Friday, February 25, 2005
, 8:56 AM
hahaz...cant believe it...had geog lesson juz brains( fer da benefit of ya guys mr brains is a pet name given to our geog teacher....hahaz...) gave us a block of plasticine each...and told us to mold it into blocks of was definitely an awesome fun...hahaz...and see mr brains fussin over our "landforms"....hahaz...brings back da childhood memories when we played play-dough when we were pre-schoolers...hahaz...would definitely want such a lesson agian....creative thinkin in action...hahaz.... ah....finally watched the entire series of da korean drama serial "Full House" by Rain, Song Hui Qiao(hahaz....guess tis is not pretty accuate), dat evil gal in kai lang shao nu and another guy dunno-wadshis name....hahaz....really really really nice man....gonna buy it soon so dun hafta borrow from my couzane...hahaz....everybody!!!! GO GRAB IT NOW!!! hahaz...rain's SoOOOOoo cute man...hahaz...even picked up some korean from da show..hahaz...know how ta sing 3little bears in korean le...hahaz...hmmm...muz watch it all over again...hahaz...guess wad even my pop n mum got hooked on it...mum's crazy over Rain( my god...ahem hahaz..) and even asked me he got cut albums or not..hahaz...i lied to her and said No or she'll engage in a crazy shoppin spree on his albums man... haiz...later got shitty chi test...3.15pm to math test sucked big time yesterday...why cant i be a lil smarter...hahaz...but guess wad? this is life...hahaz....i'll accept fate in denial...hahaz...
, 8:45 AM
i was pia-ing my chinese test yeasterday night...suddenly had severe hungry pangs although i already had huge bowl of rice earlier i reached fer that prominent pile of left over new yr goodies on da table...aha! pineapple tarts...i reached my flabby hand into da gong( 4th sound in hanyu pin ying)....there it innocent lookin tart...topped off with a huge mass of horrendous lookin pineapple mass....eew!! i gouged it out with my mouth and dropped it back into da gong....several minutes later, my mum came along and was shocked to realise that da gong was now filled with sticky gobs of pineapple chunks...and yes...WITHOUT da now i'm barred from all da new yr goodies on da table...hahaz....haiz...why cant my mun understand...da tart tastes so much better than da did i eat pineapple tart of tart since there's no pineapple? go figure...hahaz....
, 8:45 AM
i was pia-ing my chinese test yeasterday night...suddenly had severe hungry pangs although i already had huge bowl of rice earlier i reached fer that prominent pile of new yr goodies on da table...aha! pineapple tarts...i reached my flabby hand into da gong( 4th sound in hanyu pin ying)....there it innocent lookin tart...topped off with a huge mass of horrendous lookin pineapple mass....eew!! i gouged it out with my mouth and dropped it back into da gong....several minutes later, my mum came along and was shocked to realise that da gong was now filled with sticky gobs of pineapple chunks...and yes...WITHOUT da now i'm barred from all da new yr goodies on da table...hahaz....haiz...why cant my mun understand...da tart tastes so much better than da did i eat pineapple tart of tart since there's no pineapple? go figure...hahaz....
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
, 9:55 AM
hahaz...y0z dudes and dudettes in da house!!! hahaz....i have 2 tests this week lorz...haiz math 4 chapters....haiz...and a chi test...hahaz...cant even finish my hw le....still pile up all this crap on plz send me ya sympathies horx....hahaz....nexy wk still got math assignments suck so far lorz...hahaz...hai...but it's not cuz i'm a 'ben xiao hai' ( read stupid kid)...hahaz....but coz of time constraints and lack of luck....hahaz.... tis moment in time...poor me is goin fer my math lect le...hahaz...yoz siah gd luck fer ya may not be a reserve lorz..hahaz...once a pessimist alwaes a pessimist!! hahaz...k larz...see ya...
Monday, February 07, 2005
, 10:02 AM
hahaz...i cut my hair yesterday....haiz...actually it was quite nice de...then the auntie came back fer a 2nd look den she decided ta give it another snip....and to my horror!!!! i beecame a boy!!! hahaz...if i come back on tues dun laugh at me horz....esp siah seng p*rk...hahaz....ya sure say ugly de den laugh into my i gotta tink twice bout goin back to zhss...hahaz...
on saturday rite....i went to bustlin chinatown to bask in da cny atmosphere...hahaz...and we came across a man donnin cai shen ye costume...hahaz...hat n all...and all da ang moh tourists were takin pictures and evertythin....den suddenly a little gal ran up to him...pointed at him in da face abd shouted:" ni pian ren de!!!" hahaz...and dat poor guy looked really annoyed at her and shook his head disapprovinly at her but at the same time he had to qiang xiao at the tourists....hahaz....poor thing man.....
oh shit...econs lect le...ciao peeps....HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!
Friday, February 04, 2005
, 11:27 AM
In the middle ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.
Some people used to believe that if a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentine's Day, it meant that she would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, she would marry a millionaire.
Think of five or six names of boys and girls you might marry. As you twist the stem of an apple, recite the names until the stem comes off. You will marry the person whose name you were saying when the stem fell off.
In Wales, wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on February 14. Hearts, keys, and keyholes were favorite decorations on the spoons. The decoration meant "You unlock my heart."
A love seat is a wide chair. It was first made to seat one woman and her wide dress. Later, the love seat, or courting seat had two sections, often in an S-shape. In this way a couple could sit together - but not too closely!
Historians claim that the first valentine was a poem sent in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London at the time.
In the United States, Miss Esther Howland is given credit for sending the first Valentine's Day cards. Commercial valentines were introduced in the 1880's and now the date is very commercialized.
Richard Cadbury invented the first Valentine's Day candy box in the late 1800's.
