eat and tt's it...everybody'd be back to their mahjong, black jack( man i did win a hand at it), tele watching. No pomeloes. No horn-shaped yams. Not even a blade of tea leaf in sight.
along the way we even celebrated my uncle's 51st birthday, i heard it was his 1st ever cake-blowing birthday. by 7pm...many of my cousins would have either burned a hole in their pockets or earn a bag full of coins( at mahjong and black jack)...we tuned into the liverpool and man u match...and yes we even gambled on that...we betted on total goals...nobody betted on a goalless draw so everyone got back their $1 bets...well, as i'm da onli liverpool fan( finally rallied fer support from my cousin n aunt)..i was "ostracised" by man u fans...i'd lost count of the no. of times i heard:" Liverpool sure lose one lar..."
when we finally went home...we could still see many pple at this lil park playing with lanterns, burning up dried leaves( and wadever rubbish they could find in clean and green singapore...) . but most if not all of them were children...
yes, indeed it was fun...but something seems lacking these nostalgic and sentimental feel, tt child like innocence and pure fun...and on this night, i couldn help but reminisce our childhood days...will lanterns ever lose its place in modern Singapore? Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: you find the present tense, but the past perfect! ~Owens Lee Pomeroy
Saturday, September 17, 2005
, 11:45 PM
i'm so dying to read tons of books ( do excl. textbooks, notes n all sorts of reference books, news like body parts murder, natural disasters,terrorism...any more of these n i'm gonna puke words n melancholy all over da place)'s like when ya've been constantly fed wif healthy( read boring/bland food) food...ya'd yearn fer junk food(those high in calories n wif each bite ya take ya're a nail closer to sealin ya coffin)...aft readin so much notes, facts,figures, numbers...all things reality...really wanna kick back and read somethin fictional...somethin tt can tug at my almost dormant imagination...b4 all my imagination n enthusiasm r zapped away n turned into a robot programmed ta study mindlessly....'s da way it is...we spent most of our lives pursuing stuff tt we might not even love at da 1st's juz tt everybody is chasin aft da same stuff like money, popularity n status...we lose ourselves in da process...n ferget da lil things tt used ta make us happy...n after all these yrs..when ya look back ya life's resume...ya'd go"what da heck? tis isn't wad i reali want"..n we'd be like old, wrinkly n feeble by then...hahaz...but as students in spore...guess we cant really break outta da pack n go after our dreams as n when we shiny laminated piece of cert (in my opinion it's like a well-packaged lie tt doesnt reaaly represent our true potentail) is da key to our future( how cliche)'s like da safest route ard...n in case if we pursue our interests in future n fail ta achieve'll be our safety buoy at does tt alleviate all our senseless n endless muggin...well not really...but it's a reminder to all of us when we start ta lament wad all these are for...
in da meantime it's back to our daily routine n engage in our arduous task of conquerin tt mountain of notes sittin in a corner of our rooms( n fer some of'll prob be caked with dust)....well...if it does any least we're not alone in this paper race...arhahaz...
lastly:Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. take care folks!
, 12:03 PM econ paper was a total disaster...feel like i'm writin what i think...dunno if i got my econ concepts rite...hahaz...oh wadever..haiz...the stupidest thing was i actually wrote down some chocolate flavors tt mars, hersheys' and nestle waere offerin illustrate the concept of product differentiation..hahaz...shold haf added a diagram of the choco bar man...hmmm..wonder if tt'll earn me some brownie points?? hahaz...
hate da fact tt we gotta sit fer our papers at 2 or 2.30pm...i mean half of our brains( left/right) would haf been fried long b4 we reached skool lorz..g0sh...there's still econs and geog ta go...tml still gotta go celebrate mooncake festival...hmmm...tink i prob wun haf da time ta mug fer my goeg le ba...
haiz...i've spent like 12yrs chasing after a pretty laminated piece of paper..and i'd nevr imagine tt tt piece of paper would be key to my future...hahaz..
but well tt's use moaning over it..hahaz...jux hafta go with da flow...juz like all da other millions of s' abt rat race...arhahaz...
Friday, September 16, 2005
, 7:33 PM
hahaz...everybody listen up!!! it's alliiiiivvvveee!!!!! i mean my blog...i've applied fer net le so i can blog consistently le...this ish absolutely great news!!!! wooh~ gotta cool down 1st...arhahaz...i think i've made a mess outta my prelims...but dun worry i'll buck up fer A levels de...hopefully....i'm too excited ta say anything now...hahaz...but when i do.......i do...hahaz...till then tune in folks!
, 7:33 PM
hahaz...everybody listen up!!! it's alliiiiivvvveee!!!!! i mean my blog...i've applied fer net le so i can blog consistently le...this ish absolutely great news!!!!wooh~ gotta cool down 1st...arhahaz...i think i've made a mess outta my prelims...but dun worry i'll buck up fer A levels de...hopefully....i'm too excited ta say anything now...hahaz...but when i do.......i do...hahaz...till then tune in folks!
☆ About~
I don't like wearing socks
I can do a Big Mac upsized
I <3 pasar malam food
I <3 random stuff
I am younger than Dongdong
I <3 Liverpool FC
I get hungry easily
I <3 biking
I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
I <3 蕭 敬 騰
I <3 T.I.
I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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