Thursday, March 31, 2005
, 9:41 AM
hahaz...elloz peepz...i'm 1st blog aft so long...hahaz...finally gonna get a new color camera phone...hahaz....but it's still $0 larz...think it's gonna be a sony ericcson de...hahaz...but now got sibling rivalry coz of sis is a lil jealous larz tt's why this couple of days alwes throw tantrums...but her phone is LG fliplorz..much much much bteer than mine....hahaz...allow me to be noble...hahaz...but i'd rather sacrifice the phone rather than let it ruin our sistaly LuuuuRRRvrreee...hahaz...ok...come back to reality now...i'd still go fer tha phone..but in the meantime..will try ta coax her larz...she's still my baby sis( a HuuuuUUUGGgge one at that)...hahaz...and i still LOVE her(3.2.1.....aaaaaaawwww)...hahaz...i mean i really do mich if ya readin this i really mean wad i say..but it sounds kinda sappy comin out from my mouth...hahaz...but she'll soon recover being a strong gal as she mum and i coaxed her yest by draggin her to da pasar malam against her will and i treated her to lotsa food....god...cant believe i spend a whoppin $5...hahaz...go figure... watched amazin race yest...hahaz...quite nice...hmmm...may consider gettin addicted to it..hahaz...american idol this yr got lotsa raw talents this yr...though their image arent that easily marketable at da moment...hahaz...but yeah...guess they'll be polished to real gems...hahaz...someday i guess...still totally adore simon though...hahaz...he's da cutest!!! randy( ooh ooh ooh *think gorillaz) hahaz...alwaes act hip hop...hahaz...but guess he's still a nice guy....hahaz...paula...def dun look her age...realli loe constantine...hahaz...scott stands out to me somehow...hahaz...anwar...fab talent though cant get used to his singing tone somtimes....hahaz... juz ate a gigantic sandwich juz got lotsa gas...hahaz...rotten da thursday...longest day of da week...hahaz....april totally sucks to the core mans...but poly havin da time of their lives now...hahaz..april no hols AT's da gah-men doin? hahaz...thanks Mr. Shanmugaratnam(no..this isnt a new word found in the oxford dictionary fer indian food...) "teach less, learn more" guess he forgot to add MORE HOMEWORK...ratio of time to homework=1:365.... at da moment...still quite tensed...coz we're receivin all our papers this week...oh god my math is like.....oh god...cant stop myself from goin bonkers juz thinkin of it...hahaz...dun dare ta tell my mum mans....and my A levels paper costs a whoppin $425...oh man...$425 fer a uncertain one at that...hahaz...well it's quite worth it...but why cant the papers take the budget airlines like all of us do? hahaz...cant believe i paid big bucks fer a stack of papers ta sit comfortably(uncertain...fer all we may go missin n they juz give ya a C...believe's happened)....hahaz... it's like bbbbrrrrrrrr-ly cold in here...while earth on da whole is heatin up....hahaz...such irony global $$$ ta get a nice and presentable enuff pressie fer kaiwei le...hmm...guess da onli sol'n left would be a d.i.y gift...hahaz...hmmm...a card would be nice...hahaz...i'm good with my fingers(i hope...)...hahaz... safe everyone...hahaz...look out da world out's been really crazy fer da past yrs. EQs, tsunami and yar...take care everybody..peace out!!! (/\_______/\)
Friday, March 25, 2005
, 9:49 PM
hahaz...happy good friday to juz slacked at me aunt's place with me mum n dad went m' shiok...left da 2 of us alone...hope me mum'll rem ta bring back chewin gum...hahaz...yum yum... spent one whole day playin PS2...hahaz...finally completed chaos legion...da graphics really fantabulous man....but my eyes got a lil blurry from all that monsterr comes MEL da monster slyer...kick butt...hahaz....den winnin eleven wendetta...hahaz....played with me cousin and his fren horz...people play as saudi arabia...i played as brazil oso can lose's fate... hahaz...tml still goin ta orchard....dunno do wad lehz....supposed ta go today de larz...yawns* so sleepy...haha....later go find a new gme to play...hmmm...or watch vcd? hahaz....mans...i'm enjoyin life no mnz....if they can juz put a microchip in my brain or let me drink some herbal tea ta make me nice...invent this kinda stuff even better thn cloning comes Rose!!! my cousin's maid...she's like not a maid to us...but more of family...she's been ard since i can rmb...hahaz...she ROCKS!!!! we're watchin tv together now...hahz....she even knows lotsa chinese...can tok to her abt anythin under da sun... ears got some crusty stuff ard da ears are rottin!!!! arhz...will updte bt my ear's health soon k...hahaz....