In Japan St. Valentine's Day is a day when women give the special men in their lives boxes of chocolate. To balance the practice, White Day was invented by the confectionary industry for men to reciprocate such gifts. White Day, celebrated one month later on March 14, is purely a Japanese creation.
Second only to Christmas, Valentine's Day brings out the card-giver in people, with an average of 1.01 billion cards purchased every year.
In the United States 64 percent of men do not make plans in advance for a romantic Valentine's Day with their sweethearts.
The Chocolate Manufacturer's Association of America says that 36 million boxes of chocolate are sold for valentine's Day. Valentine's Day means chocolate and lots of it. According to U.S. candy manufacturers, Americans spend more than $1,105 million each Valentine's Day on candy.
hahaz..believe it or about final conclusion...LOVE is a worthy investment...hahaz..
Thursday, February 03, 2005
, 12:43 PM
2nd Feb...sch ended at ard 3 plus...i was practically tryin ta keep awake thruout da whole ya could imagine how esctastic i was when i finally reached home( considerin my whole bus journey incl. walkin was ard 1 hr)....hahaz..anyway i bathed...den sent an sms ta my bud( not butt!!!) shing yeen...ate some porridge then finally sat myself down in front of da mountain of hw that lay b4 my horror!!!! i founs sumthin black movin quickly across da other coffee table....i quickly grabbed a roll of newspaper( pardon's natural reflexes) and tread carefully towards was da spider!!! i wanted to slam my newspaper o it...but it leapt onto da bowl of oranges...can ya imagine???? it could LEAP!!! so i spent da whole day starin at da spider...spyin its every move from behind da shen tai( da bai guan yin one)....
2 hrs later...i finally brushed up enuff courage and came up with a strategy...1) i would throw a ile of newspaper on it ta get it off balance 2) as it scrambles on the floor i'll use another pile of newspaper ta whack it....hmmm....a brilliant plan from a brilliant person ya may think...hahaz..
and so...after2 n a 1/2 hrs of spyin, plannin not forgettin screamin...i finally defeated da itsy-bitsy how big was da spidey ya may ask?'s ard's HUGE considerin how petite i bud SY will beg to agree to this point...hahaz....isnt it so SY??? hahaz...
, 12:26 PM
hahaz...haiz sianz...still in sch...hahaz...yesterday night my tv crashed on me...the sound was really weird lorz...keep hearin tv until i feel so stressed..coz ya;ll be guessin n waiting fer da next moment the tv crackles again...hahaz....haiz...but funny thing's PERFECTLY alrite when i watch to all da mechanics out there a solution to my headache? hahaz....plz help yeah...if ya can larz...hahaz....coz i cant imagine a world w/o tv man...can you? hahaz..... u won 4-2 against poor liverpool.....dunno wads the spanish coach benitez's tryin to do to my fav club man...dat poor man keeps buyin spanish players but dunno wad to do abt them..xcept put them on da bout management skills man...hahaz...but liv fc will definitely make it thru next season de...hahaz...
hey shing yeen so how was ya jap test?'s beta than takin chi lorz...ya very lucky le lorz...hahaz...wah...wad happened to ya...ya let ya tkd seniors abuse many bruises...tryin ta get into da guiness book of word records fer most patches of bruises on a single body issit? hahaz....take care dudex....hmmm....ya were wonderin why ya kick air still will have bruises rite? very intelligent guess is due to AIR PRESSURE...hahaz...believe it or not...
CNY comin le lehz...hahaz...yeah!!! think i'm gonna pon on tuesday( since it's half-day) and on friday ( since i'll most probably be recoverin from post-CNY syndrome....hahaz...thanks to all da ba gua n stuff?) hahaz....but CNY eve i'll be spendin my shou shui nite at OCC( orchid country club) ba....bowlin while we countdown.....hahaz...come to think bout TV spoil am i gonna watch all da mab tv programmes huh? hahaz.... da stupid LEP room now....hahaz...hmmm...lemme see....o yar!!! read on...hahaz....
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
, 10:58 AM to link pple de???
, 10:29 AM
y0z peeps...reportin to ya LIVE from my HQ---NYJC...hahaz...yepz...still in sch...juz finished my PE...hahaz...not much news lately larz..but today our principal announced sumthin quite HOT and excitin de in NYJC standards larx of coz...hahaz...a member of the very concerned public...LOL..wrote in ta tell our very paranoid n traditional principal that he saw a couple wearin our uniform behavin intimately on the was really crowded on the bus n when the bus jerked he saw the NY guy poke the NY's gal's breasts lorz...and it's on purpose de...then they proceed to show their affection towards each other to the whole worl by huggin each other....n when they finally sat down...all hell broke loose..and the guy slept on the gal's lap....hahaz...and this eyewitness account shld be bout 80% accurate considerin the fact that the eyewitness was sittin right behind them when all this hanky-panky occured...hahaz...
so how...quite jin bao ritez...hahaz... couldnt believe it at 1st coz this is NYJC we're tokin about lorz...tot they shld be conservative n stuff rite...hahaz...btw...this eyewitness was really worried as he thinks it's very bad influence on his kids...hahaz...but deep down...i guess he muz be enjoyin wad he saw lorz...hahaz....kiddin now everyone in sch is speculatin who's this infamous n bold NY couple....hahaz....haiz...somebody actually complained...though i too think it's a lil bold larz..hahaz...but wad ever happened to spreadin da luuurrrrvvveee? hahaz...all i can say to them is....hey guys v day's juz ard the corner...wadever passion or hanky-panky ya have in it till tt special occasion..hahaz...
p.s: hey any of ya guys knows hot ta link pple? hahaz...plz enlighten this moron sittin in front of her comp...hahaz ...thanks matex...
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