Thursday, March 24, 2005
, 11:42 PM
hahaz...y0z i'm FREEEEEeeEEEEeeeeeEEE!!!!! W0oH0O!!!! no more freakin tests much free time...oh shit what shuld i do?? hahaz....muz hav fun while i can man...had dinner today at HDB hub...hahaz...da food n company n atmosphere was totally AWESOME...didnt laugh so freely fe quite some time le...coz of da tests really quite stressed up...hahz....totaly rcommend da western food stll and chips fer $3.50!!! shoooo damn cheap lorz...where els can y get such a cheap offer? HDB hub!!! hahaz...pork chop fer $3 but onli got 3 thin n patheic slices....hahaz... ahhh....listenin to p10 now...savage garden's"i wanna stand with ya on the mountain..." this moment..i truly think life is ta do things ya realy like...minus da is short so we really shuldn let it go to things tt we re hapy with...even if da world may be against you...aha....theere...the master had spoken hhaz.. SY...good luck fer ya upcomin exams k..hahaz...fang xin ya got my good luck+200%support+20%of ya IQ=totally awesome can relax le ba.... k den...see ya's been a really long tme....really missed ya lot!!!
Sunday, March 20, 2005
, 6:38 PM
DJ MeL in da house...HELLO to all marketeers and muggers(tink blk test)....hahaz...reportin live from my aunt's house on a unknown...hahaz....i've lost touch with reality long ago..'s juz a freakin blk's juz a freakin blk test...been tellin myself that since the hols started....haiz....started pia-ing from wed far i've abt 20% confidence's sunday...the eve of dooms day fer me mans....hmmm....lemme check my checklist so far...hmmm...ok i've read my xiao shuos...hmmm...ok poems mid-way...hmm still haven got my fingerprints on bloody chamber yet though...hmmm...but if i zone out today and cant burn the midnight oil then i guess my bloody chamber rev hafta be done durin the interval aft abt 'huggin buddha's leg at da last hr'...this week had been crazy fer me...when ya haf fun i still got tis nigglin feelin at da back of my mind on the exams...but when i start studyin..within 45mins..i'll most prob turn on tt darn TV( i swear i saw it callin out fer me to put my fat greasy finger on the power button n turn it on!!!)...otherwise i'll most prob be tourin my house in search of wadever food( i mean da edible ones...those discarded by rodents/roaches not accepted) i can lay my sweaty palms on..... hahaz...anyway watched spongebob movie on thurs or was it a fri? oh totally rox!!!!!! hahaz...been larfin thruout da movie....even da kopitiam-ah pek ah pek larfed his socks off man...hahaz....lotsa funny songs in there...wonder if it's available fer dl...hahaz....esp da one on goofy goobers...really anyone with spare cash n still wonderin how ta get rid of it....and anyone who is a child at heart do go catch tis movie...hahaz...but be prepared ta face any cryin babies n rowdy kids...hahaz...oh yeah and ya'll prob be one of the minority teens in be prepared ta stick out like a sore thumb...hahaz....k den...see ya peeps ard all NY muggers.....:" STAY ALIVE!!! AND WE'LL SURVIVE!!!" hahaz...tat's da NY spitrit!!! haiz...feel like a half zombie now...hahaz....
Friday, March 04, 2005
, 11:36 AM
Thursday, March 03, 2005
, 9:03 AM
3rd March 2005 deejay Melissa reportin Live from NYJC...hahaz...havin 1and a 1/2 hrs joke's THAT time of the month...when ya havin "blood dialysis"...hahaz...donatin blood to nowhere...hahaz...really disastrous lorz...havin constant stomach cramps...feel a bit down( coz of the stomach cramps) the haze alwaes havin dry and 'smoky' eyes...cant concentrate and den will succumb to the zZz monsta...hahaz...haiz...this time of the month really sucks man... o0pz...bad news...later 6.30pm still gotta go fer our chinese drama 《白云岗》performance, hahaz...being such a huge diva...ya think i'm da lead actress ritez...but guess wad!!!!! i'm da even more impt n significant USHER!!!!! hahaz...yepz the one who shows people 'the way'(*looks in a faraway n dreamy gaze)...hahaz...not da popstar larz...da most ridiculous thing is that we need to go fer an usher test lorz...hahaz....test us on showin peeps the way...start at 6.30pm lehz!!! think i'll have excess loss of blood lorz....hahaz...think i'm gonna look really pale....den...den i'll faint...and...hahaz...the rest as they all say is history...
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
, 10:56 AM
hahaz....welcome folks...reportin Live from HQ NYJC....hahaz....there's a downpour finally in spore this mornin...hahaz....those trees in my carpark looks set to collapse anythin soon le lorz...hahaz....wanna guess what's our theme fer this yr's dinner and dance? there's 3 choices: glamour, friendster and the link....duh? what's with friendster n the link? dress up as friends? hahaz....and costs $70( hilton hotel), $80( holiday inn, grand hyatt)...hahaz...of coz i chose the cheaper one...hahaz...but dunno to go or not lehz...hahaz...den the theme not interestin one..hahaz...but if i go i MUST get a new outfit midnight cab fare...wah'll cost a bomb go or not to go...that is the question....
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I <3 drift skating
I <3 things cheap 'n' good, oh yeah
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I <3 Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen
I <3 the Twilight Saga
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